YX_7_9_12_r.JPG The Oath of the Scavengers. Ye shall swear, that ye shall diligently o- versee that the Pavements within your Ward be well and sufficiently repaired, and not made too high in noysance of your Neighbours; And that the Ways, Streets and Lanes, be cleansed of Dung, and all manner of Filth, for the honesty of this City: And that all the Chimnies and Furnaces be of Stone or Brick, sufficiently and defensive- ly made against peril of Fire. And if ye find any the contrary, ye shall shew it to the Al- derman of your Ward, so that the Alderman may ordain for the amendment thereof. And thus ye shall do, as God you help. God save the King. Printed by Samuel Roycroft, Printer to the Honourable City of LONDON. YX_7_9_12_v.JPG [???] Ward Sr. Peter Davidepat in Basnighall Street Mr. John Hall Dept