I:01 - Typus Collegii, All Souls College
Typus collegii onmia animarum in Academi Oxoniensi popularitr appellati Alsolne colledge. Quod Henricus Chichley Archiepiscopus Cantuariensis anno regni regis Henrici Sexti xvjto ex quadrato lapide accuratissime media fere urbe construxit. In coq custode presbyterum cum collegiatis Sociis partim Theologie ad numerum xxiiijor partim iuri cwili ad xvj operam nanantibus, adiunctis viginti alijs omnis generis administris cum fatis amplo moderate viuentibus redditu addei gloriam atq ecclesiae propagationem munificentillime constituit. Anno salutis humanae MCCCCxxxviij.
Oxfordshire -- Oxford -- Typus Collegii, All Souls CollegeI:02 - Padbury, Bucks.
Thomas Clerke (1591)The description of the Lordshippe or mannor of Padburye in the Countye of Buckingham as the same doth lye within the metes and boundes thereof beinge parcell of the possessio of the warden and Colledge of the Soules of all faithefull people deceased of Oxon drawne and measured by the measure of xvj foote and an halfe to the pole and accordinge to the proportion of fortie pole to an ynche by Thomas Clerke of Stamforde St Martines in the Countye of Northton, gent in the moneth of September in the yeare of the taigne of our soueraigne ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of England fraunce and Ireland Queene defender of the faith &c xxxiijo. D. Housenden then warden. 1591. // The names of the Iurors by whose othes and information the plott was take: Thomas Carter, Thomas Buntes, Robert Coley, Willm Merrye, Thomas Spratley Senr., Iohn Swannell, Richarde Abbott, Edwarde Sprignall, Thomas George, George Budde, Robte Scotte, Thomas Cockes
Buckinghamshire -- Padbury -- Padbury, Bucks.I:03 - Maids Morton, Bucks. General Map
Thomas Langdon (1595)The description of the towne and fieldes of Maides Moreton in the countye of Buckingham wherein the warden and college of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon hath A manor called Greenehams and diverse other tenemts whereunto are belonging many pcells of arable lande meadow pasture and lea ground and whereof whatsoeuer in this description is written wth redd letters is parcell made in February Ano dni 1595 Ano Elizabethe &c xxxviijo by Thomas Langdon.
Buckinghamshire -- Maids Morton -- Maids Morton, Bucks. General MapI:04 - Maids Morton: NW section
Thomas Langdon (1596)The description of parte of Chattell field in Maides Moreton in the countie of Buckingham togeather wth diverse other landes unto the same fielde nere adioyning wherein whatsoeuer is written wth redd letters is belonginge unto the warden and college of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased in Oxon and are nowe in the occupacon of Iohn Harris or his assignes tenaute unto the said college drawne and made in February Ano dni MDLxxxxvj Ano Rne ELizabethe &c xxxviijo. Robte Houeden doctor in diuinitie then warden measured at xvj foote dj to the pole and drawne after the proportion of xij pole to an inche by Thomas Langdon
Buckinghamshire -- Maids Morton -- Maids Morton: NW sectionI:05 - Maids Morton: SW section
Thomas Langdon (1596)The description of parte of Chattell field in Maides Moreton in the countie of Buckingham wherein whatsoeuer landes are written with redd letters doe belonge unto the warden and College of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon made in februarye Anno dni MDlxxxxvj Anno Elizabethe &c xxxviijo. Robte Houeden doctor in diuinity then warden. drawne after the measure of xvj foote dj to the perche and accordinge to the proportion of twelue perches to an ynche by Thomas Langdon. All whiche parcells of arrable lande lea and meadowe are in the tenure and occupation of Iohn Harris or his assignes farmor unto the said warden and College.
Buckinghamshire -- Maids Morton -- Maids Morton: SW sectionI:06 - Maids Morton: S section
Thomas Langdon (1595)The description of certeine parcelles of arable and lea grounde lieinge abroade in diverse furlonges of the fielde called Hollowaye fielde in the parishe of Maides Moreton in the countie of Buckingham beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and college of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon drawne and made in the moneth of February Ano dni 1595 Ano Eliz. Rne nunc &c xxxviijo Robte Houeden doctor in divinitie then beinge warden. wherein whatsoeuer is written wth redd letters doth apperteine unto the warden and college aforesaid. Measured at xvj foote and an halfe to the pole and drawne accordinge to the proporcion of xij pearches to an ynche by Thomas Langdon. Note that in the meadow called Buckforde meade there is belonginge unto the saide warden and Colledge iiij lottes whereof one conteineth ijo poles in bredth and the other three doe conteine euery of them halfe a pole and euerye of those pole conteininge xvj foote. And also one other parcell on the northeaste parte of the same meadowe called A residue and it conteyneth by estimacion 1ro xxx P. but differeth as the measurers of the meadow differ yearely in their measurmts.
Buckinghamshire -- Maids Morton -- Maids Morton: S sectionI:07 - Maids Morton: NE section
(1595)The description of the mannor of Greenehams in Maides Moreton in the Countie of Buckingham, and of diverse landes thereunto belonginge in the towne of Moreton aforesaide and in The fielde called Rodwell Fielde beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and College of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon and in the tenure and occupacion of Iohn Harris drawne and made in February Ano dni 1595. Ano Elizabethe Rne nunc Angliae &c xxxviijo. Robte Houeden doctor in diuinitye then beinge warden. The wch manor wth all the appertenances dothe conteine in the whole CCxxx. acr. iij. roodes xvj. perches. Whereof the Scyte of the manor and tenemts wth theire Bacsides and the seuerall enclosures be xix. acr. j. ro. xxxj. perchs. The Lamas ground enclosed xvjac ijro xxvj.p. The arable lieinge scattered abroad in all the fieldes doth conteine Clvij. acr. xiiij. perchs. The lea ground abroad in the fieldes xxxvij. acr. ij. ro xv. p. Besides the lott meadow wch coibus Annis will be aboute xiij. acr. the comon of pasture in Almead and Fursan & ix leaes in Almeade.
Buckinghamshire -- Maids Morton -- Maids Morton: NE sectionI:08 - Maids Morton: SE section
Thomas Langdon (1595)The description of certaine parcelles of arable lande lea and meadow ground in Moreton nighe Buckingham comonly called Maides Moreton in the countie of Buckingham lieinge abroade in diverse furlonges of the fielde there called Meade fielde and in some furlonges of the fielde called Hollow waye fielde beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and college at the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon and in the tenure and occupacion of Iohn Harris farmor unto the saide warden and college or of his assignes. Drawne made in the moneth of Februarie Ano dni 1595 ano Eliz Rne nunc Angliae &c. xxxviijo. Robte Houeden Doctor in divinitye then beinge warden Measured at xvj foote and an halfe to the pole and drawne accordinge to the proporcion of xij poles to an ynche by Thomas Langdon. Note that in this description whatsoeuer is written wth redde letters is belonginge unto the warden and college before mencyoned. And moreoeuer there is belonginge unto them certaine lottes of meadow in Deepe meade and midle mead viz. in midlemeade ijo ix poles. iij poles nexte the water, iiij poles in halfe leete, ix poles in Tyeth dole, ix poles in longe dole, ix pole in brooke dole, ij pole in the moores dj pole in the brooke dole ijo halfe poles in the longe dole, ijo poles in longe dole j pole in Tieth dole j pole in midle meade dj pole in Buckeforde mead conteininge in all comunits annis aboute xiij acres of meadowe
Buckinghamshire -- Maids Morton -- Maids Morton: SE sectionI:09 - Weedon Weston, Northants. General Map
(1593)The description of the mannor of weedon and weston in the countye of Northton as the same doe lye within the metes and boundes thereof beinge percell of the possessio of the warden and colledge of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon. made in September ao. dni. 1593. Ano Eliz. xxxvto.
Northamptonshire -- Weedon Weston -- Weedon Weston, Northants. General MapI:10 - Weedon Weston: NW section
(1593)The description of the pasture grounde called the wylde and certeine arable landes thereunto nere adioyninge lieinge in the towne fieldes of weedon pinckney and weston in the countie of Northton and at the Northweste corner thereof made in September Ano dni 1593. Ano Eliz. xxxvto. wherein whatsoeuer is written withe Redd letters is belonginge unto the warden and college of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon // Memorand that parte of the wylde extendethe itselfe further towardes the sowthweste and is expressed in an other platte. but the content thereof is conteined in the nomber of acres here wthin written.
Northamptonshire -- Weedon Weston -- Weedon Weston: NW sectionI:11 - Weedon Weston: SW section
Thomas Langdon (1593)The description of diuerse furlonges of arrable lande lea and medowe grounde lieinge at the sowthweste corner of the fieldes of wedon and weston in the countie of Northton made in September Ano dni 1593. Ano Eliz. Xxxvto by Thomas Langdon. wherein all that is written with redd letters is belonging unto the warden and College of the sowles of all faitfhefull people deceaed of Oxon.
Northamptonshire -- Weedon Weston -- Weedon Weston: SW sectionI:12 - Weedon Weston: S section
(1593)The description certaine tenementes in Weston in the parishe of weedon Pinckney in the Countye of Northton togeather with certeine landes thereto adioyninge lieinge on the Southweste parte thereof and extendinge unto the river or brooke that deuideth Helmesden from weedon made in September 1593. Ano Eliz. xxxvto. wherein whatsoeuer is withe redd letters is belonging unto Alsolne colledge in Oxenforde.
Northamptonshire -- Weedon Weston -- Weedon Weston: S sectionI:13 - Weedon Weston: N section
Thomas Langdon (1593)The description of certeine tenements in weedon Pinckney and Millthorpe togeather with certeine lands adioyninge lieinge on the northe and northeweste partes thereof. made in September Ano. dni 1593. Ano at xvj foote dj to the perche and by the proportion of xij perches to an ynche by Tho Langdon
Northamptonshire -- Weedon Weston -- Weedon Weston: N sectionI:14 - Weedon Weston: NE section
Thomas Langdon (1593)The description of Fernehill Catteanger and diuerse other groundes thereunto adioyninge lieinge togeather at the Northeaste corner of the fieldes of weedon Pinckeney in the countie of Northton, made in September Ano dni 1593 Ano Eliz. xxxvjto at xvj foote to the pole & by the Scale of xij perche to an ynche by Thomas Langdon. Note that whatsoeuer is written withe redde letters is belonging to the warden and college of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased in Oxon.
Northamptonshire -- Weedon Weston -- Weedon Weston: NE sectionI:15 - Weedon Weston: E section
(1593)The description of certaine landes lieinge on the Easte and Southeaste partes of the fields of weedon Pinckney in the countie of Northamton made in September Anno dni 1593. Ano Eliz. xxxvto at the measure of 16 foote dj to the perche and at the proportion of xij perchs to an ynche. wherein whatsoeuer is written with redd letters is belonginge unto the warden and college of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon
Northamptonshire -- Weedon Weston -- Weedon Weston: E sectionI:16 - Weedon Weston: lower SE section
Thomas Langdon (1593)The description of certaine landes lieinge on the South & Sowtheaste partes of the fields of weedon Pinckeney in the countye of Northton made in September Ano dni 1593 Ano Eliz xxxvto at the measure of xvj foot dj to the pole after the proportion of xij perches to an ynche. wherein whatsoeuer is written with redd letters is belonginge unto the warden and colledge of the soules of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon. made by Tho. Langdon.
Northamptonshire -- Weedon Weston -- Weedon Weston: lower SE sectionI:17 - Weedon Weston: upper SE section
(1593)Northamptonshire -- Weedon Weston -- Weedon Weston: upper SE sectionI:18 - Wappenham Wild and Woods, Northants.
(1593)The description of A parcell of waste called wappenhm wylde togeather with certeine woode groundes percell thereof all wch are belonginge unto the colledge of the sowles of all faithefull people deceased of Oxforde and doe lie in the parishe of wappenham in the countye of Northampton drawne and made the seconde daie of october Ao. dni 1593. Ao Rne Elizabethe &c xxxvto by the measure of xvj foote dj to the perche and after the proportion of xvj perches to an ynche. Note that the contente sett down on the ijo firthes is caste after xviij foote to the pole the hedg pole being abated
Northamptonshire -- Wappenham -- Wappenham Wild and Woods, Northants.I:19 - Whadborough, Leicestershire.
Thomas Clerke (1586)The description of the lordship or mannor of whadborough als whatebirge as the same is supposed to lye within metes and boundes in the countie of Leicester made by vertue of her maiesties commission directed to St Iohn Harrington knight Thomas Ashbye esquier Iohn Chippingdale doctor of the ciuill Lawe and Roger Smithe esquier begone the fiftenthe daye of Auguste accordinge to an order and decree made in libro ordinationum sine decretoru termino Trinitatis Anno xxviijo Regine Elizabethe Sabbti xjo die Iunij as more at large doth and maye appeare by the wordes of the same order herein sett down betwixt Roberte Hovenden warden and ye colledge of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon pleintiffes and Henrye lorde Cromwell defendante and drawne and made by Thomas Clerke of Stamforde St Martines in the countie of Northampton gent bye the measure of sixtene foote and an halfe to the pearche & accordinge to such proportion and scale as is herein sett downe by the appointment and at the charges of the saide Roberte Houenden warden and the saide colledge in Oxforde ended the one and twenteth day of September in the yeare of our lorde god one thousand fiue hundred fowerscore and fixe. Ano Eliz praedicto. // The plott of whadborough als whatebirge as it is confirmed by the depositions of witnesses & founde by the verdicte of xij men & approved by vs, Iohn Harrington, Thomas Ashby, Iohn Chippingdale, Roger Smithe
Leicestershire -- Whadborough -- Whadborough, Leicestershire.I:20 - Bosyate, Northants: Sandwell Field
(1605)The description of two tenementes lieinge in Bosiate in the countye of Northton togeather wth certaine landes & leaes there unto belonginge in the fieldes of Bosiate aforesaide called Sandewell fielde beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden & colledge of the sowles of all faithefull people deceased of Oxon drawne m Maye Ano dni 1605
Northamptonshire -- Bosyate, Northants -- Bosyate, Northants: Sandwell FieldI:21 - Bosyate, Northants: Diche Field
Thomas Langdon (1605)The description of certaine parcelles of arable and lea ground lieinge in the parishe of Bosiate in the countye of Northton in the fielde there called Diche fielde beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the sowles of all faithefull people deceased in Oxon, made in Maye Ano dni 1605. Robte Houeden doctor of divinity then beinge warden by Tho. Langdon.
Northamptonshire -- Bosyate, Northants -- Bosyate, Northants: Diche FieldI:22 - Bosyate, Northants: Woode Field
Thomas Langdon (1604)The description of certaine parcelles of arable lande lea and meadowe grounde lieinge in Bosiate in the countye of Northton in the fielde there called woode fielde and in the meadowes called Bosiate meadowe Shorte meadowe and Midsomr Meadowe and in the leaes called Sanpitte leaes, being parcell of the possessions of the warden and Colledge of the sowles of all faithefull people deceased of Oxon, made in the monethe of maye in the yeare of the raigne of our soueraigne lorde Iames by the grace of god of Englande Fraunce Irelande Kinge, the seconde and of Scotlande the xxxviijth defender of the faith &c Robte Houeden doctor of divinity then beinge warden. by Tho. Langdon. Note that the landes written uppon with red letters are the landes belonginge to the warden and colledge aforesaide.
Northamptonshire -- Bosyate, Northants -- Bosyate, Northants: Woode FieldI:23 - Salford: Beds. General Map
(1595)The description of the manor of Salforde in the countye of Bedford beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden & college of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of oxon drawne & made in the moneth of Ianuary in the yeare of our lord god one thowsand fiue hundred fowerscore and fifteene, and in the yeare of the raigne of our moste gratious soueraigne ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of England Fraunce & Ireland queen defender of the faith &c the xxxviijth Robte Houeden Doctor in diuinity then being warden
Bedfordshire -- Salford -- Salford: Beds. General MapI:24 - Salford: NW section
(1595-6)Memorand that all the lotte meades of Salforde are devided into termes viij whereof are belonginge unto the viij College tenemts the ixth is apperteyninge to the Freeholders the tenthe is called the Crosse acre and is parcell of the mannor and in the tenure of Mrs Langforde. And that acre wch falleth unto the freeholders is thus distributed amongeste them. In Denne meade the vicar hath halfe thereof the town howse one quarter & the wid Letten one quarter, and Edwarde Butterfielde the other quarter. Note that all the lotte meadowes doe amounte unto xlvj acres ijo roodes & xxtie perches soe the pte fallinge to one of the tenementes beinge the tenthe parte thereof will arise unto iiijac ijro xvjp
Bedfordshire -- Salford -- Salford: NW sectionI:25 - Salford: NE section
(1595-6)Memorand that in this close of Mr Charnockes called Gallowe Close are ijo leies abbnttinge on Fairies headlea lieinge betweene Fairyes ijo leyes and the west hedge (but wch they are is not certeinelye knowne) that doe belonge unto Alsolne college.
Bedfordshire -- Salford -- Salford: NE sectionI:26 - Salford: SW section
(1595-6)The manor of Salforde in the tenure of Martha Langford widow conteynethe in pasture groundes enclosed Cxj acr. Iij ro xv perches in meadowe in the fieldes xxiijac iijro xxpt in arable lande Clxac ijro xxvpt amountinge in all unto Cclxxxxvac xxpts. The tenemente in the tenure of Mr Francklinge conteynethe in seuerall groundes enclosed 10ac 1ro 27p in arable in the fieldes 47ac 1ro 14p in pasture and lea grounde 15ac 3ro 37o in meadow 4ac 1ro 14p in pasture and lea grounde 15ac 3ro 37p in meadow 4ac 2ro 25p in all lxxviijac jro xxxiijp. Henrye Howse his tenemt conteinethe in seuerall groundes 17ac 1ro 21p in arable in the fieldes 59ac 1ro 34p in pasture 6ac 3ro 15p in meadowe 4ac 2ro 25p amountinge in all unto lxxxviijac jro xvp. Widowe Perse her tenementes and seuerall grounds 3ac 3ro 26p the arable belonginge to the same 86ac 15p the pasture 24ac 2ro 36p the meadow 9ac 1ro 10p all 114ac 0ro 7p. Roberte Cowper his tente and seuerall grownds 2ac 1ro 38p his arable lande 32ac 1ro 15p his pasture and lea 12ac 2ro his meade 4ac 2ro 25p in all xlixac 1ro xxxiij p & 1ac 2ro 5p. The tenemente demysed unto Ierome Maye which is in the occupation of widow Crowley conteineth in seuerall groundes vacr in arable 31ac 2ro 39p in pasture 12ac 1ro 15p in meadowe 5ac 1ro 3p in all liiijacr jro xvijp. Richarde Odell his tenemente and seuerall groundes 5ac 9p his arable 41ac 5p his pasture 12ac 3ro 35p his meade 4ac 2ro 25p in all lxiijac ijro xxxiiijp. Willm Briar his tenemente and seuerall groundes 2ac 1ro 13p his arable in Salforde and Holcote 28ac 2ro 26p his pasture 4.3.12 his meadow 2ro 26p his growndes in all xxxvjac jro xxvp. Roberte woodwarde his tenemt and groundes in seueraltie 11ac 33p his arable lande 29ac 2ro 28p his pasture 4ac 14p his meadowe 4ac 2ro 25p in all xlixac ijro xxp. The millner his holmes iijac xxxvp. Robte Freeman his Cotage and lande jac jro xxvp. Iohn Crowche his Cotage and lande 3ac 1ro 35p. George Shefforde his Cotage ijro viijp. Venture his Cotage xxp. Sum total of the College grounde Dcccxlvjac iijro xxijp besides woodes &wastes. // The Site of the vicaredge and the severall growndes thereto belonging 4ac 3ro 16p the Arable 20ac 2ro 13p lea and pasture 1ac 1ro 2p the meadowe 5ac 1ro 5p amounting in all vnto xxxac xiijp. The Free tenemt in the tenure of Thomas Pedder conteyneth in severall groundes 4ac 16p in lande meadowe and pasture in the fieldes 8ac 2ro 8p in all xij ac 2ro xxxiiijp. Edwarde Butterfielde his free tenemt in seuerall grounde 1ro 10p in lande meadowe and pasture in the fielde 8ac 0ro 34p in all 8ac 2ro 4p. Widow Letten hir free tenemt and the lande meadow and pasture thereto belonginge vij acres. The towne howse and the lande meadowe and pasture thereunto apperteininge vijac jro xxxiijp. Note that all this freehold before recited appeareth perticulerly in in this and the residue of the plattes of Salford written with red letters in wch whatsoueur is written in blacke letters is parcell of the mannor and belonginge unto the warden and College of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon // Memorandum that the tenemente and the landes in this and other the plattes of the manor of Salforde which are sett on the heade of Edwarde Butterfield are sithence the measurement thereof purchased by the saide warden and College as by the deedes thereof dated the [blank] of [blank] Ano Eliz [blank] appearethe.
Bedfordshire -- Salford -- Salford: SW sectionI:27 - Salford: SE section
Thomas Langdon (1596)The description of the towne and parte of the fieldes of Salforde in the countie of Bedforde togeather with parcell of the fieldes of Hocotte and Aspley wherein the perticulers written with blacke letters are all belonginge unto the warden and college of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon drawne and made in the moneth of Ianuarie in the yeare of our lorde god MDLxxx & xvj and in the yeare of the raigne of our moste gratious soueraigne ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god of Englande france and Irelande Queene defender of the faithe &c the xxxviijth. Rbte Houeden doctor of diuinitye then beinge warden drawne at ye measure of xvj foote and an halfe to the pole and accordinge to the proporcion of xij pole to an ynche by Thomas Langdon. Note that the leaes and sworde grounde called Partingrasse dothe a mounte in all the fieldes unto xxv acr j ro xx perches wch is devided amongeste the viij tenauntes. The highe waies greenes and wastes within the manor of Salforde aforesaide doe conteine xxv acr i rood xxxv perchs.
Bedfordshire -- Salford -- Salford: SE sectionI:28 - Holcote and Richmond, Beds.
Thomas Langdon (1595)The description of winter hooe woode and winterhooe pasture lieinge and beinge in Segenhoe in the parishe of Rugemund in the countye of Bedford togeather with the Close called Inninges and diuerse parcelles of arrable lea and meadow ground lieinge abroad in the fieldes of Holcote in the countye aforesaid beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and college of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon and in the seuerall tenure of Martha Langford widow, Franclinge gent and wm Briar. Drawne and made in the monethe of Ianuarye Ano dni 1595 Ano Eliz &c xxxviijo. By Thomas Langdon at the measure of xvj foote and an halfe to the perche and accordinge to the proportion of xxti perches to an ynche. Note that in this description whatsoeuer is written with redd letters is belonginge unto the said warden & college.
Bedfordshire -- Holcote -- Holcote and Richmond, Beds.II:01 - Edgeware, Middlesex. General Map
Thomas Langdon (1599)THE DESCRIPTION OF THE MANnor of Edgeware in the Countye of Middlesex as the sam dothe lye betweene the highe waye that leadeth from St Albones to London called watlinge streete on the southe weste and the mannor of Hendon in parte and the mannor of Boyes Lande in parte on the Easte and abbuttethe on the landes of Mr Paggington in parte and the heathe grownde called Barrome woode in parte towardes the Northe, beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased in Oxon drawne and made in the moneth of Aprill in the yeare of our lorde MDLxxxxix and in the year of the raigne of our moeste gratious soueraigne ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of England Faunce and Irelande queen defender of the faith &c xxxix Robte Hovenden doctor of diuinitye then being warden, by the measure of xvj foote dj to the pole, and xlviij pole to an ynche p. T.L.
Middlesex -- Edgeware -- Edgeware, Middlesex. General MapII:02 - Edgeware: S section
Thomas Langdon (1597)THE description of the lordshippe or mannor of Edgeware als Erlesburye in Edgewar in the Countye of Middlesex, as the same doe lye within the metes and boundes therof: beynge percell of the possession of the warden and Colledge of the soules of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon, drawne and made in the moneh of Aprill Ano dni 1597. Anno Eliz. xxxixo. Robte Houenden doctor in diuinitie then beinge warden, by the measure of xvj foote and an halfe to the perche and accordinge to the proportio of xij perches to an ynche. by Thomas Langdon. Note that as well in this description as in the other plattes belonging unto this mannor whatsoeuer is written in redd letters is belonginge unto the warden and colledge aforesaidem whereof the woodegrounde is for the moeste parte in theire owne proper tenure, the arrable pasture and meadow grounde in the tenure and occupacion of theire seuerall tenauntes there. And that wch is written wth blacke letters is for ye moeste parte coppieholde belonginge unto the same havinge theire fines for alienations and disoentes at the will of the Lorde.
Middlesex -- Edgeware -- Edgeware: S sectionII:03 - Edgeware: W section
Thomas Langdon (1597)The description of parcell of the mannor of Edgeware in the countye of Middlesex beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon drawne and made the moneth of Aprill Ano. dni 1597. Anno Elyz xxxixo Robte Hoveden doctor of divinitie then beinge warden, measured at xvj foote & an halfe to the pole & platted accordinge to the proportion of xij perches to an ynche, by Thomas Langdon. Note that in this description whatsoeuer is written in redd letters is belonginge unto the warden and colledge aforesaide, whereof soe muche as is woode ground is for the moeste parte in their owne tenure and occupacion, the arable lande pasture and meadow in the seuerall tenures of theire tenauntes there, and whatsoeuer is written in blacke letters is for the moeste parte coppiehold of the same mannor payinge theire fines for alienations & disscentes at the lordes will.
Middlesex -- Edgeware -- Edgeware: W sectionII:04 - Edgeware: SE section
(1597)The description of A parcell of the mannor of Edgwar in the Countye of Middlesex beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and college of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon drawne and made in the monethe of Aprill Ano dni 1597. Anno Eliz. xxxixo. Robt Hoveden doctor of diuinitie then warden by the measur of xvj foote dj to the perche and accordinge to the proportion of xij perches to an ynche. wherein whatsoeuer is written withe redde letters is belonginge unto the warden and colledge aforesaide and whatsoeuer is written in blacke letters is for the moeste parte copieholde of the same mannor.
Middlesex -- Edgeware -- Edgeware: SE sectionII:05 - Edgeware: E section
(1597)Middlesex -- Edgeware -- Edgeware: E sectionII:06 - Edgeware: NW section
(1597)Middlesex -- Edgeware -- Edgeware: NW sectionII:07 - Edgeware: N section
(1597)Middlesex -- Edgeware -- Edgeware: N sectionII:08 - Edgeware: NE section
Thomas Langdon (1597)THE description of parcell of the mannor Edgeware in the Countie of Middlesex beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the sowles of all faithefull people deceased in Oxon drawne and made in the moneth of Aprill in the yeare of our lord god MDLxxxxvij and in the xxxix yeare of the raigne of our moest gratious soueraigne ladye Elyzabeth by the grace of god of England fraunce and Irelande Queene defender of the faithe &c Robte Hovenden doctor of diuinitye then beinge warden. By the measure of xvj foote dj to the pole and accordinge to the proportion of xij perches to an ynche by Tho. Langdon. Note that in this description whatsoeuer is written withe redde letters is belonginge unto the warden and colledge aforesaide whereof soe muche as is woodegrounde is belonginge unto them and for the moeste parte in theire owne proper tenure and occupacion and soe muche arrable lande meadow or pasture is in the occupation of theire seuerall tenauntes there and that wch is written in black letters is of the copiehold of the same mannor.
Middlesex -- Edgeware -- Edgeware: NE sectionII:09 - Kingsbury, Middlesex. General Map
Thomas Langdon (1597)THE DESCRIPTION OF THE LORDSHIPPE OR MANNOR of Kingesburye in the County of Middlesex as the same dothe lie betwene the boundes of the mannor of Harrowe on the hill on the weste and the highe way that leadeth from Edgware towardes London in parte and the boundes of the mannor of Hendon in parte on the easte & abbutteth on the landes of the Queene in greate Stanmer called Clarkes Steples in parte and uppon the Parishe of Stanmer the lesse in parte towardes the Northweste and the brooke called wemblye brooke also leadinge brooke in parte and the brooke dividinge Kingesbury and Willesdon called Brainte brooke in parte towards the Southe beinge parcell of the possession of the warden and Colledge of the sowles of all faithefull people deceased in Oxon. drawne and made in the monethe of Maye in the yeare of our Lorde god M.D.lxxxxvij Ano Eliz. &c xxxixo. Robte Hovenden doctor in divinitye then beinge warden, at xvj foote dj to the perche & after the proporcion of xlviij pole to an ynche by T.L.
Middlesex -- Kingsbury -- Kingsbury, Middlesex. General MapII:10 - Kingsbury: NW section
(1597)Middlesex -- Kingsbury -- Kingsbury: NW sectionII:11 - Kingsbury: NE section
(1597)Middlesex -- Kingsbury -- Kingsbury: NE sectionII:12 - Kingsbury: W section
(1597)Middlesex -- Kingsbury -- Kingsbury: W sectionII:13 - Kingsbury: E section
(1597)Middlesex -- Kingsbury -- Kingsbury: E sectionII:14 - Kingsbury: SW section
(1597)Memorandii that the boundes devidinge kingesburye from Harrow on the hill rometh from the Southewest corner of the colledge lande in the tenure of Thomas Sheparde Southe and by west, by the end of Holcrofte whch Iohn Page gent holdethe of this mannor by copie of courte roll, unto the lane that leadeth from brant bridge towardes Harrowe: and from thence goe wee Southward unto the brooke called wemblye brooke alias leadinge brooke, the lande of Richard Bellomy gent on the weste in the parishe of Harrowe. And then we followe the same brooke toward the Easte as it windethe, betwene the landes of Eyan Chalkehill on the northe and the landes of Iohn Page gent in Harrowe on the southe, untill it meete withe the brooke called Brante brooke which devidethe Kingsburye and willesden, and then wee follow the brant northe and somewhat by easte untill wee come at the bridge called Brant bridge, from whence wee followe the same brooke unto the poole where kingesbury Hendon and willesdon doe meete togeather called comon poole. Note that the landes conteined betwene the saide boundes and the landes here described are freeholde and therfore not sett forthe in this description. Note that as well in this as the other plattes of this mannor whatsoeuer is written with redd letters is of the demeanes of the mannor and belongeth unto the warden and colledge of the soules of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon and is the seuerall tenure and occupation of Thomas Sheparde, Michaell Page and Robte Stransham except the woodegrounde wch is in the proper tenure and occupation of the saide warden & colledge aforesaid and that whiche is written with blacke letters is for the moste pt. coppiholde of theire mannor, as by the perticulers more plainely appeareth.
Middlesex -- Kingsbury -- Kingsbury: SW sectionII:15 - Kingsbury: SE section
(1597)The description of the mannor of Kingesburye in the Countye of Midds conteined in theise vj seuerall plats beinge parcell of the possession of the warden and colledge of the soules of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon drawen and made in the moneth of May Anno dni M.D.Lxxxxvij and in the yeare of the raigne of our moste gratious soueraigne ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god of Englande Fraunce and Irelande Quene defender of the faith &c xxxixo Robte Houenden doctor in divinitye then warden. By the measure of xvj foote and an halfe to the perche and accordinge to the proportion of xij perches to an ynche. Note the procincte of the mannor extedeth it selfe from Comon ponde alonge the brooke unto Eyan Chalkehilles milne and the groundes conteyned betwene the brooke and the landes here described are freeholde and therefore not sett out in this desscription. Note that whatsoeuer is written with redde letters is belonging to ye warden and colledg aforesaide wherof the woodgrounde is in theire owne proper tenure and occupation the residue in the tenure and occupation of theire seuerall tenauntes Thomas Sheparde Michaell Page and Robte Stransham. And that whiche is written with blacke letters is for the moste parte copiehold of inheritance without estrop or waste wch paye rentes and doe suite unto their courte havinge theire fines for disscentes and alienations arbitrable at the will of the saide warden & colledg
Middlesex -- Kingsbury -- Kingsbury: SE sectionII:16 - Hendon, Middlesex
Thomas Langdon (1597)The description of diuerse percelles of arable lande pasture meadowe and woodgrounde sett lyeinge and beinge in the parishe of Hendon in the countye of Middlesex neare unto the comon greene there called Borhowse, being percell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the sowles of all faithefull people deceased of Oxon drawne and made by the proportion xij perches to an ynche and accordinge to the measure of xvj foote and halfe to the perche, in the moneth of Maye Ano. dni. 1597. and in the xxxixth yeare of the raigne of our most gratious soueraigne ladye Elyzabeth by the grace of god of Englande Fraunce and Irelande Queene defender of the faithe &c. Robte Hoveden doctor of divinitye then beinge warden. By Tho. Langdon. Note that in this description all the landes written with redd letters are beloninge unto the warden and college aforesaide, whereof soe muche as is woodgrounde is in theire owne proper tenure and occupation, the arable pasture and meadow is in the tenure and occupation of Robte Stransham, demysed unto him by indenture for certeine yeares yett to come under suche rentes & condicions as in the same indenture are comprised and conteynede.
Middlesex -- Hendon -- Hendon, MiddlesexII:17 - Hendon, Middlesex
(1597)The description of diuerse other parcelles of arable lande meadowe pasture and wood grounde lieinge abroade in fondrye place within the parishe of Hendon in the countye of Mids aforesaide and being percell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon before drawne in Maye 1597. Ano Eliz. Rne. xxxixo. at xvj. foote dj. to the pole. Note that the woodes conteyned in the seuerall groves and hedgrowes being in the proper tenure and manurance of the saide warden and college doe amount unto Cxxij acres iij roodes xxxiij perches. The farmelande in the tenure and occupation of Robte gent or his assignes. Cv.ac ix.perchs whereof in arable xxxiiij.ac iij.ro xciij.pt in pasture lxij.ac j.ro .pt in mead vij.ac iij.ro xxx.pt
Middlesex -- Hendon -- Hendon, MiddlesexII:18 - Harlesden, Middlesex
Thomas Langdon (1599)THE description of Harleston farme with the landes tente meadowes pastures and woodground thereunto belonging as the same doe lye within the metes and boudes thereof in the parish of willesdon Chelfey and fullham in the county of Midlesex beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the soules of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon nowe in the tenure of Richarde Francklyn gent or his assignes. Drawne and made in the monethe of September in the yeare of our lorde god one thowsande five hundrethe fowscore & nynetene and in the one & forteth yeare of the raigne of our moeste gratious soueraigne ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of England Fraunce & Irelande Queene defender of the faithe &c by Tho. langdon.
Middlesex -- Harlesden -- Harlesden, MiddlesexII:19 - Harlesden: SE section
(1599)Middlesex -- Harlesden -- Harlesden: SE sectionII:20 - Harlesden: SW section
Thomas Langdon (1599)THE diverse landes tenementes meadowes pastures and woodgroundes situate lieinge and beinge in the parishes of willesdon and Fulham in the countye of Middlesex belonginge un Harleston farme beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon: Drawne and made in the monethe of September in the yeare of the raigne of our souerraigne Lady Elizabethe by the grace of god of England Fraunce and Irelande Queene defender of the faithe &c xljth Ano dni M.D.Lxxx & xix. Robte Hovenden doctor of divinitie then beinge warden : by the measure of xvj. foote & an halfe to the perche and accordinge to the pportion of xxtie perches to an ynche by Tho. Langdon. NOTE that whatsoeuer either in this platte or in the reste is written wth redd letters is belonging unto the warden and colledge aforesaide and are in the occupation of those men whose names are thereon written beeinge the assignes of Richarde Francklyn gent the colledg tenaunte.
Middlesex -- Harlesden -- Harlesden: SW sectionII:21 - Harlesden: NE section
Thomas Langdon (1599)THE description of Cricklewoodes and diverse other landes tenementes meadowes pastures and woodgroundes situate lieinge and beinge in the parishe of willesdon in the county of Middlesex belonginge unto Harleston farme beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the soules of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon beinge in the tenure of Richard Francklyn gent or his assignes drawne and made in the moneth of September in the yeare of our lorde god one thousand five hundreth fower score and nyneteene and in the one and forteth year of the raigne of our moeste gratious soueraigne ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god Queene of Englande Fraunce and Irelande defender of the faithe &c Robte Hovenden doctor of divinitie then beinge warden drawne by the measure of sixtene foote and an halfe to the pole and according to the proportion of twentie perches to an ynche by Tho. Langdon. wherein whatsoever is written wth redd letters is belonging unto the saide warden and colledge as parcell of the farme aforesaide and in the occupation of those menne whose names are thereon written beinge the assignes of the saide Richard Francklin, excepte the woodgrounde wch is not demised unto the tenaunte but reserved to the colledge use. 1589. (shod. be 1599)
Middlesex -- Harlesden -- Harlesden: NE sectionII:22 - Harlesden: NW section
Thomas Langdon (1599)THE description of diverse parcelles of arable lande meadowe pasture and woodground lieinge abroade in the fieldes of willesdon & Neesdon in the Countye of Middlesex beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon nowe in the tenure of Richard Francklyn gent or his assignes drawne and made in September in the yeare of our lorde god M.DLxxx. & xix. and in the xljth yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god Queene of England Fraunce & Irelande defender of the faith &c Robte Hovenden doctor of divinitye then warden. by Tho. Langdon. NOTE that whatsoever in this description or in the reste is written with redde letters is belonginge unto the warden & colledge aforesaid and are in the occupacion of those men whose names are written vppon the seuerall parcelles.
Middlesex -- Harlesden -- Harlesden: NW sectionIII:01 - Horsham, Kent. General Map
Thomas Langdon (1593)The description of the manor or farme called Horsham wth such parte of the groundes thereunto belonginge as are nighe adioyninge unto the site therof as the same doe lye within theire metes and boundes in the towne boroughes villages or hamlettes of upchurch Atteram and Ham in the countye of Kente, togeather wth the Site of the parsonage of upchurch impropriate wth the landes thereto belonginge and als othe vicaredge with the landes thereunto apperteyninge beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of sowles of all faithefull people deceased of Oxon measured after xvj foote & an halfe to the pole and drawne according to the proportion of xxiiij poles to an ynche in the moneth of July Ano dni 1593. Anno Eliz xxxv by Tho Langdon.
Kent -- Horsham -- Horsham, Kent. General MapIII:02 - Horsham: Bauor Marsh
Thomas Langdon (1593)THE DESCRIPTION OF THE Freshe marshe comonlye called or knowne by the name of Bauor marshe with the Saltes thereunto belongine Scituate lyeinge and beinge in Ham in the parishe of upchurche in the countye of kente apperteyninge to the parsonage or rectory impropriate of upchurche aforesaide percell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the soules of all faithfull people deceased in Oxenforde nowe in the occupacon of Doctor Lewen. And also of one other parcell of Arable lande there called Byrche als Dornfielde belonginge unto the mannor or farme of Horsham beinge likewise parte of the possessions of the saide Colledge and nowe in the occupacon of Clemente Millwaye or his assignes drawne and made by Thomas Langdon in Iuly 1593. Anno Elyzabethe &c xxxvto. // THE description of twoe salte Marshes whereof one is called Terlockes the other Horsham hookes withe diuerse other parcelles of lande and pasture thereunto nigh adioyninge scituate lieinge and beinge in ham and wheateham in the parishe of upchurche aforesaide belonginge unto the mannor or farme of Horsham and parcell of the possessions of Alsolne Colledge &c.
Kent -- Horsham -- Horsham: Bauor MarshIII:03 - Horsham (1724 copy from draft of lost original)
(1593)The Description of certain Parcells of Land, Meadow, Pasture and Wood-ground, being scituate & lying within the Parishes of HALSTOW and UPCHURCH in the County of KENT, belonging unto the mannor or Farm of Horsham, and now in the Occupation of Joseph Hasted, being parcel of the Possessions of The Warden & College of the Soules of all faithful People deceased in Oxford. N.B. That about the year 1710, this Volume of Mapps being entrusted with Mr. Harding Tenant at that time to the College for the Farm of Horsham, the Sheet containing a Description of Parcells of Land lying chiefly within the Parish of Halstow was by him lost or destroy'd. To supply which Defect this Map was taken from an Original rough Drauhgt on Paper reserved in the Tower, from which the former Map was done: Some of the Lands being first survey'd anew, & tjhw whole review'd & compar'd with the old Draught, in May 1723.
Kent -- Horsham -- Horsham (1724 copy from draft of lost original)III:04 - Horsham: Newington
(1593)The description of certeine parcelles of lande medowe pasture and woode grounde beinge in dieuerse peces iwthin the parish of Neweington in the countie of Kente belonginge unto the mannor or farme of Horsham and nowe in the occupacon of Clemte Milway or his assignes beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the Soules of all faithfull people deceased in Oxenforde drawne and made by Thomas Langdon in Iulye Ao. dni M.D.Pxxxxiij Ao. Eliz. xxxvto. // THE DESCRIPtion of diuerse parcelles of land meadowe pasture and wood grounde Scituate lieinge & beinge in the parishes of Newington Halstow and upchurche in the countie of Kente lieinge nighe adiacente beinge parcell of the possessions of the saide warden and Colledge of the soules of all faithfull people deceased in Oxenforde and nowe in the tenure or occupacon of Clemente Milway or his assignes drawne as is aforesaide. Note the mesure is xvj foote dj to the pearche xxiiij.pt to an ynche.
Kent -- Horsham -- Horsham: NewingtonIII:05 - Horsham: Newington - Harrietsham
Thomas Langdon (1593)THE description of certayne parcelles of arable lande pasture and woode grounde lieinge and beinge in the parishe of Newington and on the Southe parte of the highe waye there that leadeth from Raineham to Sittingborne beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the Soules of all faithfull people deceased in Oxenforde and nowe in the tenure and occupacon of Clemt Milway or his assignes made by Thomas Langdon in Iulye M.D.lxxxxiijo Ao. Eliz. xxxvto. // THE Description of the scyte of the parsonage of Harisham in the countie of kente with the gleebe lande thereunto belonginge beinge of the guifte and patronage of the warden and colledge of the soules of all faithfull people deceased in oxenforde nowe in the manurance and occupacon of Mr. George Houenden incumbente there, made, as aforesaid // The description of the way that leadethe from the North weste corner of Mr Steedes fielde called Harrisham field herein described unto the parsonage close called churchehill in the proporcon of lxiiij perches to an ynche. // Md. that widowe Morice doth paye yearelye to the parsonage for the rent of her tenemt fower pence and Hutchyne paiethe by the yeare for his tenemt unto the saide parsonage eighte pence. Note that the lynes of this description (so farre forthe as concernethe the landes described) are hedged on that side or towardes that parte which dothe mainteine the fences.
Kent -- Horsham -- Horsham: Newington - HarrietshamIII:06 - Rainham and Hartlip, Kent
Thomas Langdon (1593)THE description of diuerse parcelles of lande meadowe pasture and wood grounde lieinge seuerally in the parishes of Raineham Detlinge and Hartlepe in the countie of Kent beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and Colledge of the soules of all faithfull people deceased in Oxenforde and now in the tenure or occupacon of Clemt Miillwaye or his assignes drawne and made by Thomas Langdon in Iulye Ano. dni. M.D.lxxxxiijo. Annoqs Eliz. xxxvto. // Md. that the heiers of Lawrence doe holde ij acres of the colledge lande viz. j.ac. at the southe corner of the same crofte &.j.ac. by the churchyarde for the saide ijac. in the crofte.
Kent -- Rainham -- Rainham and Hartlip, KentIII:07 - Horsham: Upchurch
Thomas Langdon (1593)THE DESCRIPTION OF The salte marshe called Farre Nashe as the same doth lye within the meates and boundes beinge of the parishe of upchurche in the countie of kente beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden & colledge of the Soules of all faithfull people deceased in Oxenforde belonginge unto their mannor or farme of Horsham and nowe in the tenure & occupacon of Clemt Milwaye or his assignes. drawne and made by Thomas Langdon in the monethe of Iulye in the yeare of our lorde god M.D.Lxxxxiij. And in the yeare of the raigne of our soueraigne Ladye Elizabeth xxxvth. // THE description of the salt marshe called Higham marsh lieinge at Iwade belonginge unto the mannor or farme of Horsham and beinge of the parishe of upchurche and parcell of the possessions of the saide Colledge nowe in the tenure or occupacon of Clemt Milway or his assignes.
Kent -- Horsham -- Horsham: UpchurchIII:08 - Scotney, Kent
Thomas Clerke (1588-9)The description of the manor of Scotney as the same doth lye within the parishes of Lidd & Proomehill in the countye of Kente beinge parcell of the possessions of ye warden and colledge of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon made by Thomas Clerke of Stamford St. Martines in ye county of Northapton gent in the monethes of march and Aprill Ano Eliz. xxxjo. Ano dni 1588 & 89. Robte Hoveden doctor of divinitye then warde.
Kent -- Scotney -- Scotney, KentIII:09 - Googy Hall, Kent
Thomas Clerke (1589)The description of the mannor of Googye Hall and the landes thereunto belonginge together with certaine other landes called Swainescomes thereunto adioyninge lieinge and beinge in Rumney Marshe in the parishe of Newchurche in the Countye of Kente. beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and Colledge of the soules of all faithefull people deceased of Oxon measured after xvj foote and an halfe to the pole by Thomas Clerke of Stamforde St Martynes in the Countye of Northampton gent in the moneth of Aprill in the one and thirteth yeare of the raigne of our soueraigne ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of Englande Fraunce and Ireland Queene defender of the faithe &c. Robte Houenden doctor of divinitye then beinge warden. Ano dni 1589.
Kent -- -- Googy Hall, KentIII:10 - Newlands, Kent
Thomas Clerke (1588-9)The description of certaine groundes lieinge in Rumney marshe in the parishe of Mydley in the Countye of Kente beinge parcell of the possessio of the warden and colledge of the soules of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon measured by Thomas Clerke of Stamforde St Martines in the Countie of Northampton gent in the moneth of marche and Aprill Anno Eliz xxxjo Annis dni 1588 & 1589. Robte Houenden doctor in divinitie then beinge warden. // Note that this Salte marshe is parcell of Newelandes and adioyneth unto it on the southe weste parte.
Kent -- Newlands -- Newlands, KentIII:11 - Romney Marsh and Hope, Kent
Thomas Clerke (1589)The description of divers parcelles of grounde lyeinge seuerally in Romney Marshe within the parishes of Newe Rumney and Hoape in the Countye of Kente beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the soules of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon Measured by Thomas Clerke of Stamford St. Martines in the Countye of Northaton. gent in the moneth of Marche in the one & Thirteth yeare of the raigne of our soueraigne ladye Eliz. by the grace of god of England Fraunce & Irelande Queen defender of the Faithe &c Robte Hovenden doctor of divinitie then beinge warden.
Kent -- Romney Marsh -- Romney Marsh and Hope, KentIII:12 - Ivychurch, Brookland, and Appledore, Kent
Thomas Clerke (1589)The description of diuerse parcelles of grounde lieinge in and neare unto A place called Brenzett wateringe in the parishes of Ivyechurche Brucklande and Apledore in the county of kente beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledg of the soules of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon. drawne by Tho. Clerke in March Ano Eliz. xxxjo.
Kent -- Romney Marsh -- Ivychurch, Brookland, and Appledore, KentIII:13 - Romney Marsh, Kent
(1592)The plotte of Romney Marshe describinge as well the comon watercourses with their heades armes and pinnockes bridges & principall guttes as also the high waies and lanes wth in the same shewing likewise the true places of the parish churches dwelling howses and cotages within the same levell. This territory or levell of Romney marshe is defended from the enundation of the salte sea by A wall and is preserved from the surroundinge and overflowinge of fresh waters by certeine watercourses. The wall is comonly knowne by the name of Dymchurch wall beginning at Everdene groine & continueing by sondry denominations unto the end of high knock wall conteining in the whole 1060 roddes in length wth wall is armed & defended againste ye wash and rage of the sea bth bushes laid wth certeine courses of needle worke & groines or knockes continually mainteined at the charge of the whole levell. The watercourses for the better conveyance & shorter passage of the water out of the said levell are appointed to haue theire vente or issue into the sea ijo sondrye waies & yt each by diverse armes & principall sewers conducing ye waters to either of the said yssues. The one of the said vent laboreth eastward unto Dymchurch wall where it falleth into the sea by three seuerall passages vidi willop. Marshland and Cobsden guttes. The other vente or yssue tendeth westwarde by fyve principall courses wth theire arms beinge comonlye called the fyve wateringes wth conveigh theire water unto arrowhaad gutte neare Snargate and soe thorowgh woodroofe and thence into ye channell wch passeth by Rye into the sea wch watercourses are alsoe maineteined at the charge of the saide levell according to theire limite & severall taxes. The names of the fyve wateringes are Speringebrooke great Sydebrooke Abathrige Brensett & yokes. vjto Maij Anno dni 1592.
Kent -- Romney Marsh -- Romney Marsh, KentIII:14 - North and South Walland & Dengemarsh, Kent
The description of North Walland South Walland and Dengemarshe // THE PLOTT of the marshes of north walland south walland and Dengemarshe describing the comon watercourses with theire heades armes pinnockes bridges and principall guttes, As also parte of Appledower Channell beginning at Shurlies moore and passing by Appledower kyte gutte Guldyfourd & Rye into the Sea. And also the highe wayes & lanes wth in the said levell, sheweing likewise the places of the parish churches dwelling houses and cottages within the same. THESE Levelles are preserved from surrounding and overflowing of the fresh waters by certeine watercourses or seweres vidz wooderowse Beldingehope & Snodland Cheinegutt Balden Bonyface and Halland St Thomas Inninges whitekempe Iueres gutt & Dengemarshe fewer wch for better conveyance and shorter passage of the freshe waters out of the saide leveles have theire ventes or Issueinges ynto ye sea fyve sondrye wayes by diverse armes or yokes into theire principall seweres thorough theire guttes videlzt Kyte Gutte wenewaye gutte Iewres gutte Dengemarshe gutte and Northe layde gutte.
Kent -- Romney Marsh -- North and South Walland & Dengemarsh, KentIV:01 - Crendon, Bucks: S section
Thomas Langdon (1593)The description of certaine landes tenementes and meadow groundes lieinge and beinge in the parishe of Crendon in the countye of Buckingham beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon and beinge parte of the mannor of Crendon aforesaide wch manor the saide warden & colledge doe holde togeather with the colledge of windsor and Mr Dormer, drawne & made in September Ano dni M.D.lxxxxiij Ano Elizabeth &c. xxxvo Robte Houenden doctor in diuinity then being warden. per Tho. Langdon.
Buckinghamshire -- Crendon -- Crendon, Bucks: S sectionIV:02 - Crendon: E section
(1593)The description of certaine landes tenementes meadowes & pastures situate lieinge and being in the parishe of Crendon in ye countie of Buckingham beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledg of the soules of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon beinge parte of mannor aforesaide wch they haue togeather with the colledge of windsor and Mr Dormer. wherein the seuerall parcelles written with redd letters doe belonge unto the saide warden & colledge and are in the tenure of their farmour and tenauntes. Made in September Ano dni 1593. Ano Eliz. xxxvo.
Buckinghamshire -- Crendon -- Crendon: E sectionIV:03 - Crendon: N section
(1593)THE Description of certaine parcelles of arable lande lieinge and beinge in the parishe of Crendon in the Countye of Buckingham beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon and parte of the mannor aforesaide which mannor the saide warden & colledge doe holde togeather with the colledge of windsor and Mr Dormer. drawne in September in the yeare of our lorde god one thousand fiue hundred forescore and thirtene Ano Elizabethe &c xxxvo.
Buckinghamshire -- Crendon -- Crendon: N sectionIV:04 - Crendon: NE section
Thomas Langdon (1593)THE description of certeine parcelles of Arable lande medow pasture & woode grounde lieinge in the parishe of Crandon in the countie of Buckingham beinge parcell of the possessio of the warden and colledge of the soules of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon beinge of the thirde of the mannour wch they haue togeather with the colledge of windsor and Mr Dormer. Drawne in September in the xxxvth yeare of the raigne of our soueraigne lady Elizabethe by the grace of god Queene of Englande Fruance & Irelande defender of the faithe &c Roberte Hoveden doctor in divinitye then beinge warden. by Tho. Langdon. Note that whatsoeuer is written withe redd letters is belonginge unto the warden and colledge aforesaide and is in the tenure and occupation of theire farmor and tenauntes there. Ano dni 1593.
Buckinghamshire -- Crendon -- Crendon: NE sectionIV:06 - Lewknor, Oxon
Thomas Langdon (1598)The description of the parsonage impropriate of Lewkenor in the countye of Oxon togeather with the gleebe landes thereunto belonging being pracell of the possessions of the warde nand Colledge of the soules of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon made in September Ano dni 1598. Ano Eliz xlo Robte Houenden doctor in divinity then warden. by the measure of xvj foote and an halfe to the pch and according to the proportion of xlviij perches to an ynche. by Tho. Langdon.
Oxfordshire -- Lewknor -- Lewknor, OxonIV:07 - Wheately, Oxon: NW section
Thomas Langdon (1593)THE Description of diuerse parcelles of land meadowe and lea grounde lieinge and beinge in Whateley in the countie of Oxon in a certayne fielde there called the weste fielde, beinge percell of the possessions of the College of the Sowles of all faithfull people deceased in Oxon drawne and made by the measure of xvj foote and an halfe to the perche and accordinge to the proporcion of xij perches to an ynche the xxij of Marche Anno dni 1593. and in the xxxvj yeare of the raigne of our soueraigne ladye Elizabethe the Quenes matie that nowe is. Robte Houeden doctor of diuinitie then beinge warden. by Tho. Langdon.
Oxfordshire -- Wheatley -- Wheately, Oxon: NW sectionIV:08 - Wheately: SW section
Thomas Langdon (1593)THE description of a tenemente and diuerse parcelles of arable lande lea and meadowe grounde togeather with two closes of pasture unto the saide tenemente belonginge lieinge abroade in diverse partes of the fieldes of whateley in the countie of Oxenforde beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and Colledge of the sowles of all faithefull people deceased of Oxon and nowe in the tenure or occupacion of Iohn Gadburie drawne and made the xxijth of Marche Anno dni 1593 Anno Eliz &c xxxvjto by the measure of xvj foote an an halfe to the perch and accordinge to the proportion of twelve pchs to an ynche. Robte Houeden doctor of diuinitie then beinge warden of the saide colledge. By Thomas Langdon.
Oxfordshire -- Wheatley -- Wheately: SW sectionIV:09 - Wheately: E section
Thomas Langdon (1593)THE description of a diuerse parcels of arable lande meadow and lea ground lieinge abroade in the fieldes of whateley in the countie of Oxenford being parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon and nowe in the occupacon of Iohn Gadburie. drawn and made the xxijth daye of marche in the xxxvjth yeare of the raigne of soueraigne ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god, of Englande Fraunce and Ireland Quene defendr of the faithe &c: and in the yeare of our Lorde god one thowsande fiue hundredth fowerscore and thirtene Robte Houeden doctor of diuinitie then beinge warden. Taken by the measure of xvj foote dj to the pche. By Tho. Langdon
Oxfordshire -- Wheatley -- Wheately: E sectionIV:10 - Wheately: SE section
(1593)The description of diuerse parcelles of arable land meadowe and lea grounde lieinge abroade in the fieldes of whateley in the county of Oxenford beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon and nowe in the tenure or occupacio of Iohn Gadburie drawne and made the xxijth daye of march in the xxxvjth yeare of the raigne of our soueraigne Ladie Elizabethe by the grace of god of England Ffraunce and Irelande Quene defender of the faithe &c Anno dni 1593. Robte Houeden doctor of diuinitie then beinge warden of the said colledge drawne by the measure of xvj foote and an halfe to the perche and accordinge to the proportion of xij perches to an ynche. Memorandum thatouer and besides the landes and leaes or meadowe ground in theise iiij plattes described there is belonginge unto the saide colledg vij acres dj of lotte meade lyeinge in the comon meadowe whereof iij yards alwaies riseth in babe Cliues iij. iii Shortinge doles j yarde of ech of the ij. iij.ro risinge withe Garbrande Herks. And in all other places of the medowe it riseth wth Saltefeller. alternis vicibs vis. by takinge one ix acres and leavinge an other.
Oxfordshire -- Wheatley -- Wheately: SE sectionIV:11 - Stanton Harcourt, Oxon. Small map, undated
Stanton Harcourt // The site of the parsonage drawne at the scale of xij perches to an ynche.
Oxfordshire -- Stanton Harcourt -- Stanton Harcourt, Oxon. Small map, undatedIV:12 - Aston's Yet, Berks., & Tetherhill, Bucks
Thomas Langdon (1593-95)The description of A parcell of meadowe grownde called Astones Ayte lieinge on the southeaste parte of the citye of Oxon and in the countie of Berck nexte adioyninge unto the comon meadow of Cowley viz betwene the same meadowe on the northeaste and the comon river on the south weste beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and college of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon drawne & made in Awguste Ano dni 1593. Anno Elizabethe Rne nunc Angliae &c xxxvto. Robte Hovenden doctor of divinitye then beinge warden drawne by the measure of xvj foote and an half to the pole and accordinge to the proporcion of xvj perches to an ynche by Thomas Langdon. // The description of a parcell of bushye grounde called Tedderhill lieinge nexte adioyninge unto the comon fielde of Lurgeshall in the countye of Buckingham. vz betwene the same fielde on the northe and northweste partes & the comon of wooton on the southe and Easte partes. Drawne & made the xvjth daye of Awguste Ano dni 1595 by the measure of xvj foote and an halfe to the pole and accordinge to the proportion of xij perches to an ynche. Note that it belongethe unto the warden and college of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon in comon with St Jo: Dormer esquier and windsor college soe that the third parte thereof dothe apperteine unto the warden and college aforesaid and is in the tenure and occupacon of the saide st Jo: Dormer or his assignes nowe farmor unto the saide college.
Oxfordshire -- Oxford -- Aston's Yet, Berks., & Tetherhill, BucksIV:13 - Langley Marsh, Bucks.
(1596)The description of A tenement in Langley marishe in the county of Buckingham scituated on the northeaste parte of A certeine comon greene called westmore greene togeather with diverse parcelles of land meadow pasture & wood grounde unto the same belonginge lieinge in Langley marishe aforesaide wexham & Fulmer in the county aforesaide beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden & college of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon drawne and made the vth daye of October Anno dni 1596 Anno Eliz Rne nunc Anglie &c xxxviijo Robte Houeden doctor of divinitie then warden. Memorand that beseides fyve shillinges yearely paide unto the Queenes Bailiffe for the landes lieinge within the mannor of Langley Marishe. & three shillinges & fower pence yearelye paied unto the lorde of wexham for landes there lieinge: there is also paide unto the Queenes Bailye of the mannor of upton for landes supposed to lye there xij pence by the yeare within wch manor the saide warden and college nor theire tenant haue noe lande at all at this daye. Note the landes belonginge to ye saide warden and college are heare written in redd letters. Sum totall of the acres belonging to the said tenemt lxij acr. 5 perches.
Buckinghamshire -- Langley Marish -- Langley Marsh, Bucks.IV:14 - Langley Marsh, Wickham
Thomas Langdon (1596)The description of certaine arable lande lieinge in diuerse furlonges called Canlandes pece togeather with a close of pasture and meadow grownde called Canlandes Close unto the same next adioyning lieing together in the parishe Langley marishe in the countie of Buckingham apperteininge unto the messauge or tenemente at westmore greene in Langley aforesaide and beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and college of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon drawn the vth day of October Ano dni M.D. Lxxxxvjo Ano Elizabeth Rne nunch Angliae &c xxxviijo by the measure of xvj foote and an halfe to the pole and accordinge to the proporcion of xij poles to an ynche. // The description of three severall parcelles of Arrable lande lieinge in the weste fielde of Langley Marish aforesaide beloninge unto the messauge or tenemente at westmore greene before mencioned, as the same doe lie within the metes and boundes thereof beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and college of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon drawne and made by the measure of xvj foote dj to to the perch and accordinge to the proporcion twelue perches to an ynche the vth daye of October aforesaide. Note that the landes aboue specified are in this description to be founde written wth redd letters. // The description of A parcell of meadow ground lieinge in the parishe of Chippinge within the countye of Buckingham westwarde from the towne nere unto the water milne there called Ashe milne as by the description plainelye appearethe beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and college of the sowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon. drawne and made the vjth day of October in the yeare aboue mencyoned by such measure and proporcion as are there also specified. Note that as well in this as the residue of theise presente descriptions the landes apperteyninge utno the said warden and college are written in red lres. // The description of a parcell of meadowe grounde called woode crofte lieinge in the parishe of Chippinge wikham in the countie of Buckingham Eastwarde from the towne nere unto A water mylne there called Temple mylne as by the description plainelye appeareth. which meadow is parcell of the possessions of the warden and college of the fowles of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon drawne and made the vjth day of october in the xxxviijth yeare of the raigne of our most gratious soueraigne ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of Englande Fruance & Irelande Queene defender of the faithe &c and in the yeare of our lorde god M.D.Lxxxxvj Robte Hoveden doctor of diuinitye then beinge warden accordinge to the measure of xvj foote dj to the perche and after the proporcion of xij perches to an ynche. by Tho. Langdon. Note the meadowe aforesaide appeareth here in written wth redd letters.
Buckinghamshire -- Langley Marish -- Langley Marsh, WickhamIV:15 - South Petherton, Somersetshire
(1605)The description of the syte of the late dissolved Chauntrye of St Iohnes, nowe called St Iohnes orcharde, and of two tenemts thereunto belonginge in southe Pederton in the Countye of Somerset wth certaine arable lande meadow & pasture groundes in Chappell fielde Stowdafielde, netherfielde, Costemeade and Broademeade to the same apperteynig beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden & colledge of the soules of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon drawne in Aprill Ano dni 1605.
Somerset -- South Petherton -- South Petherton, SomersetshireIV:16 - South Petherton
(1605)The description of certeine parcelles of arable lande lieinge in the fieldes of Southe Pederton in ye countye of Somersett and in the Southe fielde of Compton there nere adioyninge belonginge unto the late dissolved Chauntrye of St Iohnes and nowe beinge parcell of the possession of the warden and colledge of the soules of all faithefull people deceased of Oxon drawne in Aprill Ano dni 1605.
Somerset -- South Petherton -- South PethertonIV:17 - South Petherton
Thomas Langdon (1605)The description of certaine parcelles of arable lande meadow and pasture grounde in Drayton Bridgefielde and gore fielde in the parishe of Southe Pederton in the countye of Somrset and in the fielde of Nether Stratton thereunto nere adoyninge belonginge unto the late dissolved chauntrye of St Iohnes in Southe pederton aforesaide beinge nowe parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the soules of all faithfull people deceased of Oxon drawne in Aprill Ano dni 1605. Roberte Hoveden doctor of divinitye then beinge warden by Tho. Langdon.
Somerset -- South Petherton -- South PethertonV:01 - Alberbury and Eyton, Shropshire
Thomas Langdon (1602)The description of the precincte of the parishe of Aberbury in the county of Salop whiche the tiethes are belonginge unto ye parsonage inpropriate there and is parcell of the possessions of the warden and colledge of the soules of all faithfull people deceased in Oxon drawne in awguste Ano dni 1602 Ano Eliz. xliiijo Robte Hovenden doctor in divinity then warden: by the measure of xvj foote and halfe to the perche and accordinge to the proportion of nientysix perches to an ynche by Tho. Langdon.
Shropshire -- Alberbury -- Alberbury and Eyton, ShropshireV:02 - Alberbury, Shropshire
(1593)THE Description of the seyte of the late dissolued Priorie called the Newe Abbey or Blacke Abbye nighe Alberburye in the Countie of Salop with diuerse groundes to the same belonginge and nighe adioyninge thereunto beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and College of the Soules of all faithfull people decesed in Oxforde and nowe in the tenur of Alexander wood, togeather wth Eyton haies and Eyton Waste wth holden by dyuerse men, made in Marche 1593.
Shropshire -- Alberbury -- Alberbury, ShropshireV:03 - Alberbury, Shropshire
Thomas Langdon (1593)The description of A tenemt and diuerse parcelles of arable lande lieinge abroade in the towne and fieldes of Alberburie in the Countie of Saloppe beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and college of the Sowles of all faithfull people deceased in Oxenforde drawne and made in the monethe of marche Anno dni MDLXXXXIII And in the yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of Englande Fraunce and Irelande Quene defender of the faith &c Robte Houeden doctor of diuinitie then beinge warden, drawne by the measure of xvj foote dj to the perche & by the proporcon of xvj pt to an ynch by Tho. Langdon // THE Description of diuerse notable places within the parihse of Alberburye aforesaide and Speciallye of the riuer of Seuerne wch boundeth the saide parish on the northe and northweste partes, the parsonage impropriate of wch parishe doth belonge unto the warden and College of the Sowles of all faithfull people deceased in Oxenforde and nowe in the occupacon of Alexander Woode drawne and made the tyme & yeare aboue sayde by Thomas Langdon.
Shropshire -- Alberbury -- Alberbury, ShropshireV:04 - Alberbury, Shropshire
Thomas Langdon (1593)THE Description of A pece of woode grounde called Peckenhall as the same dothe lye within the metes and boundes in the parishe of Alberburye in the Countye of Saloppe beinge parcell of the possessions of the warden and College of the Soules of all faithfull people deceased in Oxenforde drawne and made in the monthe of marche in the xxxvth yeare of the raigne of our most gratious Soueraigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of Englande Fraunce and Irelande Quene defender of the faithe &c Robte Houeden Doctor of diuinitye then being warden. Togeather withe certaine meadowe and pasture groundes adioyninge unto peckenhall aforesaide and comonlye called or knowne by the name of Peckenhall moares nowe devided into diuerse parcelles of righte belonginge unto the said warden and College but witholden from theire possession by Iefferye Lloyde sometyme theire farmore therof. And of diuerse other parcelles with holden by Sr Edward Leighton and others, as within more plainely appeareth, drawne at the measure of xvj foote & an halfe to the perche and by the proporcion of xvj perches to an ynche. by Thomas Langdon.
Shropshire -- Alberbury -- Alberbury, ShropshireCTM_p50_no59_Kent - Ivychurch Heape and Appledore, Kent
Thomas Langdon (1588-9)THE description of diverse parcelles of land lieinge in the parishes of Ivychurche Heape & Appledore in the countye of Kent, belonging unto Allsolne coledg in Oxon and in the tenure of Mr Christopher Hoveden, made according to the platte of Mr Tho. Clerke drawn in Marche Ano. Eliz. &c. xxxj by Tho. Langdon.
Kent -- Romney MarshCTM_p226a_no64_Scotney - Scotney, Kent
Thomas Clerke (1588-9)THE Description of the mannor of Scotney as the same dothe lye within the parishes of Lydde and Proomehill in the countye of Kent being A parcell of the possessions of the colledge of Allsolne in Oxforde, made by Thomas Clerke of Stamforde St Martynes in the countye of Northampton gent in the monethes of Mrche and Aprill in the one & thirtye yeare of the raigne of our soueraigne ladye Elizabeth by grace of god of England Fraunce and Irelande Queene defender of the faythe & Anis dm 1588 et 89.
Kent -- ScotneyCTM_p269_no219_Whateboroughe - Whadborough, Leicestershire.
Leicestershire -- WhadboroughCTM_p417a_1_Higham - Higham, Sussex
Sussex -- HighamCTM_p417a_4_GoogyeHall - Googye Hall, Newchurch, Kent
Thomas Clerke (1588-9)THE DESCRIPTION of the Scyte of the Mannor of Gooegye Hall with diuers landes thereunto adioyninge lyinge in the parishe of Newechurche within the countye of Kente made by Thomas Clerke in the monethe of Aprill Ao. Eliz. xxxj. Note the pece of grounde in question is mrked withe this letter. A.
Kent -- NewchurchCTM_p417a_5_Ivychurch - Ivychurch, Brookland, and Appledore, Kent
Thomas Clerke (1588-9)THE Description of diuers parcelles of grounde as they lye within the parishes of Iuyechurche Bruckelande and Apledore in the countye of Kente beinge parcell of the possessions of the Colledge of Alsolne in Oxforde made by Tho. Clerke of Stamforde St. Martynes in the county of Northampton gent. in the monethe of mrch in the one and thirteth yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of Englande Fraunce and Ireland quene defender of the faythe &c.
Kent -- Romney MarshCTM_p417a_6_Romney - Romney Marsh, Kent
(1592)The plott of Romney Marsh describing aswell the comon watercourses with theire heades armes and pynockes bridges and principall guttes: as also the high wayes and lanes within the same. Shewing likewise the true places of the parishe churches dwellinge howses and cotages within the same Levell. This territorye or levell of Romney marshe is defended from the enundation of the salte sea by a wall & preserved from the surrounding & ouerflowinge of freshe waters by certein water courses. The wall is comonlye knowne by the name of Dymchurch wall begining at Euerdens groine & continuinge by sondry denominations unto the end of high knock wall conteininge in the whole 1060 roddes in length. wch wall is armed and defended against the washe and rage of the sea with Bushes laid wth certeine courses of needle worke & groines or Knockes continually mainteyned at the charge of the whole levell. The watercourses for the better conveighaunce & shorter passage of the water out of ye saide levell are appoynted to haue theire vent or yssue into the sea ijo sundry wayes & that each by diverse armes & principall sewers conducinge the waters to either of the saide yssues. The one of the saide ventes laboreth eastwarde unto Dimchurch wall where it falleth into the sea by three seuerall passages. to weete; willop Marshland & Clobsden guttes. Th'other vent or yssue tendeth westwarde by fyve princpiall courses with theire armes being comonly called the fyue watringes wch conveigh theire water unto Arrowhead gutt neare Snargatt and so through woodrooffe and thence into the channell wch passeth by Rie into the sea. wch water courses are also mainteined at the charge of the saide levell acordinge to theire limits and severall taxes. The names of the fyue watringes are Speringebrook, Greate Sydbrooke, Abbathrige, Brensett and Yokes. vjto. Maij ano dni. 1592.
Kent -- Romney MarshNorthwalland - North and South Walland & Dengemarsh, Kent
The description of North Walland South Walland and Dengemarshe. // THE PLOTT of the marshes of north walland south walland and Dengemarshe describing the comon watercourses with theire heades armes pinnockes bridges and principall guttes, As also parte of Appledower Channell beginning at shurlies moore and passing by Appledower kyte gutte Guldyfourde & Rye into the Sea. And also the highe wayes & lanes wthin the said levell, sheweing likewise the places of the parish churches dwelling houses and cottages within the same. THESE Levelles are preserved from surrounding and overflowing of the fresh waters by certeine watercourses or seweres vidr wooderowse Beldingehope & Snodland Chemegutt Balden Bonyface and Halland St Thomas Inninges whitekempe lueres gutt & Dengemarshe sewer wch for metter conveyance and shorter passage of the freshe waters out of the saide leveles have theire ventes or Issuinges onto ye sea fyve sondrye wayes by diverse armes or yokes into theire principall seweres thorough theire guttes videlzt kyte Gutte wenewaye gutte Iewres gutte Dengemarshe gutte and North layde gutte.
Kent -- Romney MarshWMS_3_f42v43r - Newington, Oxfordshire
Thomas Langdon (1595)The Description of the lands belonginge unto the parsonage of Newington in the County of Oxon before mencioned to be exchanged with Mr. Oglethorpe for landes of his in parsonage Coombe Close wherein is also described diuerse other landes unto the same next adioyninge made in August in the xxxvijth yeare of the raigne of our soueraigne ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of Englande Frannce and Ireland Queen defender of the faithe &c. Ann dni 1595. Robte Hovede doctor in diuinitye then incumbent. by Thomas Langdon. Note the measure is after 16 foot dj to the pearch. Scala 20.
Oxfordshire -- Newington