The following two drawings have been associated with Hampton Court. Since neither identification can be proven, however, the drawings are discussed at this point in the catalogue.
413 - AS I.93. Elevation of an unidentified interior. The design is 17 ft wide. Drawn and dimensioned by Hawksmoor to a scale of 1 ft 4 in. to an inch, with the overmantel, cherubs, and foliage decoration added by Grinling Gibbons. Brown ink over pencil (Hawksmoor). Pale brown ink shaded with a grey/brown wash, over pencil sketching (Gibbons). 360 x 423 mm. Watermark: DS.
Note to 413: This drawing has been associated with the Queen's Closet at Hampton Court (WS 7.254). The N wall of the closet, however, is 24 ft across, whereas the wall elevation in the drawing is only 17 ft across. Nor does the plan implied by the design fit any of the remaining spaces in the state apartments. A connection with Hampton Court nevertheless seems likely, as the cornice profile agrees with Higgott 2007: SM 110/58 (WS 4, pl. 63, bottom), while the collaborative nature of the drawing is exactly paralleled in Higgott 2007: SM 110/57 (WS 4, pl. 41, bottom R).
[WS 7, pl. 27, bottom; Harris 1985, 94–95; Thurley 2003, 177–78]
414 - AS I.91. Overmantel designs for a presence chamber (L) and bedchamber (R). Drawn by Grinling Gibbons to a scale of just over 1 ft to an inch (drawn scale). Brown ink and grey wash over pencil. 373 x 438 mm. Inscriptions: the Presence 9 fo 8 foot 6 I (below L design); 9 foot 4 In (alongside L design); the Bed Chamber 7 foot 9 In (below R design); 10 foot 4 In hi (alongside R design).
Note to 414: These drawings have likewise been associated with Hampton Court. They should be compared with Gibbons's overmantel designs at Sir John Soane's Museum (Higgott 2007: SM 110/23–26, 30–52: WS 4, pls. 27–43).
[WS 7, pl. 27, top; Esterley 1998, 120; Thurley 2003, 176]