The following drawings relate to Wren's weather-clock projects of c. 1663 (Summerson 1953, 57–58; Bennett 1982, 85; Downes 1971b, 36; Downes 1982b, 48; Jardine 2002, 274–76). 384 and 386 include unrelated architectural designs, evidence of Wren's dual interests at this time (Summerson 1953, 51–52).

384 (a) - AS IV.148 (click to view in Digital Bodleian)

384 (b) - AS IV.148 (verso) (click to view in Digital Bodleian)
384 (a and b) - AS IV.148.
- (i) Pencil studies for the first weather-clock project.
- (ii) Dimensioned plan study for the chapel screen at All Souls College, Oxford, showing the tangent line of the Torus
right hand of the Base without. Dimensions on part plan: 45, 5, 15, 17, 22, 17, 22, 17, 2, 30. Below this: 193 Sum[m]e of the whole line. / 8 Altitude of the line from the bottome of the plinthe. / 15/44 factus / 30/88 doubled. Next to part plan of two columns: 36 48 Torus of the portal within / 84 Sum[me] / 8 Altit: from[m] botto[m] of plinth / 6/72 factus / 13/44 doubled.
- (iii) There are further ink studies on the back of the sheet: two circles (on L), probably related to the end column of the part plan; non-architectural linear diagrams.
The whole drawn by Wren, c. 1663–64. Pencil and brown ink. 303 x 390 mm. Watermark (incomplete): fleur-de-lis on a small shield surmounted by a coronet (Heawood 1717).
Note to 384: The pencil sketching relates to the first of Wren's weather-clocks, which included a self-recording tipping-bucket (Jardine 2002, 274–76). There is a finished drawing of the same in the heirloom copy of Parentalia (WS 19, pl. 74, bottom; Bennett 1982, 85). The part plan relates to the chapel screen at All Souls (3).
385 - AS IV.158. Pencil studies for the weather-clock on 384. Drawn by Wren. 193 x 217 mm. No watermark.
Note to 385: The internal mechanisms of Wren's weather-clocks are not otherwise recorded.

386 (a) - AS IV.161 (click to view in Digital Bodleian)

386 (b) - AS IV.161 (verso) (click to view in Digital Bodleian)
386 (a and b) - AS IV.161.
- (i) Plans and elevations of catafalques (on L).
- (ii) Pencil studies for the second of weather-clock project (on R).
There are further catalfalque designs on the back of the sheet. Drawn by Wren. Pencil. 305 x 433 mm. Watermark: three circles (similar to Heawood 269, but with a single capital A in the bottom circle).
Note to 386: Wren's finished drawing for the second weather-clock is at the Royal Society (Register Book, II, 321: Hunter 1995, fig. 8). The purpose of the catafalque designs is unknown; two of them include Serlianas similar to 3.