438 - AS I.5. Unexecuted design for a monument to Queen Mary, c. 1694–95. Drawn by Grinling Gibbons. Brown ink over pencil, shaded with grey and yellow washes. A variant design with solomonic columns is given on the R (unfinished). 651 x 463 mm (in two pasted sheets: main sheet, 594 x 463 mm, with a narrow strip attached across the bottom, 68 x 461 mm). Watermark: Strasbourg bend, over AJ; JJ.
Note to 438: This ambitious design was intended for the Henry VII Chapel at Westminster Abbey, where Mary was interred on 5 March 1695. The recumbent queen lies beneath a gilded sun, supported by a lion and a unicorn, and attended by an angel. A related design in the British Museum post-dates William’s death in 1702 (Croft-Murray and Hulton 1960, 2, pl. 137).
[WS 5.13 and frontispiece; Croft-Murray and Hulton 1960, 1.333; Green 1964, 74, pls. 92–93; HKW 5.455–56; Whinney 1988, 124–46]