Windsor Castle was maintained by a local Office of Works (HKW 5.117–21). This was distinct from the Whitehall Office, and it was Hugh May, Comptroller of the Works at Windsor, who remodelled the Upper Ward for Charles II in 1675–84 (HKW 5.316–29). The Wren office, however, did produce two unexecuted schemes for Windsor: a design for a mausoleum for Charles I in 1678 (293–297), and, twenty years later, an ambitious scheme for reconstructing the S side of Upper Ward (298–304).
Unexecuted design for a monument to Charles I, 1678
These well-known drawings date from early 1678, when parliament voted £70,000 'for a solemn Funeral of his late Majesty King Charles the First, and to erect a Monument for the said Prince of glorious Memory' (HKW 5.324). It was to have stood at the E end of St George's Chapel, but the money was never forthcoming and the design remained on paper. In addition to Wren's presentation drawings (293–295), two alternative designs for the interior monument survive (296–297). The project and its political significance have been discussed at length elsewhere.
[Wren 1750/1965, 331–32; WS 5.52–54 and pls. 41–43; Webb 1937, 76; Sekler 1956, 108–09; Downes 1971b, 167–68; Whinney 1971, 142–44; HKW 5.324; Downes 1982a, 81–82; Downes 1982b, 90–91; Beddard 1984; Douglas Stewart 1997; Potter 1999; Jardine 2002, 479–83]
Three presentation drawings by Wren (293-295):
293 - AS II.91. Ground plan, with a half plan of the drum and lantern. Drawn to a scale of just over 9 ft to an inch (drawn scale). Brown ink over scorer, shaded with grey and black washes. 373 x 233 mm. Watermark: IHS surmounted by a cross, over ET.
294 - AS II.92. Elevation. Brown ink over pencil and scorer, shaded with grey wash. 504 x 349 mm. Watermark: Strasbourg lily WR. A monumental inscription is faintly written in pencil on the main frieze: this begins Carolo Martyr but is otherwise illegible. There is a modern inscription on the back of the sheet, correctly identifying the design.
295 - AS II.93. Section, corresponding to 294. Brown ink over pencil and scorer, shaded with grey wash. 504 x 350 mm. Watermark: IHS surmounted by a cross, over LM. Arches, 4 ft higher, have been scored over the ground-floor niches.
Two alternative designs for the interior monument (296-297):
296 - AS II.94. Presentation design, made by a non-office hand to a scale of just under 2 ft to an inch (drawn scale). Brown ink over pencil and scorer, shaded with grey and yellow washes. 450 x 287 mm. There are two pasted overlays to the L and R of the entablature, presumably masking the continuation of the mouldings beneath. Watermark: IHS surmounted by a cross.
297 - AS II.95. Presentation design, made by a second non-office hand to a smaller scale than 296. Pencil and brown ink, shaded with grey wash. 388 x 272 mm. Watermark: Strasbourg lily WR. The hand is characterised by pencil and ink hatching.
Note to 296-297: According to Parentalia these two drawings were prepared by Grinling Gibbons, 'one adopted for Brass-work, the other for Marble' (Wren 1750/1965, 332). Neither drawing is in Gibbons's hand, however, and their authorship remains open. 296 has recently been attributed to Caius Gabriel Cibber (Douglas Stewart 1997, 31–32). In both drawings Charles I is borne aloft by the 'heroick Virtues' (Prudence, Temperance, Justice and Fortitude), who crush the four vices (Envy, Heresy, Hypocrisy, and Rebellion).
The following documents survive with the drawings at All Souls:
- (i) AS II.89. Manuscript title-page to 293–297, probably written by Christopher Wren junior. This is printed in WS 5.52.
- (ii) AS II.90 [Images: p.1, pp.2-3, p.4]. Manuscript estimate, in Wren's hand. Printed, minus eight entries for the 'Ornaments of the first story within', in WS 5.52–54. The estimate comes to £43,663.
Unexecuted design for remodelling Upper Ward, 1698
The following drawings were produced in 1698, perhaps in the aftermath of the fire at Whitehall. They envisage the creation of a ceremonial route through the palace (299), the reconstruction of the S side of the Upper Ward (300–304), and the creation of elaborate gardens to the N, E, and S of the castle (298). The elevation exists in three versions, all of which derive features from Hugh May's work of 1675–84.
[Wren 1750/1965, 334; WS 8.12–14 and pls. 11–15; Sekler 1956, 178; Downes 1959, 65, 280; Downes 1966, 43; HKW 5.331–32; Roberts 1997, 20–22, 175–83]
298 - AS V.16. Block plan of the castle, including proposals for gardens to the N, E, and S. Drawn to a scale of about 185 ft to an inch (drawn scale). Presentation drawing by Hawksmoor. Brown ink over pencil, shaded with grey, brown, and green washes. 504 x 722 mm (lined with a paper support). Watermark: Strasbourg lily WR; IHS surmounted by a cross, over IVILLEDARY. Ripped in bottom R corner.
Note to 298: This was not the only garden design produced at this time. A (lost) scheme by André Le Notre 'pour les jardins, projettez à Windsor' is mentioned in March 1698 (HKW 5.332), while drawings by Claude Desgots (Roberts 1997, fig. 168) and an unidentified English draughtsman (Higgott 2007: SM 111/45: WS 8, pl. 16) survive at the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm and Sir John Soane's Museum.
299 - AS V.15. Block plan of the castle, with the proposed alterations shaded yellow. The design is suitable to all three of the following designs. Drawn to a scale of just under 80 ft to an inch (drawn scale). Presentation drawing by Hawksmoor. Brown ink over pencil, shaded with grey, yellow, and green washes. 376 x 699. Watermark: Strasbourg lily WR; P.
Design 1 (tall attic scheme) (300-302)
300 - AS V.19. S elevation/perspective of the S sides of the Lower (L) and Upper (R) Wards, with a part plan beneath the latter. Preparatory to 301–302. Drawn by Hawksmoor to a scale of about 20 ft to an inch. Pencil and grey wash. 480 x 1440 mm. In four pasted sheets lined with a textile support, from L to R: sheet 1 (gateway and curtain wall to Lower Ward), 480 x 370 mm; sheet 2 (to the end of the curtain wall), 480 x 373 mm; sheet 3 (up to and including the eighth bay of the main block), 480 x 370 mm; sheet 4 (the rest of the design), 480 x 374 mm. Watermark (four times): Strasbourg lily WR; HI. A tall tower, corresponding to 303 and 304, is sketched in pencil over the R cupola. Still in folio volume (2005).
301 - AS V.18. Elevation of the S side of the Upper Ward (definitive version of the R half of 300), drawn by Hawksmoor to a scale of about 20 ft to an inch. A ruled pencil line alongside the L side of the sheet shows the intended join with 302. Brown ink over pencil shaded with grey wash. 379 x 687 mm. Watermark: Strasbourg lily WR; P. Pencil addition: arches in the bays beneath the cupolas.
302 - AS IV.57. Elevation of the S side of the Lower Ward (definitive version of the L half of 300), drawn by Hawksmoor to a scale of about 20 ft to an inch. Brown ink over pencil, shaded with grey wash. 424 x 700 mm. Watermark: Strasbourg lily WR; P.
Design 2 (triangular pediment scheme)
303 AS V.20. Elevation of S side of Upper Ward and curtain wall, drawn to a scale of about 13 ft to an inch. Presentation drawing by Hawksmoor. Grey ink over pencil, shaded with grey wash. The curtain wall is drawn in brown ink. 456 x 1643. In three pasted sheets lined with a textile support, from L to R: sheet 1 (up to and including the second bay between the two L towers), 456 x 742 mm; sheet 2 (up to and including the door between the two R towers), 456 x 737 mm; sheet 3 (the rest of the design), 454 x 186 mm. Watermark in sheets 1 and 2: Strasbourg lily WR; P. Watermark in sheet 3: Strasbourg lily (incomplete). A long building with end pavilions is drawn in pencil beyond the curtain wall. An urn is sketched over the L end of the main block.
Design 3 (segmental pediment scheme)
304 - AS V.17. Elevation of the S side of Upper Ward, drawn to a scale of about 13 ft to an inch. Presentation drawing by Hawksmoor. Inscription beneath pediment: GVLELMO MAGNO FVNDATORI / QUIETIS ANNO MDCXCVIII. Brown ink and pencil, shaded with a grey/green wash. Only the central block is inked in. 362 x 1271 mm. In three pasted sheets lined with a textile support, from L to R: sheet 1 (two L towers), 362 x 426 mm; sheet 2 (central block), 362 x 450 mm; sheet 3 (two R towers), 362 x 420 mm. Watermark: IHS surmounted by a cross, over IVILLEDARY (sheet 1), Strasbourg lily WR (sheets 2 and 3). Still in folio volume (2005).