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Walter Morgan's Service in the Low Countries: a Brief Description of the All Souls College Manuscript known as MS 129

A glorious lockdown task to do at home in 2021 was to write a description of All Souls Manuscript 129, by Water, as he calls himself, Morgan, an untitled description of his years as a soldier in the Low Countries. Photographs taken by All Souls Librarian-in-Charge Gaye Morgan enabled this task. Having already written too much for the brief description it was meant to be, there is far more I could write about this fascinating work. ...

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leather-bound book with All Souls College arms embossed in gilt

"Can you tell me something of its provenance…?"

This is the question most frequently asked by researchers consulting our early printed collections, and there are some features of the history of the College's library which can help to explain the institutional, and often personal, history of most of the collection.[...]

Posted: 2021-12-14 (last modified 2023-03-14 03:18:17 PM)

Acta manuscript entry: Jul 11 1642, 'Lone of yr tower money to his Majestie'


The first complete surviving All Souls College Minute Book, Acta in Capitulis, MS. 400a dates from 18th August 1601 to the final entry, dated 29th July 1707, when it was agreed that the Wood-House should be repaired. The manuscript comprises 260 folios, of which folios 1 – 25[...]

Posted: 2021-02-03 (last modified 2023-03-14 03:18:17 PM)