--- Coxe, Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Library of All Souls CollegeXXVI
Paper, in folio, ff. 5,
XV. Cent. ; formerly belonged to Narcissus Luttrell.
"Here begynneth the tretyse hough our glorious lady virgyn Mary passed out of this mortal lyfe, that is to say out of this wrecched world, and was assumpt unto the blysse of heuen; drawen out of Hebrew into Greke by the prior of S. John of the Rodys, and translatyd out of Greke into Laten by the sub-prior of S. John, and out Laten into Englysh by Ro. Sukar, the yere of grace 1485 in Westmystre."Prol. beg.
"Be it knowe to euery Cristen man or woman whatsoeuer he be, of what condicion, state or dignite, clerke or layman or woman, beynge in Cristen byleue, that hath this tretise upon hym or in his hous, the wycked feend shal neuer haue power to disese or to noye hym."Beg.
"In those dayes and tyme that our Lord Ihesu Crist."End,
"On the crosse deyed for us. Amen."
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