Codex membranaceus, in 4to minori, constans foliis scriptis 372,
seculo XIV, binis columnis exaratus ; olim peculium monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis; postea
Jenchini Bowen.
Biblia Vulgata, si Psalterium excipias, universa, cum Hieronymi ad Paulinum epistola
et ad Pentateuchum et Josuam præfationibus; necnon notis marginalibus instructa.
Ordo librorum Testamenti novi est iste,
- a. Evangelia quatuor.
- b. Epistolse Paulinæ quatuordecim.
- c. Actus Apostolorum.
- d. Epistolæ septem canonicæ.
- e. Apocalypsis.
In fine sunt tabulæ quomodo legendæ sint epistolæ et evangelia per anni circulum.
Membranaceus, in 4to, ff. 394,
sec. XIV. ineuntis, binis columnis nitide exaratus, et quoad literas initiales pictus et auratus; huic
bibliothecæ a domino D. Lyngton dono datus.
Biblia Sacra universa, ex editione vulgata, cum Hieronymi, necnon quoad Maccabæorun
libros Rabani Mauri, prologis, penitus illustrata.
In fine Testamenti novi, Interpretatio nominum Hebraicorum [secundum Remigium, episcopum
Præfixit manus longe recentior tabulam contextorum et
'versus secundum ordinem et numerum librorum Bibliæ,'
auctore anonymo, qui incip.
'Pentatheu, Genesis Exitque Levi. Nume. Deutro.'
Cf. Wolfii Bibl. Hebr. part. ii. p. 248.
Codex membranaceus, in 4to minori, ff. 337,
sec. XIII., binis columnis exaratus; olim Radulphi Freman de Hamells, in comitatu Hertfordensi.
Biblia Sacra universa ex versione vulgata, cum Hieronymi, et quoad Maccabæorum libros
Rabani Mauri, prologis baud insolitis, necnon notulis marginalibus, illustrata.
In fine, Interpretationes nominum Hebraicorum secundum Remigium, quibus subjunguntur
Concordantiæ Bibliorum, quæ etiam inveniendæ sint codici præmissæ.
Præmittuntur codici,
- 1. Definitiones variæ, contritionis, confessionis, etc. fol. 1.
- 2.
Vocabularium, ordine alphabetico dispositum. fol. 1. b.
"Angelus, purus natura, reconciliator est."
- 3. Anecdota de vitis patrum excerpta. fol. 4.
"Quidam demoniacus revelabat omnia peccata."
4. Expositio vocum phrasiumque secundum significationem quam habent in Scripturis.
fol. 5.
5. Sententiae proverbiales, ordine alphabetico. fol. 10. b.
"Auxilia humilia firma facit consensus."
Codex membranaceus, in folio maximo, hodie in volumina quatuor distinctus, binis columnis
optime exaratus, sed utrinque mutilus.
Volumen primum habet ff. 186, et continet
- Libros Testamenti veteris usque ad Regum librum quartum inclusive, cum Hieronymi prologis
et capitulis præmissis instructos.
- Supplevit manus recentior, sec. XV. ineunte, Hieronymi ad Ambrosium epistolam et ad
Pentateuchum praefationem.
- Liber Geneseos incipit in cap. iii. — 'moriemini; scit enim Deus.'
Volumen secundum habet ff. 120, et continent
- Prophetarum libros majorum minorumque, cum prologis.
- Supplevit manus eadem recentior Malachiæ libri partem posteriorem et totiun Baruch.
Volumen tertium habet ff. 180, et continet
Psalterium, Salomonis libros, Paralipomenon, Ezræ, Hester, Judith, et Maccabæorum,
cum prologis, et quoad Salomonis libros capitum titulis, instructos.
Volumen quartum habet ff. 108, et continet
- Testamentum novum cum prologis et capitulis librorum illustratum.
- Deficit volumen ab epistolæ ad Philippenses primæ cap. iv., si excipias folium, partem
capitis ultimi Apocalypseos continens, subjunctum.
Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 198,
sec. XIII., utrinque mutilus; in initio legitur
"liber collegii Omnium Animarum ex done regis Henrici Sexti."
1. Liber Job, prævio Hieronymi prologo, cum glossis perpetuis illustratus; in fine
mutilus. fol. 1.
"Job dolens, id est, Christus, qui dolores nostros."
Cf. glossam ordinariam ed. Lyra.
2. liber Actuum Apostolorum, cum glossa perpetua. fol. 95.
In fine est prologus, qui incipit
"Fluvius egrediebatur de loco voluptatis."
3. Epistolæ septem canonicæ cum glossa perpetua. fol. 143.
4. Liber Apocalypseos, cum glossa perpetua. fol. 181.
Incip. text, in cap. viii.
"—-tea in conspectu Dei, et date sunt vii. tube."
Membranaceus, in folio minori, ff. 188,
sec. XIII., optime exaratus et servatus, et quoad literas initiales pictus et deauratus; olim
Danielis Lysons, M.D. Bathoniensis.
Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 159,
sec. XIV. ineuntis, olim peculium Joannis Young armigeri; optime exaratus et deauratus.
1. Kalendarium, cum monosticho unicuique mensi præmisso. fol. I.
Monostichon primum est,
"Prima dies mensis, et septima truncat ut ensis."
Ad diem Julii tertittm notatus est obitus domincæ
"Marie de Pakenham, anno Domini m.ccc.lxj."
2. Psalterium Dayidis, ex versione vulgata. fol. 7.
3. Cantica Sacra, Symbolum Athanasianum, Litaniae et orationes. fol. 132.
4. Officium mortuorum, cum notis musicalibus instructum. fol. 148. b.
Membranaceus, in folio, ff. 247,
sec. XIV.
1. Eyangelium secundum Matthæum, cum prologo et glossis perpetuis marginalibus et
interlinearibus illustratum. fol. 2.
2. Evangelium secundum Joannem, cum prologo et glossis perpetuis. fol. 56.
3. Tractatus de natura spirituali et corporali. fol. 82. b.
"Dictum est de bono nature, quod est angelica creatura."
4. Epistolæ Paulinæ quatuordecim, cum glossis perpetuis instructæ. fol. 88.
5. Anonymi cujusdam Manuale, sive de ecclesia mystica, ecclesiæ ministris et officio
ecclesiastico, libellus, cum prologo. fol. 240.
Incip. prol.
"Frumentum desiderat nubes."
Incip. lib.
"Ecdesia ista fiiit figurata in templo."
6. S. Joannis Apocalypseos liber, cum glossis perpetuis instructus. fol. 244.
Desin. a verbis,
"post hoc yidi quatuor angelos stantes super quatuor angulos."
Codex membranaceus, in folio minori, ff. 116,
sec. XI.; optime exaratus.
S. Pauli Apostoli Epistolae quatuordecim cum glossis perpetuis marginalibus et interlinearibus
Evulsum fuit, ut videtur, folium primum, quod prologum continebat.
Praefixit manus recentior orationem Dominicam cum commentario.
In fine sunt orationes quatuor, scilicet, ad Patrem, Filium, Spiritum Sanctum et S.
Trinitatem, cujus ultimæ abscissa est pars posterior.
Membranaceus, in folio, ff. 202,
sec. XV., binis columnis exaratus; olim Ed. Boutthell,deinde Tattersall cujusdam, et postea, anno 1614, Gulielmi Kyngesly, coll. Omn. Anim. socii et ecclesiæ Cantuariensis præbendarii.
Testamentum novum, cum prolegomenis, tabulis rubricarum, titulisque rubricatis unicuique
capiti præmissis, necnon glossulis, more Wyclevitano, in textum hic illic insertis,
illustratum: Gallice.
Ordo libronmi est iste, Evangelia SS. Marci, Matthæi, Lucæ et Joannis, Epistolæ Paulinæ,
Apostolorum Actus, Epistolæ Canonicæ et Apocalypsis.
Incip. prologus in S. Marci Evangelium
"Marc leuuangeliste elleu de Dieu"
etc., ex Hieronymi versione traductus.
Excussum est folium unicum, quod continebat S. Joannis capitum rubricas et cap. 1.
In fine codicis
"Cy fine l'apocalipse Saint Jehan, qui est le darrenier liure de la Bible; Deo gracias.
Consentit cum
MS. Bodl. 690, cui codici præmissa est notitia sequens, 'Haec illa videtur translatio, quæ jussu
Caroli quinti, Galliarum regis, edita est contra illam Waldensium, et, ut Rhemensis,
sequitur ad amussim vulgatam illam translationem Hieronymi.'
Membranaceus, in folio majori, ff. 236,
sec. XIV., binis columnis exaratus; olim, ut videtur, pertinebat ad ecclesiam de Tregaer, co. Monemut.; in fine mutilus.
Missalae, secundum consuetudinem ecclesiæ Sarisburiensis; prævio kalendario cum monostichis
Monostichon primum,
"Primus mandantem dirumpit, quarta bibentem."
In calce folii primi est notitia ista,
"Be hit knowyn to all men be thys presentis that the parysheners byn agreyd bee theyr
owne fre wyll to be paroctowrs on after another yn furme as hit folowys that ys to
say that the (said') parysh-eners shall dylyntlye on after another with owte any contreytes
erly when hit ys hys dywty or ellys to reward the chyrch with ij. lb of waxe for ye
yere only insywyng."
Postea ad fol. 1. b.
"Procuratoris Thomæ Martis debet visitare ecclesiam de Tregayr dominica proxima post
festum ascencionis."
Postea ad diem Septembr. xxviii.
"Dedicatio Sancte Marie de Tregaer assignatur per Milonem Laud, episcopum, anno Domini
millesimo d.ij.o"
Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 181,
sec. XIII. exeuntis, olim "liber Sancte Marie de Stanleia;" binis columnis exaratus.
Anonymi cujusdam in libros quinque Moysis commentarius, prævio prologo, quem inscripsit
manus longe recentior,
'Ysidorus super Pentatheucon.'
Incip. prol.
"Operis subditi materia lex est quinque voluminibus comprehensa."
Incip. opus,
"In principio; etc. Primus nobis occurrit liber Geneseos, qui Hebraice Bresith appellatur."
"in campestribus Moab, que sunt super lordanem e regione Iericho."
In calce,
"Explicit expositio super Pentatheucum."
"Descriptio Sanctorum locorum."
"Si quis ab occidentalibus partibus Jerusalem adire voluerit."
Bedæ, opp. ed. Colon, tom. iii. col. 363.
Codex membranaceus, in folio majori, ff. 199,
sec. XIII., binis columnis exaratus; olim Ricardi Andrew, coll. Omn. Anim. custodis.
Radulphi Monachi Flaiacensis, [Flaviacensis,] in Leviticum commentarii, præviis prologis
Incipit prologus primus,
"Cum inter Sotios aliquando sermo de Judæorum contentionibus."
Incipit prologus alter,
"Tercius in Moysi libris Leuiticus appellatur."
Incipit opus,
"Vocavit autem,"
"Hujus libri initium precedentis respicit finem."
Defic. in cap. v. lib. xvii. a verbis,
"Panem tamen quendam recentem —"
in edit. 1536. p. 266. col. I.
Membranaceus, in 4to., ff. 220,
sec. XV.; olim
"D. W. Folowys, præceptoris quondam, gramatice apud Euesham, qui obiit
4 die Augusti 1483."
Membranaceus, in 4to minori, ff. 214,
anno 1463 manu Ap Howell cujusdam exaratus; olim Roberti Honiwood.
Johannis de Turrecremata, Cardinalis presbyteri S. Sixti, in Psalterium commentarius;
prævia ad Pium Papam II. epistola dedicatoria.
Incipit epist.
"Perscrutanti michi studiose psalmorum librum."
Incipit comment.
"Psalmus primus, in quo describitur processus in beatitudinem. Beatus vir, qui non
abiit a via recta recedendo."
In calce,
"Finitur opus expositionis brevis super Psalterium compilatum per dominum Jo. de Turrecremata
presbyterum Cardinalem Sancti Sixti vulgariter nuncupatum, pro quo in gratiarum actiones
dicamus summæ Trinitati id quod post unumquemque psalmum in ecclesia decantatur, Gloria
"Finitum est in urbe die quarta Madii 1463, in qua die translatus sum de ecclesia
Penestrina ad ecclesiam Sabiniensem. ApHowell scripsit."
Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 284,
sec. XIV.; duobus columnis bene exaratus.
Thomse Aquinatis in Lucæ et Joannis evangelia commentariorum e diyersis Patribus catena.
Consentit cum edit. Venet. tom. v. p. 1.
Membranaceus, in 4to., ff. 113,
sec. XV.; olim Narcissi Luttrell.
Joannis de Monumento-pileato, sive Capgrave, Anglici, Liber symbolorum, praevia epistola
ad Gulielmum Gray, episcopum Eliensem, dedicatona.
In fine,
"Feliciter per Capgrave."
Exstat operis descriptio in
Tanner Bibl. Britanno-Hibern. ad pag. 152 inter notas, cui lector suppleat, quod in codice nostro inter articulos, ibi 18 et
19 numeratos, interpositi sunt S. Augustini de symbolis libri quatuor.
In initio et fine codicis insertae sunt a bibliopego membranae duae vitae Virgilii
fabulosae fragmentum continentes; Anglice.
Membranaceus, in folio, ff. 167,
sec. XII., binis columnis optime exaratus; olim Thomæ Gascoigne, sacr. pag. professoris, dioc. Ebor., qui
anno 1439 huic bibliothecæ dono dedit,
"volens, quod liber concathenetur in libraria communi."
S. Gregorii Papæ I., Magni, Epistolarum Registri libri quatuordecim; praevio ejusdem
Gregorii symbolo.
opera edit. Benedict, tom. ii. col. 485.
In fine sunt,
"Epistolæ (triginta duæ) quæ pretermissæ sunt de superioribus indictionibus,"
quarum prior inscribitur
'Sabiniano diacono Constantinopolitano'
et est in edit. cit. lib. v. ep. xix.; et ultima
'Rescriptum ad Felicem episcopum,'
in edit. lib. xiv. ep. xvii.
"sententia beati Gregorii papæ de lapsu sacerdotum, excerpta de decretis canonum,"
et de imaginibus ad Secundinum. fol.
Est in edit. cit. lib. ix. ep. xvii.
Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 159,
secc. XII. et XIV., quoad partem posteriorem binis columnis exaratus;
"datus per Henricum Penworthini."
1. Eusebii Emeseni, [potius Eucherii Lugdunensis], in Pascha Homeliæ duodecim. fol.
Exstant impress, in Magn. Bibl Vett.
Patr. tom. v. part i. p. 556.
2. S. Hieronymi presbyteri in S. Marci evangelium expositio, prævia præfatione. fol.
3. Hugonis de Sancto Victore super Ecclesiastem commentariorum libri duo, cum prologo,
fol. 31. b.
Deficit liber secundus prope ad finem, a verbis, "quia et ipsum cum factum,"
in edit.
1588, tom. i. fol. 39. b.
4. Fragmenta bomiliarum duarum super illud "Pertransisti, O Domini sponsa, custodes
tuos." fol. 42.
Desin. prima,
"transeamus misteria sponsi ecdesie Jhesu Christi, qui vivit,"
Incipit alt.
"Consortes nature, participes gratie."
5. Leonis Papæ magni de passione Domini homiliæ septem. fol. 46.
Exstant impressæ, haud tamen eodem ordine, inter opera, ed. 1748. tom. i. p. 62.
6. Amaldi abbatis Bonæ-vallis, [Carnotensis,] de cardinalibus Christi operibus, ad
Adrianum Papam liber in homilias tredecim distinctus, cum prologo. fol. 55.
Exstat impress, sub nomine Cypriani. edit. Fell, in app. p. 20.
Incip. prol.
"Sublimes materie subtilium ingenionum,"
Incip. homil. 1.
"De natali D. N. Ihesu Christi. Adest Christi multum desiderata."
Desin. ult. de S. Spiritu in Pentecoste,
"cognoscibilis Deus et inhabitator Spiritus Sanctus."
7. S. Augustini, episcopi Hipponensis, de beatæ Mariae assumptione tractatus, prævio
prologo, fol. 81.
"Liber Scintille Scripturarum,"
sive Loca commnnia ex Scripturis et Patribus collecta [Defensore auctore.] fol. 85.
Init. 1.
"Dominus dicit in Evangelio, Beati misericordes."
Exstat impress. edit. Coloniæ, 1556.
In calce,
"Explicit liber Scintille Scripturarum."
"Tabula exemplorum de habundancia adopcionum ad omnem materiam in sermonibus, secundum
ordinem alphabeti ordinata"
in capitula cxlvii. divisa, quorum elenchus in fine sit invenienda. fol. 110.
"Accidia. Nota, accidiosus est sicut canis familicus."
"ubi nos elevare dignetur, qui est benedictus in secula seculorum. Amen."
Codex chartaceus, in folio, ff. 184,
sec. XV.; olim J. R. Bird, postea Guliel. Warham, archiep. Cantuariensis, qui illium coll. Omn. Anim. dono dedit.
"Libellus, qui dicitur, Gesta passionis et resurrexcionis Domini nostri Ihesu Cristi."
fol. 1.
"Factum est sub Poncio Pilato præside Iherosolimis."
Desin. cum Pontii epistola de Christo ad Claudium, (potius Tiberium,) quæ exstat impress,
in Fabric, cod. apoc. Nov. Test. tom. i. p. 298.*
"Libellus, qui dicitur. Speculum humanæ Salvationis,"
in capita quadraginta quatuor distinctus, versibus rhythmicis expressus. fol. 12.
Cod. MS. Cotton Vesp. E. 1. Amando fratri opus istud tributum est.
In fine est tabula capitulorum contenta exhibens rhythmice expressa, quæ incipit,
"Incipit, prohemium cujusdam nove compilationis;"
Cujus nominis et titulus et (sic) speculum humane salvationis."
Impressum est opus sæpius, typis ligno incisis, in seculo quarto decimo.
3. Liber anecdotorum de vitis Imperatorum Romanorum ab "Ancelmo" ad "Plebeum" inclusive,
fol. 94.
"Ancelmus in civitate Romana regnavit prudens valde, qui portabat scutum de argento
cum quinque rosis rubicundis."
Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 177,
sec. XIV., binis columnis exaratus; olim liber monasterii beatæ Mariæ de Valle Dei.
Thomæ Aquinatis, sive de Aquino, Summæ Theologicæ pars Prima in quæstiones centum
novendecim distincta, cum capitulorum tabula præmissa. fol. 5.
Exstat, impress, edit. Venet. tom. i. p. xx. Sequuntur,
a. Quæstiones de sacra scientia (ex eodem?) fol. 164.
"Quia in quolibet opere finis ultimus est primus in intentione."
b. Determinatio quorundam articulorum facta "per Stephanum Templarii, episcopum Parisiensem,
et universitatem magistrorum." Dat. ann. Domini 1276 die dominica, qua cantatur 'Letare
Iherusalem;' scil. dominica iv. quadragesimæ. fol. 170. b.
"Universis, etc. Magnarum et gravium personarum."
Bibl. Patr. Max. xxv. p. 329.
c. "Diversimode facta a fratre Thoma in diversis." fol. 172. b.
"In primis quedam circa divinam naturam; quedam circa angelicam naturam."
Codex membranaceus, in folio minori, ff. 31,
sec. XV.; olim pertinebat ad Narcissum Luttrell.
Liber de miracidis Sanctæ Mariæ Virginis, præviis prologis duobus et capitidorom novem
et octoginta elencho.
Incip. prol. i.
"Celorum regine et terrarum imperatrici."
Incip. prologus alter,
"In dispersione filiorum Dei decor evanuit."
Tit miraculi primi,
"De Guidone, Scarensi episcopo, quod honoranda et diligenda sit mater sancte Marie
sancta Anna."
"Contigit quodam tempore, quod rex."
Consulat lector curiosus Discipuli,(scil. Joh. Herolt.,). Promptuarium de miraculis
B. M. Virginis, edit. Argentorati 1492.
Desin. miraculum ultimum versibus expressum rhythmicis,
"Salue, celi domina,
Salue, plena gratia,
Tua sunt hec opera,
Tu pro nobis supplica,
Tibi lux et gloria
Per etema secula.
Amen dicant omnia."
"Devota oratio, quam sanctus Edmundus [Riche de Pounteney], quondam scolaris istius
umversitatis et postea archiepiscopus Cantuariensis, frequenter solebat dicere ad
beatissimam Mariam virginem et sanctum Jobannem Evangelistam."
"O intemerata et in eternum benedicta singularis."
Paper, in very small 4to., ff. 79,
XVI. Cent.; formerly belonging to Narcissus Luttrell.
"An exposition after the manner of a contemplacyon upon the 51 psalme, called Miserere
mei Deus."
"Alas wretche that I am, conforteles forsaken of all men, which have offended both
heuen and earth; whitber shall I go or whither shall I turne me?"
At the end, by a later hand, is the Litany with a few prayers.
On vellum, in small 4to., ff. 126,
XV. Cent.; formerly in tbe possession of N. Luttrell.
"A tretice tbat seint Austyn made to a widowe of Cristene religioun,"
in eight chapters with a prologue ; [translated by Richard Rolle of Hampole.] fol.
Beg. "That y synner a
nd tbe laste and more unwiser than othere."
At the end,
"Here endith seynt Austen book of Cristen lijf."
MS. Harl. 2330, in Mus. Brit.
"A sermoun of seint Austen howe mann is maad to the ymage and liknesse of God his
maker of nouᵹt;"
[by the same.] fol. 35.
"How grete is the dignete of mannes makynge."
At the end,
"Here endith Austens sermoun howe man is maad to the ymage and liknesse of Almyᵹty
God in Trinite. Amen."
"Here spekith seynt Austyn of the xij. abusiouns or mysuses;"
[by the same.] fol. 38. b.
"The first abusioun is a wise man withoute good werkis."
The original has been attributed to Cyprian and others.
At the end, The preparation of the soul for heaven compared to the process thro' which
wheat must pass before it be made bread, fol. 59. b.
"Ye wote wele that wheete beynge in the scheef is not able to be served."
"A tretice that seynt Austen maad to an Eerle,"
'clepid Julian,'
MS. Harl.] in seventeen chapters; [by the same.] fol. 61.
"A my brothere ᵹif thou coueytist to wite, thoug I wite not"
"into worldis of worldis. Amen."
At the end,
"Here endith the tretice that seynt Austen made to an eerl."
On vellum, in 4to., ff. 135,
XV. Cent.; formerly belonging to Narcissus Luttrell.
A treatise in two books intitled
"Scala perfectionis;"
[generally attributed to Walter Hilton.]
"This tretys ys called "Scala perfeccionis;" the first chapitle speketh that the inner
hauyng of man shuld be like to the utter."
"Gostly brotheren in Ihesu Crist, I preie the that in the callyng."
"that is cleped the conscience."
At the end,
"Explicit Scala perfectionis."
Paper, in folio, ff. 5,
XV. Cent.; formerly belonged to Narcissus Luttrell.
"Here begynneth the tretyse hough our glorious lady virgyn Mary passed out of this
mortal lyfe, that is to say out of this wrecched world, and was assumpt unto the blysse
of heuen; drawen out of Hebrew into Greke by the prior of S. John of the Rodys, and
translatyd out of Greke into Laten by the sub-prior of S. John, and out Laten into
Englysh by Ro. Sukar, the yere of grace 1485 in Westmystre."
Prol. beg.
"Be it knowe to euery Cristen man or woman whatsoeuer he be, of what condicion, state
or dignite, clerke or layman or woman, beynge in Cristen byleue, that hath this tretise
upon hym or in his hous, the wycked feend shal neuer haue power to disese or to noye
"In those dayes and tyme that our Lord Ihesu Crist."
"On the crosse deyed for us. Amen."
Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 177,
sec. XIV.; binis columnis nitide exaratus.
Thomæ de Aquino, siye Aquinatis, prima pars secundæ partis summæ de theologia, cum
tabula quæstionum posthabita.
Exstat impress, edit. Venet. tom. xxi. p. 1.
In fine,
"Expliciunt capitula prime partis secundi libri editi a fratre Thoma de Aquino, ordinis
prædicatorum: Deo gratias. Dionisius sit benedictus. Amen."
Membranaceus, in folio majori, ff. 154,
sec. XII.; binis columnis bene exaratus; in fronte legitur
"liber collegii Animarum Omnium fidelium Oxonie, ex dono Regis Henrici Sexti."
1. Isidori, episcopi Hispalensis, de officiis ecclesiasticis, libri duo cum prologo
et capitulis instructi. fol. 1.
Consentiunt cum edit, impress. 1617, p. 391.
"Ordo officiorum, qui agitur in ecclesia Romana."
fol. 22.
2. [Ruperti, abbatis] de ecclesiasticis institutionibus libri duodecim cum prologo.
fol. 25.
Incip. prol.
"Ea que per anni circulum ordine constituto indivisus."
Incip. cap. 1
"De divinis officiis. Septem canonicas horas diei, non licet."
"pugna, tanto difficilior victoria est."
Scriptt. de Div. Off. 1624, col. 855.
3. Gulielmi Malmesbiriensis Amalarii de officiis ecclesiasticis abbreviatio, in libros
tres distincta, cum prologo et epilogis ad Robertum [Glocestriæ ducem?], necnon capitulis
instructa. fol. 123.
Incip. prol.
"In historicis nos narrationibus occupatos."
Incip. lib. i.
"Antiquus ecclesie mos fuit jam inde ab apostolorum."
Desin. lib. ult.
"et etermam postremo coronam."
Prologum et epilogum primi ultimique librorum edidit Petrus Allixius, in calce præfationis
ad determinat. Joan. Parisiensis, London. 1686.
4. Ivonis, episcopi Carnotensis, de officiis ecclesiasticis liber, prævia capitulorum
tabula, fol. 137.
Codex membranaceus, in folio majori, ff. 4. et 286,
secc. XVI. et XV., præcipue binis columnis haud eodem librario exaratus; olim Thomæ Wynterburne.
1. Hugonis Viennensis, sive de S. Caro, sive de S. Theoderico, in S. Lucæ evangelium
commentarii, cum notulis marginalibus, et tabula materiarum alphabetica illustrati.
fol. 1.
Exstant impress.
Faris. 1545, part. V. p. ii6.
2. Ejusdem Hugonis in S. Joannis evangelium oommentarii, cum prologo. fol. 117.
ibid. tom. V. fol. 254.
In fine,
"Explicit expositio Hugonis de Vienna super Johannem."
3. Rabani Mauri de laudibus sanctæ Crucis libri duo, intercessione Albini pro Mauro
aliisque versibus haud insolitis, necnon prologo, præmissis. fol. 195.
Exstant in edit.
Colon. 1626, tom. i. p. 275.
In calce,
"Explicit Rabanus de laude crucis, qui quondam erat abbas Fuldensis, et postea archiepiscopus
Maguncie ordinatus est."
Ad codicis initium et finem sunt membranæ octo capitula plura continentes ad jus canonicum
spectantia, cum glossa marginali.
Codex membranaceus, in folio majori, ff. 105,
sec. XII.; binis columnis exaratus.
Bernardi, Abbatis Clarævallensis, in Cantioa Canticorum Sermones quinquaginta tres,
scilicet a vigesimo quinto ad octogesimum septimum inclusive.
Exstant impress, in edit.
Paris. 1690, tom. 1. col. 1349.
In fine, manu altera, sunt scriptæ
"Ejusdem Bernardi Meditationes;"
inter opera, tom. ii. col. 319.
Membranaceus, in 4to, ff. 263,
sec. XV., binis columnis exaratus; in fine mutilus.
1. Venerabilis Bedæ Historiæ ecclesiasticæ libri quinque, prævia ad Ceolwulphum epistola.
fol. 1.
Subjuncta est libri uniuscujusque capitulorum elenchus.
2. Daretis Phrygii de exitu Trojanorum historia, præmissa Cornelii Nepotis ad Sallustium
epistola. fol. 105 b.
Exstant in edit.
Dict. Cretensis et Dar. Phrygii, Amstelod. 1702, p. 145.
In fine,
"Explicit vastacio Troie."
3. Henrici Huntindoniensis Historianim libri septem priores, omisso prologo. fol.
115 b.
Desin. lib. vii. cum verbis,
"leviter annihilata est,"
inter Scriptt. post Bedam, p. 220. l. 42.
Sequuntur capitula duo, scilicet,
"Liber moralium de regimine Dominorum, qui alio nomine dicitur Secretum Secretorum
ab Aristotele ad Alexandrum regem discipulum ejus missum, qui translatus est de Arabico
in Latinum"
[a Philippe Clerico], præviis translatoris epistola, capitulis et prologis hand insolitis.
fol. 201.
Deficit, in capitis De qualitate et equalitate hominis initio, a verbis,
"compositus in natura."
5. Ejusdem Aristotelis liber de vita et morte, prævio prologo; initio mancus. fol.
Incip. prol. a verbis,
"speculetur attencione continua."
6. Ricardi [Angervillæ, sive de Bury,] episcopi Dunelmensis, Philobiblon, præviis
prologo et capitulis. fol. 236.
In fine notitia solita de tempore, quo liber scriptus est.
Exstat sæpius impressum.
7. Liber medicamentorum pro diversis; in fine mancus. fol. 255.
Tit. 1.
"Rumwaldus, archiepiscopus [Salernitanus?] ut capilli nascantur."
"Panem ordeaceum et cartam."
Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 23,
sec. XV.; olim peculium Danielis Prince.
Chartularium, sive Registrum monasterii de Croyland, in quo exhibentur
1. Aethelbaldi, Merciorum regis, Carta fundationis. fol. 1.
Exstat apud Ingulphi historiam, edit. Gale, p. 2.
In fine, 'Memorandum' de prædicto mode donandi et confirmandi per cirographa.
2. Uuithlafii, regis Merciorum, Carta, fol. 2.
Exstat impressa ibid. p. 8.
3. Eadredi regis Carta, fol. 4 b.
Exstat ibid. p. 32.
"Confirmacio regis Edgari extra le Domesday de omnibus possessionibus Croylandi"
fol. 7.
Exstat ibid. p. 42.
In fine subjunguntur quædam de Turketillo abbate, quæ desinunt a verbis,
"impetrabat in hiis verbis."
Exstat ibid. p. 44. 1. 26.
Sequuntur manu altera,
5. Placita et cartæ aliæ ad possessiones, privilegia, etc. ejusdem monasterii spectantes.
fol. 9.
Confer Dugdale, Monast. tom. ii. p. 107, seqq.
Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 136,
sec. forsan XII. exeuntis, duabus columnis manu, ut ex ænigmate subjuncto conjectare licet, Ivonis cujusdam,
optima exaratus et servatus; olim peculium cujusdam e familia de Cecil, cujus insignia
gentilitia in integumento visuntur, postea N. Luttrell.
Gulielmi, monachi Malmesburiensis, de gestis regum Angliæ libri quinque, cum prologis
notulisque maiginalibus instructi.
Desinunt a verbis,
"querelam composuit,"
inter Scriptt. post Bedam, p. 98. l. 6.
Sequuntur versus isti de scriba,
"Scripserit hunc librum quis lector forte requiret,
Exacuat sensus et metra legat cito discet;
Illius nomen tria componunt elementa,
In numeris quorum primum satis indicat unum,
Ponunt et leges numeri pro quinque secundum,
Si Grecus scribat postremo collige finem."
Postea, manu recentiori, Quædam de Henrici I. regis sobole et obitu.
In dorso folii ult. inveniat lector carmen ex Hardyng chronico metrico, ut videtur,
desumptum; Angl.
"Cadwalladre sall Owan call."
Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 93,
sec. forsan XII. exeuntis; duabus columnis bene exaratus et servatus.
Gulielmi, monachi Malmesburiensis, de gestis Pontificum Anglorum libri quatuor, cum
Desin. a verbis, "exercere ibi vitam," inter Scriptt. post Bedam, p. 168, l. 10.
Membranaceus, in 4to, ff. 180,
sec. XIV. ineuntis, binis columnis exaratus; olim sancti Martini Lovaniensis, postea in bibliotheca Gudiana depositus.
1. Gulielmi Malmesburiensis de gestis regum Anglorum libri quinque, cum prologis notisque
marginalibus instructi. fol. 1.
2. Ejusdem Gulielmi Historiæ Noveliæ libri duo ad Robertum, comitem Glocestriæ. fol.
In codice nostro Historia supradicta in libros tres est distincta, scilicet ab anno
1126 ad an. 1138, 1139-1141, 1142 ad finem.
3. Galfiridi Monemutensis Historia Britonnm, cum prologo. fol. 153.
Inseruit manus recentior proœmium, in sularum Britanniæ descriptionem, et, ad fol.
167, Merlini prophetiam.
Deficit historia a verbis,
"ab Albania usque ad Cornubiam inhabitavit,"
inter Angl. Vetust. Scriptt. p. 92. l. 2.
Codex membranaceus, in 4to, ff. 111,
sec. XII. exeuntis; binis colunmis exaratus.
1. Henrioi, archidiaconi Huntindoniensis, Historia usque ad Cundredi, Wessexiæ regis,
annum undecimum abbreviata; prævio prologo ad Alexandrum, episcopum Lincolniensem.
fol. 1.
2. Rogeri de Hoveden Annalium pars prior, fol. 29 b.
"Historia Saxonum vel Anglorum post obitum Bedæ."
Desin. cum verbis,
"maxima venerat ex Anglia,"
in anno 13. Steph., inter Scriptt. post Bedam, fol. 280 b. l. 40.
Sequitur ejusdem regni continuatio [ex Henrico Huntindoniensi desumpta] manu altera
et recentiori scripta, quæ incipit,
"Anno xiiij. Henrico nepoti suo David, rex Scotorum virilia tradidit arma;"
inter Scriptt. post Bedam, p. 226. 1. 42.
In fine,
"Explicit cronica Mariani Scoti de gestis regum Anglorum usque ad obitum regis Stephani
et inicium regni Henrici secundi, qui fuit filius imperatricis et Galfridi Plantegenet,
comitis Andegaviæ."
Membranaceus, in folio majori, ff. 214,
secc. XIV. exeuntis et XV. ineuntis, binis columnis haud una manu exaratus; "datus per Henricum Penworthin."
1. [Matthæi Westmonasteriensis] Flores Historiarum, ab initio mundi usque ad annum
1307 deducti. fol. 2.
Abscissum est folium primum.
Sequitur ad fol. 157,
"Tabula super Flores Storiarum facta per Johannem Rochefort, militem, distincta per
2. Nigelli Wirekeri, Brunellus, sive Speculum Stultorum, cum prologo; prævia epistola
ad Gulielmum, postea episcopum Eliensem. fol. 170.
Exstat sæpius impressus.
In fine est notitia sequens,
"Pretium scripture v. s. et iiij.d."
3. Hugonis de Sancto Victore Hexaemeron, in libris duobus, cum prologo. fol. 196.
Incipit prologus,
"Librum istum, urgentibus fratribus." Incipit liber i. "Quid fuit priusquam mundus
"Notabilia extracta per Johannen de Rochefort, militem, de viginti uno libris Flavii
Josephi antiquitatis Judaice; anno regni regis Henrici quarti octavo,"
[1406]. fol. 206.
"In prologo sic continetur multos."
In fine est membrana unica, a bibliopego suppleta, continens libelli Ranfredi Beneventani
de jure civili fragmentum.
Codex chartaceus, in folio, ff. 98,
sec. XVI. ineuntis; olim Thomæ Goldwell, episcopi Norwicensis, et antea coll. Omn. Anim. socii.
[Thomae Elmham,] prioris de Lenton, de vita et gestis Henrici V. historia, prævia
ad Walterum, dominum de Hungerford, præfatione.
Exstat impressa, edente Tho. Hearnio, Oxon. in 8vo. 1727.
Inseruit bibliopegus in initio et fine codicis membranas duodecim, binis colunmis
sec. forsan xi. exaratas, quæ continent Grammaticæ fragmentum charactere Anglo-Saxonico
"Sunt igitur persone verborum tres;
þryhadaſ ſind ƿorda se forma."
Membranaceus, in 4to, ff. 122,
sec. XIV. ineuntis; olim peculium
"Georgii Bromleii, ex dono patris sui Georgii Bromlei militis,
anno Domini 1586, regnante Elizabetha pacifica."
1. Galfridi Monemutensis de gestis et origine regum Britanniae libri duodecim. fol.
Nonnulla in fine supplevit manus recentior.
2. Abridgment of the history of the Saxon and Norman kings in England, to the reign
of Edward the first; in French. fol. 79.
"Jadis al tens des Engloys soleyt Engletere estre en cink partyes et a cink Reys."
3. [Translation of a part of Peter Langtoft's metrical Chronicle upon the wars of
Edward the first in England and France] in French, fol. 87.
The prologue begins,
"Ky voet oyr de rays coment chescon vesquist,
E lylle ke Brutus Bretayne apeler fist."
The poem beg.
"Le jour saynt Emun ky gist Pountenye Morust le ray Henri homme de saynte vie."
It is divided into forty-six chapters, in each of which the lines have an uniform
rhythmical termination, and in some may be found a few English verses introduced in
abuse of the Scots.
The poem ends with the following stanza,
"For voule bredde in his hoke
Wenne he tint that he toke
With the kingedome,
For he has over hipped
His tipets es tipped
His tabard es come."
A mutilated copy of a French translation of the same poem, containing twenty-two or
three chapters, is in the
Bodleian Library, MS. Fairfax. 24.
Compare the
English version, edited by Tho. Heame, p. 235.
4. Stationes et dedicationes ecclesiarum urbis Romæ, quas statuit beatus Gregorius
Papa primus, fol. 104.
5. Tabula ducum Normannorum a Rollone usque ad Ricardum primum, Angliæ regem. fol.
107 b.
"Primus Normannus duca Rollo, qui et Bobertus dictus est."
"Edward et Edmund et filias."
6. Passio ministrorum domini Edwardi I. regis Angliæ secundum opera sua A.D. 1289.
fol. 109 b.
"Edwardus rex quidam nobilis abiit in regionem longinquam."
Cf. Annales Waverleienses ad annum supradictum.
In fine sunt versus viginti elegiaci de eisdem, qui incipiunt,
"Sumpserunt Turbyt Weyland Brunton Lu. Leycare perit Lytbiry,
Et plures facient, tanto magis sitient."
7. Tabula regnm Angliæ ab anno 490 usque ad Stephanum. fol. 111.
8. Notitiæ quædam de Angli comitatibus, episcopatibus, et viis regiis. fol. 112.
9. Edwardi I. regis ad Bonifacium papam VIII. epistola de jure suo super regnum Scotiæ.
Dat. apud Notelham, 8 Maii 1301. fol. 113.
Exstat apud Matth. Westmonast.Flores Historiarum, dat. Kemesye, p. 427.
10. Magistri Willelmi de Hundleby, Lincolniensis, in curia Bomana procuratoris, ad
[Joannem d'Aldreby,] episcopum Lincolniensem, epistola de aggressione in civitatem
Anagniam et Papam Bonifacium ab exercitu regis Franciæ in vigilia Nativitatis B. V.
Mariæ anno 1303 facta, et de aliis eodem anno Romæ evenientibus. Dat. Rom. die Veneris
prox. ant. fest. S. Mich. fol. 117b.
"Ecce, reverende pater, in vigilia nativitatis beate Marie anno Domini supradicto,
in aurora venit ad Anagniam."
"in tam modico tempore, sicut nos hic vidimus."
In fine scripta est,
"Anno Domini 1587, 12 die Aprilis, anno 29 reginæ Elizabethæ circa horam tertiam in
aurora ex hac vita migravit Thomas Bromley, miles, dominus Cancellarius Angliæ et
regiæ Majestati ex intimis conciliis, vir prudens et in legibus Angliæ peritissimus,
et ex cujus lingua melle dulcior fluebat oratio."
Codex membranaceus, in folio maximo, ff. 12,
sec. XV., pictus et deauratus; olim Narcissi Luttrell.
Tabulæ genealogicæ regum Angliæ ab Adam usque ad Henricum sextum deductæ, cum præfatione
brevi notitiisque historicis margini adjectis.
Incip. præfat.
"Conedderaiifl oronicorum prolixitatem necnon et difficultatem"
Codex chartaceus, in 4to ff. 212,
sec. XVI.; olim Narcissi Luttrell.
"Leges antiquæ regum Britannorum Angliæ"
- a. Inæ Regis. fol. i.
- b. Aluredi Regia, cum præfatione. fol. 12 b.
- c. Eadwardi Regis. fol. 27 b.
- d. Aethelstani Regis. fol. 33.
- e. Eadmundi Regis. fol. 42.
- f. Aethelredi Regis. fol. 47 b.
- g. Cnutonis Regis. fol. 53 b.
2. Decreta Willelmi Bastardi et emendationes, quas posuit in Anglia. fol. 73.
3. Leges S. Eadwardi, quas Willelmus Bastardus postea confirmavit. fol. 76.
Leges Anglo-Saxonicas, edente Wilkins, 1721, p. 14, seqq.
4. History of the laws of the Normans, divided into fourteen books, with a table of
contents prefixed; in French. fol. 102.
The first book is entitled,
"De la justice et du droict des Normans."
At the end of the table is written,
"Finis, quod J. Abrahame."
Membranaceus, in 4to, ff. 316,
secc. XIV. et XV.; olim Thomæ Beshype, postea Ricardi Gawnt.
1. Ottonis et Ottoboni Constitutiones legatinæ, cum glossis Johannis Actoni, canonici
Lincolniensis, et tabula alphabetica locuplete instructæ. fol. 1.
Incip. gloss.
"Ad succidendos palmites pestiferos et nocivos."
"in mercedem exspecto. Eccles. xj. c."
Inter tabulam et constitutiones inserta est,
"Constitutio Gregorii XI. de capellanis honoris."
In fine,
"Explicit Johannes Acton, qui glosavit Constitutiones Octoboni apostolice sedis legati."
2. Simonis Mepham, archiepiscopi Cantuariensis, de festis celebrandis constitutio.
fol. 174.
Exstat inter Concilia, ed. Wilkins, tom. ii. p. 560.
3. Stephani Langton, archiepiscopi Cantuariensis, constitutio super plures casus,
in quibu simplex sacerdos non potest absolvere. ff. 174 b., 265.
Exstat ibid. tom. i. p. 597.
4. Statuta curiæ Cantuariensis ; scilicet,
a. Roberti de Wynchelsey. fol. 177.
Ibid. tom. ii. p. 204.
b. Joannis de Stratford, fol. 183 b.
Ibid. tom. ii. p. 681.
In calce,
"Expliciunt statuta curie Cantuariensis edita per venerabilem patrem Johannem de Stretforde,
etc., que puplicata fuerunt per ipsimi iij. idus Maii anno Domini 1342,"
Sequuntur, manu altera,
"quædam pro materia querelarum."
5. Statuta consistorii episcopalis Lincolniensis. fol. 199.
Exstant ibid. tom. ii. p. 571.
6. Magna Carta et Carta de foresta. fol. 201.
"Quæstiones et notabilia Johannis Athonis, (Actoni) supra dictas constitutiones, ut
supra in principio, etc., per alphabetum."
fol. 203 b.
"Abbas est nomen oneris non honoris."
Sequuntur qusedam
"de juribus ad archidiaconos pertinentibus."
8. Constitutiones provinciales, archiepiscoporum Cantuariensium; scilicet,
- a. Stephani Langton. fol. 212.
- b. Roberti Winchelsey. fol. 218 b.
- c. Bonifacii. fol. 222 b.
- d. Sancti Edmundi. fol. 232 b.
- e. Joannis Peckham. fol. 236.
- f. Roberti Stratford, fol. 248.
9. Constitutio Roberti Winohelaey de stipendiariis presbyteris, postea memorata per
dominum W. Courtenay, archiepiscopum Cantuariensem. fol. 256.
Cf. Wilkins, tom. iii. p. 212.
10. Constitutiones Thomæ Arundell, archiep. Cantuariensis. fol. 257 b.
Exstant ibid. tom. iii. p. 314.
11. Statutum Simonis Sudbury, arohiep. Cantuar. de stipendiis presbyterorum. fol.
Exstat ibid. tom. iii. p. 135.
12. Constitutio Rogeri Walden, archiep. Cantuariensis, super indictione festorum SS.
David, Cedde et Wenefride, etc. fol. 263.
Exstat ibid. tom. iii. p. 234.
13. Constitutio Urbani papæ (VI.) de festo S. Annæ celebrando. fol. 263 b.
Ibid. tom. iii. p. 178.
14. (Simonis Islip) Constitutio facta pro festis celebrandis; dat. xviij. kal. Dec.
1362. fol. 264.
"Ex scriptura sacris (sic) didicimus."
15. Roberti Winchelaey Constitutio de abjuratione concubinarum. fol. 264 b.
Exstat ibid. tom. ii. p. 283.
16. S. Mepham constitutio; scil. Articuli supra notati 2. exemplar aliud. fol. 265.
17. Libertates magnæ cartæ, sive potiua cartæ de foresta. foL 265 b.
18. Anonymi cujusdam de veneratione imaginum tractatulua. fol. 268.
"Dicendum eat, quod adoracio ymaginum eat licita."
19. Constitutionea Simonia Mepham. fol. 272.
Exstant ibid. tom. ii. p. 552.
20. Stephani [sc. Simonis] Mepham Conatitutiones de omamentis altaris et clericis
illud ministrantibus. fol. 274.
Exstant, Waltero Raynold adscriptæ, ibid. tom. ii. p. 512.
21. Constitutionea Roberti Winchelaey et Simonis de Islip. fol. 275 b.
22. Johannia Stratford Conatitutionea variæ. fol 280 b.
"Hee conatitutionea sequentes secundum aliquos libros sunt Constituciones provinciales."
23. Commissio per Henricum, priorem Cantuariensem et ejusdem loci capitulum, sede
vacante. fol. 286.
Inter Concil. ed. Wilkins, ii. p. 423.
24. Roberti Winchelsey declaratio super computatione anni concessi ad appellationem
prosequendam in tuitoriis. fol. 286.
Ibid. tom. ii. p. 274.
25. Simonis Sudbury, archiep. Cantuariensis, confirmatio Simonis lslip ordinationis
de juribus separatis ad officium Registrarii spectantibus; etc. fol. 287.
Cf. Wilkins, tom. iii. p. 15.
26. Gulielmi Courtenay ordinatio de forma juramenti. fol. 288.
Exstat ibid. tom. iii. p. 211.
27. Ejusdem ordinatio super augmentationem feodorum regiatrarii curiæ Cantuar. fol.
288 b.
Ibid. tom. iii. p. 217.
28. Thomæ Arundell ordinatio de procuratoribus. fol. 289.
In edit. Wilkins, tom. iii. p. 273.
29. Ejusdem ordinatio de iisdem. fol. 292.
Ibid. tom. iii. p. 263.
30. Henrici Chicheley ordinatio de decenti regimine procuratorum; etc. fol. 292. b.
Exstat ibid. tom. iii. p. 427.
31. Ejusdem Constitutio)ne bigami laici vel clerici exerceant jurisdictionem spiritualem.
fol. 296.
32. Consultationes de variis ad res eccleaiasticas spectantibus. Lat. et Gallice.
fol. 296. b.
"Rex, etc. Et quia volumus cognicionem."
33. Excerpta ex Henrici V. statutis de provisoribus, hæreticis, llardis; etc. Gall.
fol. 299.
34. Articuli Clero ab Edwardo (II.) ooncessi; in fine mutil. fol. 302 b.
35. Henrici (VI.) Prohibitio Thomæ, abbati de Begham, [Bayham, co. Sussex.] uni generalium
visitatorum ordinis Præmonstratensium in Anglia seu ejus locum-tenenti.
Dat. Westmon. anno regis 23. fol. 306 b.
36. Copia juramenti Viceoomitis. fol. 307.
37. Breve de præmunire. fol. 307 b.
38. Confutatio Lollardorum in capitula quinque distincta, auctore Joanne Barton, medico,
prævia præfatione ad regem Henrioum V. fol. 308.
Incip. præf.
"Henrice quinte, rex Anglie, qui digne portat gladium Domini."
Tit. operis,
"Simbolum fidei predictum et postea ejus commentum."
"Credo firmiter cum fide — verum est. I beleue stedefastly with the faith."
In calce codicis,
"The hewse off thys boke Mr. Thomas Beshype hath grant to Mayster Ric. Gawnts during
hijs lyffe, and aflyr hijs dissese to be delivered on to the colege off Allsolwe,
to be chanyd in the lybrary off the colege."
Codex chartaceus, in folio, ff. 165,
sec. XVII.
Liber beneficiorum omnium ecclesiasticorum tam in Anglia quam in Wallia, cum uniuscujusque
valoribus annexis.
Præfigitur notitia sequens,
"Hic liber jussu præclarissimi ac reverendissimi in Christo patris Domini, Gilberti,
providentia divina Cantuariensis archiepiscopi, totius Angliæ primatis ac metropolitani,
cum Record. Primit. collatus fuit ac examinatus per Guilelmum Wheler, mili'em et Baronettum."
Membranaceus, in 4to minimo, ff. 7 et 167,
sec. XIV. ineuntis ; olim Joannis Corners, pharmacopolæ, postea Narcissi Luttrell.
Statuta in Anglia edita, dum regnum tenebant Edwardus I. et II. scilicet,
Codex chartaceus, in 4to., ff. 87,
sec. XVII.
Leges Howelli Dhâ, regis Cambriæ, editæ anno Domini 940, alias anno 928.
De legibus istis lector consulat Spelman.
Concil. tom. i. pp. 408, 413.
Membranaceus, in 4to, ff. 193,
sec. XII., binis columnis exaratus. In fronte scriptum est,
"Ex dono regis Henrici VI. Oretis pro inclito statu ejusdem."
Eusebii, Cæsariensis episcopi, Historia Ecclesiastica libris undecim digesta et a
Rufino presbytero e Græco in Latinum traducta, cum ejusdem Rufini præfatione præmissa.
In fine,
"Explicit liber undecimus ecclesiastice hystorie; habet annos cccc. in summa."
Chartaceus, in 4to, ff. 289,
sec. XV.; olim, anno scilicet 1462, peculium Philippi Polton, archidiaconi Glocestrensis.
1. Petri de Palude, sive Paludani, de causa immediata ecdesiasticæ potestatis liber,
fol. 1.
Exstat impress. Paris. 1506.
2. Eusebii Hieronymi Chronicon, cum Prosperi continuatione. fol. 76.
Præmittuntur adjuratio et præfatio.
In fine,
"Hic finit Prosper post Ieronimum. Explicit cronica Eusebii Ieronimi presbiteri. Gracias
Domino nostro Jhesu Gristo. Amen dicant omnia."
3. Chronica ab exordio mundi usque ad tempera Heraclii et Sisebuti Principum, cum
præfatione, [auctore Isidoro, Hispalensi.] fol. 152.
Incip. præf.
"Brevem temporum seriem per generaciones."
Chronica, ed. Roncall. part. ii. col. 419.
4. Sexti Rufi [annumerationis Romanæ historiæ liber], cum prologo ad Valentinianum
II. fol. 160.
Exstat in
Epitome Hist. Roman., edit. Florent. 1723, tom. ii. p. 5.
5. Sermo ad clerum die sancti Johannis Apostoli et Evangelistæ factus coram Martino
papa V. et cardinalibus anno 1423, per magistrum Andream [Escobar], episcopum Civitatensem,
postea Asacensem. fol. 172.
"Pater, etc. Tocius religionis Christiane et reformacionis ecclesiastice finis est."
6. Prosperi Aquitanici, [potius Juliani Pomerii] de vita Contemplativa libri tres,
cum prologis capitulisque instructi. fol. 191.
Exstat inter
opera, edit. 1782, tom. ii. p. 1.
7. S. Bernardi, abbatis Clarævallensis, ad Henricum, archiepiscopum Senonensem, liber
de vita prælatorum, prævia epistola dedicatoria. fol. 220 b.
Exstat inter
opp. ed. 1690, tom. i. col. 461.
In calce,
"Totus tractatus precedens est correctus in papiro isto, et scriptus ad librum alium
de pergameno sed non correctus in eo."
8. Simonis de Salterella, Florentini, ordinis Prædicatorum, Sermones plures. fol.
Incip. 1.
"In prima dominica Advent, coram Urbano. Videbunt filium hominis, etc. Reverendissimi
patres, etc. Ex scripturarum sacrarum auctoribus."
9. Anonymi cujusdam de pace inter reges Franciæ et Angliæ (Carolum VI, et Henricum
V.) firmanda oratio, in ista
'Exspectavimus pacem et ecce turbatio.'
fol. 274.
"Ecclesie militantis suppreme ierarcha et ovilis Dominici."
"eternitas est mensura. Amen. Deo gratias."
10. "Collatio recitata in generali concilio Constantiensi anno 1417, dominica decima
septima, die mensis Octobris, qua legitur est Evangelium, 'Simile est regnum cœlorum
homini Regi, qui fecit nuptias,' etc. per Joannem Hugenetti (de Metis") etc. fol.
Hardt. Concil. Constant, tom. v. inter Prolegomena, p. 26.
11. Articuli concordiæ inter Carolum VI. regem Franciæ et Henricum V. Angliæ regem.
Dat. Trecis, 21 Mai. 1420. fol. 287.
Rymeri Fœdera, tom. ix. p. 895.
Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 68,
anno circa 1300 duabus columnis exaratus; olim Josephi Ingram, coll. Onm. Anim. socii.
Bonifaoii Papæ VIII. Sexti Decretalium libri quinque cum proœmio præmisso.
In fine tit. de regalis juris,
"Explicit liber Sextus Decretalium. Data Rome apud sanctun Petrum quinto nonas Marcii,
pontificatus Bonifacii octavi anno quarto."
Membranaceus, in folio majori, ff. 317,
sec. XIV.; binis columnis exaratus.
Justiniani Imperatoris Digestum Vetus cum commentariis perpetuis præcipue Fr. Accursii,
tabula titulorum præmissa.
Impress, exstat in Corpore Juris Civilis edit. Lugd. 1627, tom. i.
In fine Digest.
"Explicit textus Digesti veteris; Deogracias."
In fine comment.
"Explicit Apparatus Digesti veteris."
Subjecta sunt fragmenta quædam juridica de restitutionibus, usufructibus, etc.
Membranaceus, In folio majori, ff. 284,
sec. XIV., binis columnis exaratus; olim Joannis Southam, arcbidiaconi Oxoniensis et coll. Omn. Anim. Socii.
Justiniani Imperatoris Codicis libri novem prioresi cum commentariis præcipue Fr.
Accursii perpetuis illustrati; in fine mutili.
Cf. Corpus Juris Civilis edit. Lugd. 1627, tom. v.
Defic. a verbis in rubrica
"De calummatoribus: 'Quisquis crimen intendit non imp—'"
Membranaceus, in folio majori, ff. 279,
sec. XIV.; manu Gulielmi Plenus-amoris binis columnis bene exaratus; mutilus, abscissis quidem
litteris initialibus ornatis.
Justiniani Imperatoris Inforttatum, seu Pandectarum juris civilis tomus secundus,
cum commentariis perpetuis præcipue Francisci Accursii notisque aliis recentioræ scripturæ
Impress. cum glossis iisdem aliisque in Corpore Juris Civilis ed. Lugd. 1627.
In fine,
"Explicit Apparatus Inforciati, Deo gratias."
"Si sapiens fore vis sex serves, que tibi mando.
Quid dicas, et ubi, de quo, cui, quomodo, quando
Vinum scriptori. det Petrus de Meliori.
Nomen scriptoris. Guilelmus Plenus-amoris."
Codex membranaceus, in folio majori, ff. 300,
sec. XIV., binis columnis manu Magistri Mutinensis bene exaratus; initio mutilus.
Justiniani Imperatoris Digestum Novum, sive Pandectarum tomi tertii pars secunda,
scilicet a lib. xxxix. ad 1. cum Francisci Accursii aliorumque commentariis perpetuis.
Impress, exstat ed. Lugd. 1627.
In calce,
"Dominus Bonifacius de Galluciis, doctor legum in jure canonico.
Explicit glosa digna nomine, Deo gratias, Amen, Amen, Amen."
"Ego magister Mutinensis scriptor, Diana, salutem, etc."
Chartaceus, in folio, ff. 280,
sec. XV.; olim peculium Simonis Northew, rectoris de Methyng, Cicestrensis dioceseos.
1. Thomæ Chyseldene, in decretis Doctoris, Reportata in Cnementls papæ V. Constitutiones.
fol 1.
"Johannes Episcopus. Con. Pan. Papa multis modis."
In fine,
"Explicit tractatus domini digni super titulo de regulis juris, etc.
Manus scriptoris. careat gravitate doloris."
2. Ejusdem "Reportorium quarti libri Decretalium" [Gregorii Papæ IX.] fol. 126.
"De Francia. Sic sumitur mulier."
3. Joannis Andreæ, Bononiensis, Summula quarti libri Decretalium de sponsalibus et
matrimoniis. fol. 192.
Exstant inter
Tractatus Universi Juris tom. ix. fol. 2.
4. Ejusdem Thomæ reportata in titulos in Clementinis, qui sequuntur,
"de officio et potestate judicis, de censibus, de præscriptis, de regularibus transeuntibus,
et de statu monachorum."
fol. 196.
"Rubrica ista continuatur ad precedentes."
Codex chartaceus, in folio majori, ff. 215,
anno 1417 manu Jo. Elveden binis columnis exaratus; mutilus et madore corruptus.
Francisci Zabarellæ, seu de Zabarellis, super Constitutionum Clementinarum libris
quinque commentarii, cum proœmio.
Exstant impress. Venetiis, 1487.
In fine,
"Explicit lectura eximii doctoris domini Francisci de Zabarellis super Clementinis,
scripta per manus Jo. Elveden finitaque anno Domini millesimo ccccmo. Xviio. die sexta
mensis Maii; ergo Te Deum laudamus."
Membranaceus, in folio majori, ff. 351,
sec. XIV. ineuntis, binis columnis exaratus; olim Joannis Lyndfeld, archid. Cicestrensis.
1. Azzonis Bononiensis summa super novem libris codicis Justiniani cum proœmio. fol.
2. Ejusdem summa super quatuor libris Institutionum cum proœmio. fol. 140.
3. Ejusdem summa in quasdam rubricas Digestorum. fol. 156.
In fine,
"Explicit summa Jo. B. super quibusdam titulis Digestorum."
Omnia Azzonis opera supradicta impressa sunt Papiæ anno 1494, et alibi.
4. Libellus de ordine Judiciorum compositus a Roffredo Beneventano, Juris Civilis
professore, in quo opere continetur, qualiter concipiantur libelli et fiant confessiones,
et de natura cujuslibet actionis poterunt studentes invenire; cum proœmio. fol. 168.
Prodiit Bononiffi, 1538.
Deficit a verbis,
"si judex juste percipiat, aliquid –"
Præmittitur codici poema versibus leoninis expressum de abbate et priore Dor(k)ecestriæ
ad epulas vocatis.
"Quisquis vultis bene sare
Multum debet hie pensare,
Nequid stultum sic narrare
Si valde prudentia."
Codex chartaceus, in 4to, ff. 290,
sec. XC.
Joannis de Platea, in Imperatoris Flavii Justiniani Institutionum, sive elementorum
Juris civilis, libros tres priores commentarii.
"Nota in principio rubrice."
In calce,
"Et sic est finis tercii libri Institutionum. Deo gratias. Quo manus erravit scriptoris,
corrige lector."
Membranaceus, in folio majori, ff. 317,
sec. XIV. exeuntis; binis columnis exaratus.
Cini Pistoriensis, juris utriusque doctoris, super Justiniani Oodice commentarii in
libros octo distincti; prævia capitulorum tabula locuplete.
"Lectura famosissimi legum doctoris domini Ciny, de civitate Pistoriensi, super Codice
feliciter compilata."
"Quia omnia nova placent potissime."
In fine,
"Explicit liber octavus Cyri super Oodice."
Chartaceus, in 4to minori, ff. 43,
sec. XVI.
Anonymi cujusdam in Flavii Justiniani Institutionum, sive elementorum Juris civilis,
libros quatuor commentarius, cum præfatione.
Titulus est,
"In quatuor libros Institutionum Justiniani brevis commentarius."
Incip. præf.
"Priusquam horum librorum explicationem aggrediamur."
Incip. comment.
"Ad titulum i. de justitia et jure. Quoniam a justitia tanquam a fonte jus omne manat."
Codex membranaceus, in folio majori, ff. 245,
anno 1406 manu Joannis Legam binis columnis exaratus.
Joannis Fabri, Burdegalensis, in Justiniani Institutionum libros quatuor commentarii.
Exstant impress. Venetiis, 1488.
In calce,
"In fine præsentis voluminis,
Gratia sit Deo unigenito Patris,
Alme Virgini ejusque matri
Gratia oblata pro posse
Ab ejus sit scriptore,
Gloriam cui in mortis die
Tribuant hii pro mercede."
Sequitur notitia ista,
"Ego Johannes Legam Remensis dioceseos studens Aurelianus hanc lecturam finivi xv.
die mensis Decembris, cum magnis vigiliis et sumptibus propriis, cum Dei auxilio;
Deo gracias, anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexto."
Chartaceus, in folio majori, ff. 221,
sec. XV.; binis columnis descriptus, manu, ut videtur, Joannis Jouvenell.
Petri Jaoobi de Aureliano Instrumentorum liber, posthabita rubricarum tabula.
In calce,
"Opus præsens Deo aotore vocatos cepi, sed postmodum in prosecucione senciens laborem
et reoognoscens meum rude ingenium timensque aliquem inimicum loqui pluries ex quadam
fragilitate humana me incepisse penituit; sed, Deo occurrente, sine quo factum est
nihil, ut in evangelio Joannis, Qui et est adjutor in tribulacionibus, ut in psalmo
Davidis, Deus noster refugium et res penitus desperatas, donare et consummare sue
virtutis magnitudine potest; ut C. de le. Ju. c.l.i. opus inceptum continuans ipsum
ad finem per me optatum deduxi: Jo. Jouuenell."
Sequuntur nonnulla de feodis, etc.
Codex chartaceus, in folio majori, ff. 215,
sec. XV., binis columnis exaratus; olim Jacobi Goldwell, coll. Omn. Anim. socii, et postea episcopi Norwicensis.
"Commentarius domini [Petri] Baldi [de Ubaldis] de Perusio, utriusque juris illustrissimi
dootoris, super pace Constancie felicissimi ac gloriosissimi Imperatoris Frederici."
Exstat impressus Lugdun. 1550, fol 117 b.
Chartaceus, in folio majori, ff. 247,
sec. XV.; utrinque mutilus.
Joannis a Fautis(?) in Gratiani Decreti partem secundam commentarii.
Incip. a verbis, caus. ii. quæst i. c. 1,
"ubi de hac materia."
Deficiunt a caus. xii. quæst, i. tit
"Bone rei."
Chartaceus, in 4to minori, ff. 25S,
sec. XV.; olim peculium Gualteri Stone.
1. Differentiæ quædam inter jus civile et jus canonicum existentes. fol. 1.
"Differenciæ vero inter leges et canones, quas legi tempore repeticionis mee."
2. Prothodosini de Comitibus, (Prosdocimi Comitis ?), alio nomine Petri de Urbe, Apparatus
in processu sive ordine judiciario. fol. 8.
"Rex pacificus cunctorum causa effectiva et finalis."
In fine,
"Explicit Prothodosinus in ordine Judiciario, alio nomine vocatus Petrus de Urbe."
3. Modus procedendi contra hæreticum. fol. 119.
"In primis postquam hæreticus est denunciatus vel delatos."
4. Bartholi cujusdam, forsan a Saxoferrato, libellus de pace. fol. 130.
"Satis quia unusquisque ad sui spiritus salutem intentus."
5. Joannis a Lignano, jurisconsulti Bononiensis, tractatus de principatu totius monarchiæ.
fol. 146 b.
"In colligendis dubiis glosarum et doctorum."
In fine,
"Explimt tractatus de principatu totius monarchie per dominum Jo. de Lygnano editus."
6. Tractatus de electione Urbani Papse Sexti, auctore Baldo [de Ubaldis, Perusino.].
fol. 157.
"Civitas Dei militaris in te, reverendissime, superborum fastu vexatur."
7. Bartoli a Saxoferrato de Testibus tractatus. fol. 177.
"Testimoniorum usus frequens et necessarius est."
Exstat in Tract. Jur. Univ. tom. iv. p. 63.
8. Constitutionum, sive Provincialium libri quinque ex Peccham aliisque archiepiscopis
Cantuariensibus collecti, fol. 184 b.
"Ignorantia sacerdotum; et primum, ne quis per ignorantiam se excuset."
9. Joannis de Platea, sive Platei, Bononiensis, tractatulus de clausula in fine libellorum
apposita. fol. 229.
"Nunc dicamus de clausula, qui (sic) in fine libellorum apponi consueverant."
"Notabilis theoricha circa electiones."
fol. 232.
"Die electionis adveniente dicatur missa."
11. Ottoboni Cardinalis de Concubinis constitutio. fol. 246.
12. Qualiter archidiaconus debet se habere in sua visitatione. fol. 247.
"Primo notandum est, quod archidiaconum."
13. Charge delivered at the visitation of an archdeacon, fol. 252 b.
"Maisters itt ys so nott unknown vnto you."
Codex chartaceus, in 4to, fol. 246,
sec. XV.; olim Jacobi Goldwell, coll. Omn. Anim. socii, postea episcopi Norwicensis.
Gulielmi Horboch, Alemanni, Decretorum doctoris, Conclusiones, sive decisionum auditorum
Rotæ Romanæ collectio, cum præfatione.
Exstat præfatio impressa, in catalogo codd. MSS. Arundel, num. 468, fol. 1.
Incip. opus,
"Quod innovata appellatione."
Chartaceus, in folio, ff. 334,
sec. XV.; olim Gulielmi Leysot, postea vir. cl. Gulielmi Blackstone.
Registrum Brevium, cum titulis margini adpositis.
In initio codicis est notitia sequens, manu forsan vir. cl. G. Blackstone scripta,
"This book was written in the first year of one of the Henry's, as appears from the
test to the writ of right patent, which in all the printed editions I have seen usually
marks the date of the edition. Probably 1 H. 4. 1399 from his stile, and because the
queen consort's name in the next writ is Anne, which was the name of Richard 2 queen;
and Henry had then no wife. In the edition 1531 the queen's name is Katherine."
Chartaceus, in 4to, ff. 200,
sec. XVII.; ex dono [Stephani?] Boughton.
Adversaria juridicialia ad jus et civile et canonicum spectantia, ex Institutionibus,
Pandectis, etc. plerumque collecta, partimque in ordine alphabetico digesta.
"Contexuerat historiam eorum."
Chartaceus, in folio, ff. 210,
sec. XV.; binis columnis descriptus.
Vocabularium juridiciale, sive repertorium de verborum in jure utraque usitatorum
"A. preposicio est, et an sumatur."
Desinit a fine litteræ J. in voce
Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 287,
secc. XIV. ineuntis et XV.; binis coiumnis exaratus.
1. Claudii Galeni in Hippocratis Aphorismorum libros septem commentarii, Latine versi
per Constantinum Africanum. fol i.
In fine,
"Explicit commentum Galieni super librum Afforismorum Ypocratis; Deo gracias."
2. Ejusdem in Hippocratis Prognostica commentariorum libri tres. fol. 43.
Præmisit manus aliquantulum recentior notitiam istam,
"Qui voluerit scire dicta Ypo. in isto libro, oportet quod exercitet se in libro de
crisi et criticis diebus;"
cf. infra librum de crisi ad fol. 183.
3. Ejusdem in Hippocratis librum de regimine acutorum commentarii, cum notulis marginalibus.
fol. 61.
In calce,
"Finitus est tractatus expositionis G. qua exposuit librum Ypocratis de regimine egritudinum
4. Ali Ben Reduan, sive Haly Rodoani, Ægyrptii, in Tegni, sive Galeni artem parvam,
expositio, interprete Gerardo Carmononsi. fol. 81.
In fine,
"Expleta est expositio Haly ab Erodoan super illud, Quod clausum erat ex libro artis
parve G."
"Nomina librorum, quas transtulit magister Girardus Cromonensis in Toleto."
fol. 109.
In fine,
"Bernardi de Gordonio de gradibus"
tractatulus ; man. sec.
"Gradus est sex decupla."
6. Galeni de Sanitatis ingenio libri quatuordecim ad Neronem, prævio argumento, cum
notulis maiginalibus, interprete anonymo. fol. 111.
7. Ejusdem de Crisi libri tres, interprete [Gulielmo de Morbeka.] fol. 183.
8. Petri Hispani super disetas particulares liber. fol. 216.
"Circa ingressum scientie dietarum porticuliaium septem sunt determinanda."
In calce,
"Explicit tractatus a magistro Petro Hyspano editus supra dietas particulares. Deo
In fine codicis sunt membranæ duæ epistolas septem continentes, quæ inscribuntur,
excepta prima, cujus initium abscissum fuit et quæ desinit,
"in Domino liberam tribuas facultatem."
"Arelatensi episcopo."
"Cum apud sedem apostolicam."
c. Episcopo Vercellensi.
"Dilectus frater R. Alexandrinus miles."
d. Epobriensi episcopo.
"Que fraternitatis."
e. Corredo et Petro, quondam filiis Malebranche.
"Ad dissolvendum, quod factum."
f. Episcopo Albanensi(?)
"Que nobis exibite littere."
g. Mutinensi episcopo.
" consuetudine."
Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 164,
sec. XIII. exeuntis; binis columnis exaratus.
1. Isaaci Judæi liber de febribus, cum prologo notulisque marginalibus instructus;
interprete Constantino Africano. fol. 1.
2. Ejusdem liber de gradibus, eodem interprete. fol. 31 b.
3. Ejusdem liber diætarum universalium, eodem interprete. fol. 33.
In fine,
"Elxpliciunt diete universales anno Domini mo. cco. octuagesimo in Septembri in vigilia
sancti Mathei."
4. Ejusdem diætarum particularium liber, eodem interprete. fol. 56 b.
5. Ejusdem de urinis liber, eodem interprete. fol. 77.
6. Ejusdem de definitionibus liber, eodem interprets fol. 91.
7. Ejusdem de elementis liber, prævio prologo, eodem interprete? fol. 94 b.
"Aggregationes de crisi et creticis diebus et de pronosticatione, secundum magistrum
B[ernardum de Gordonio.]"
fol. 105.
"Circa artem pronosticationis quatuor sunt notanda."
9. Liber medicinarum fortiorum in usum pauperum descriptus, brevi prologo. fol. 113b.
Incip. prol.
"Opusculum istud propter amorem Domini nostri Jhesu Christi factum ad utilitatem pauperum."
In calce,
"Expliciunt forciores medicinarum Deo gracias ; anno Domini mo. cco. Ixx.x."
"Glossule super Antidotarium Nicholai [de Hostresham] a magistro Johanne de S. Amando
fol. 129.
"Operacio medicine consistit in tribus secundum Johannicium."
Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 96,
sec. XIV., binis columnis exaratus; olim Joannis Racour, postea M. Girardi, deinde Ricardi Trewythyan, et denique Nicolai Halswell, coll. Omn. Anim. socii.
"Liber Serapionis aggregatus in medicinis simplicibus, translatio Symonis Januensis,
interprete Abraam Judeo Tortusuensi de Arabico in Latiniun,"
cum tabulis notulisque marginalibus instructus.
In calce,
"Explicit liber agregationum Serapionis virtutis simplicium medicinarum."
Membranaceus, in folio, ff. 183,
sec. XIV. ineuntis; binis columnis exaratus.
1. Johannitii Isagoge ad Galeni Tegni, sive artem parvam. fol. 1.
2. Philareti de pulsibus libellus. fol. 4 b.
In calce,
"Explicit liber Philareti de negocio pulsuum."
3. Liber de judicationibus urinarum a voce Theophili [Protospatharii, interprete Pontico
Virunio.] fol. 6.
Sequuntur notulæ ad medicinam spectantes manu recentiori.
4. Hippocratis Aphorismorum libri septem cum commentariis Galeni, interprete Constantino
Africano, cum ejusdem Constantini prologo ad Glauconem. fol. 13.
5. Ejusdem Prognostica cum Galeni commentariis, eodem interprete. fol. 64 b.
Deficiunt a verbis,
"quae ex eis sunt, mala significant."
6. Ejusdem liber de regimine acutorum, cum Galeni commentariis, eodem interprete.
fol. 87.
Incip. abrupte a verbis,
"et scias, quod virtus hore in omnibus egritudinibus."
In fine.
"Explicit regimen acutarum egritudinum præter quartam particulam, quæ particula sequitur
7. Galeni Tegni, sive Ars parva, interprete [Gerardo Carmonensi.] fol. 113 b.
In fine,
"Explicit Tegnus G. cum commento Haly.
Hic liber est scriptus. qui scripsit sit benedictus,
Finite libro. reddatur laus et gloria Christo."
Sequuntur notulæ manu recentiori super libros supradictos, etc.
Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 6 et 294,
sec. XIV. exeuntis; binis columnis sed haud una manu exaratus.
1. Kalendarium. fol. 3.*
2. Nicolai [de Hostresham] Antidotarium, sive Practica medicinæ. fol. 1.
"Ego Nicholaus rogatus a quibusdam in practica medicine studere volentibus."
Incip. lib.
"Aurea Alexandrina, aurea dicitur Alexandro peritissimo.
"fiat electi per frustra cum aqua; Cud. et Rasis. q. s."
Cf. Mesuæ opp. 1589, app. fol. 159.
3. Joannis Damasceni Aphorismorum liber in partes duas distinctus, cum Isidori commento
perpetuo. fol. 67.
In fine,
"Expliciunt Amphorismi Johannis Damasceni filii Serapionis cum commento Ysidori."
4. Avicennæ de viribus cordis et medicinis cordialibus liber translatus a magistro
Arnaldo 'Barchuone,' (Barcinone, sive de Villa Nova.] fol. 90.
In fine,
"Explicit tractatus Avicenne de medicinis cordialibus translatus a magistro Arnaldo
de Villa Nova."
5. Averrois Opus, quod 'Colliget' Dicitur, in libros septem distinctum cum prologo;
interprete anonymo. fol. 99.
In fine,
"Explicit liber Mehemet Averrois, qui Colliget nominatur; Deo gratias, Deo gratias."
6. Avicennæ Cantica, cum Averrois commento perpetuo, in Latinum versa per Armegandum
Blasii. fol. 177.
"Incipit Beroist super cantica Bencine."
In calce,
"Explicit translacio canticorum Avicenne cum commento Averroys facta ab Arabico in
Latinum a magistro Armegando Blasii de monte Pessulano magistro in medicina anno incarnationis
Verbi mo. cco. Ixxxiiij; Deo gracias."
7. Abbreviationes Avicennæ in librum Animalium Aristotelis in libros novemdecim distinctæ,
Latine versæ per Michaelem Scotum, et Frederico II. Imperatori dicatæ, cum tabula
posthabita. fol. 221.
In fine,
"Explicit liber Avicenne de animalibus; laudetur virgo Maria, Amen, Amen."
8. Alberti Magni de somno et vigilia liber, in partes tres divisus. fol. 269.
Exstat inter opera ed. Lugd. 1651, tom. v. p. 64.
9. Ejusdem de spiritu et respiratione liber primus, fol. 291 b.
Exstat ibid. tom. v. p. 139.
Deficit, a verbis,
"quod substantiam Spiritus in semine designat qui."
Præmissum est codici a bibliopego fragmentum rotidi curiæ Scaccarii (?)
Codex chartaceus, in folio majori, ff. 274,
sec. XV.
Petri de Azzelata, Bononiensis, de Chirurgia libri sex "secundum modum" ut legitur
in fine libri secundi,
"Avicenne de capitulo in capitulum;"
cum capitulis unicuique libro præmissis.
In fine subjecit manus recentior medica quædam, sub titulo
"Distinccio tertia quarte partis præsentis Philomene,"
Codex membranaceus, in 4to, ff. 266,
sec. XIII. exeuntis; binis columnis haud una manu exaratus.
1. [Isaaci Judæi] diætarum universalium liber, cum notis marginalibus, interprete
anonymo; in initio mutilus. fol. 1.
2. Ejusdem diætarum particularium liber, interprete anonymo, cum notis instruotus.
fol. 52.
In fine manu altera scripta sunt recepta medicinalia, etc.
3. Ejusdem de febribus liber, interprete Constantino Africano, cum ejusdem Constantini
prologo, et notulis instructus. fol. 82.
4. [Omniboni?] Ferrarii liber de febribus, cum notulis marginalibus. fol. 146.
"Febris, ut testatur Johannicius, est calor."
5. Aristotelis, ut fertur, ad Alexandrum de Sanitate servanda epistola, a Joanne Hispalensi
Latine versa, cum ejusdem Joannis epistola ad G. ep. Hispanensem dedicatoria. fol.
158 b.
In fine,
"Explicit medicina Aristotelis."
Præmittitur tetrastichon, cujus versus prior est abscissus, secundus est,
"Mittit Alexandro servatus ut ille tenore."
6. De electuariis, etc. fol. 159 b.
"Electuaria calefacientia sunt hæc."
7. De conferentibus et nocentibus. fol. 16o.
"Conferunt cerebro soni delectabiles, muscus, cubebe."
In calce,
"Confert atque nocet. quod liber iste docet."
8. Dictionarium medicum, sive Herbarum etc. catalogus cum proprietatibus suis, cum
præfatione et notis instructum. fol. 162.
Incip. præf.
"Circa instans negocium in specialibus medicinis nostrum versatur propositum."
Incip. opus,
"Aloe calide et sicce complexionis."
9. [Platearii Salemitani] de causis, curis signisque gritudinum, cum præfatione. fol.
Exstat impress. Lugd. 1525.
10. Anonymi cujusdam, forsan ejusdem auctoris, liber de ægritudinibus et remediis,
prævia præfatione brevi. fol. 220.
Incip. præf.
"Sicut ab antiquis habemus auctoribus et eorundem ratio."
Incip. lib.
"De dolore capitis. Primo ergo de dolore capitis dicamus."
11. Tabula medicinarum simplicium, [auotore Joanne de Sancto Paulo,] cum prologo.
fol. 238 b.
Incip, prol.
"Cogitanti michi de simplicibus medicinis et earum virtutibus."
12. Lexicon physicum. fol. 241.
"Alphita farina ordei idem est."
"Zirbus omentum ut in o."
13. De physiognomia libellus. fol. 251.
"Prima autem phisionimie divisio atque discrecio est ea."
In calce,
"Explicit Phisionomia."
14. Libellus de unguentis, pulveribus et pillulis. fol. 257 b.
"Pomum ambre divitum sic fit."
In fine manus altera supplevit versus quasdam de Sinapeos et Ysopi virtutibus.
"Extrahit humores viscosos extenuatque."
Codex chartaceus, in folio, ff. 11 et 281,
sec. XV., binis exaratus colmmiis; utrinque mutilus.
Liber consiliorum mediooram, præcipue secundum Antonium Cermisonum et Bartholomæum
de Montagnana, cum indice alphabetico præmisso.
Inserti sunt ad ff. 33, et 39 b.;
- a. Tractatus de venenis secundum Petrum de Hebano (sive Apono); sæpius impressus.
- b. Graleni de virtutibus Centaureæ libellus.
Codex membranaceus, in 4to minori, ff. 229,
sec. XV.; olim Joh. Rackar, seu Racour, coll. Omn. Anim. socii.
1. Liber chirurgiæ,
"anno 1180, ut in initio scribitur, non a magistro R. tantum sed a tribus aliis cum
pæevio prologo. fol. 1.
Incip. prol.
"Sicut dicit Constantinus in Pantengni humoris."
Incip. lib.
"Liber iste dividitur in prohemium et tractatum."
2. Lber de virtutibus simplicium herbarum, auctore Joanne de S. Paulo, cum prologo.
fol. 93 b.
3. Liber chirurgicus de craneo, tumoribus, hemeroidis, etc. fol. 109.
"De signis lune et de craneo. Nota quod in augmento lune."
4. Liber de modis medendi, et quot et quibus modis medetur, prævia capitulorum elencho.
fol. 166.
"In medendis corporibus variis sepe molestamur inconunodis."
"Experimenta parata per magistrum P[etrum] Yspanum."
fol. 197.
"Vidi hominem xlv. habentem os distortum."
6. Anonymi cujusdam liber, qui dicitur
"Ars completa chirurgiæ,"
in tractatus quinque distributus, cum præfatione et titulis uniuscujusque tractatus
præmissis; manu altera, fol. 213.
Incip. præf.
"Protector in ipso sperantium Deus excelsus et gloriosus."
Incip. liber,
"Tractatus primus, Doctrina prima, capitulum primum. Primus tractatus continet de
cirurgia regulas et capitula. Omne quod volumus investigare."
Deficit in cap. iii. Doctr. iii. tract. 1., a verbis
"ejus debilitatem omni le"
Paper, in 4to, ff. 142,
XVI. and XVII. Cent.
1. Book of alchymical receipts, from a collection by Dr. Schröder: in German.
2. Receipts of a similar character; in French. fol. 31.
3. Chymical receipts from Rajmond Lullius and others, by different hands; in French. fol. 54.
4. Sylva Sententiarum, or Chirurgical aphorisms, translated from the Latin of Matthæus
Narbatius, by Robert Turner, fol. 64.
5. Approved cures, by the same. fol. 119.
Codex membranaceus, in 4to minori, ff. 301,
sec. XV.; olim Joannis Racour, collegii Omn. Anim, socii.
1. Ægidii monachi, ordinis S. Benedicti, carmen de urinis cum commentariis, forsan
Joannis Racour. fol. 1.
"Dicitur urina quoniam sit renibus una."
Incip. comment.
"Istud opusculum prima sua divisione dividitur in duas partes."
In calce,
"Finite libro. reddatur gracia Christo; quod Racour."
2. Philareti medici libellus de pulsibus. fol. 37.
3. Anonymi cujusdam in Ægidium de urinis commentarius. fol. 39.
"Dicitur urina; Liber iste est liber nove institucionis."
Deficit a verbis,
"Sanguis enim cum sit calidus et rubeus vergens in purpure..."
4. Abubecri Rasis liber, qui dicitur Almansor, nona pars de ægritudinibus in capita
nonaginta distincta cum Gerardi de Solo expositione. fol. 56.
"Nona pars Almansoris Rasis cum expositione Gerardi de Solo."
"Rubrica generalis istius libri est talis, Incipit pars nona de egritudinibus, que
accidunt a capite usque ad pedes."
In fine,
"Explicit totalis expositio Gerardi de Solo super nonum Almansoris Rasis."
Exstat opus istud impress. Lugd. 1504.
Codex membranaceus, in folio majori, ff. 166,
sec. XIV.; binis columnis exaratus, initio mutilus; olim Eliæ Stoke.
Gilberti Anglici Laurea Medicina, sive compendium Medicinæ, de morbis universalibus
et particularibus, libris septem.
Prodiit Grenevæ, in 4to, 1608.
In fine,
"Explicit compendium; Deo gratias et beate Marie; Amen."
Sequitur tabula alphabetica, manu recentiori descripta.
Codex, partim membranaceus partim chartaceus, in 4to minori, ff. 184,
sec. XV., haud una manu exaratus ; olim Will. Godwyn, postea Othonis Polwhele, et deinde Narcissi Luttrell.
1. Henrici de Amondavila, sive Amanda Villa, anno 1306 chirurgi Philippi IV. regis
Francorum, Anathomia. fol. 3.
"Quoniam valde esset cuilibet cirurgico sumptuosum librum habere."
2. Notitia de loco quodam in Bemardi de Gordonio super urinas libro. fol. 22.
3. Joannis Damasoeni Aphorismorum liber ad filium. fol. 23.
4. [Gerardi Garmonensis?] opusculum de regimine Sanitatis, sive Introductorium juvenum.
fol. 27.
Incip. præf.
"Carissimis filiis amicis et dominis tot salutes."
Incip. opus,
"Regimen corporis humani est quintiplex."
5. Receptæ magistri Jordani de Turre in monte Pessulano factæ per ipsum suo filio
ad practicam eunti anno Domini 1318. fol. 47.
"Et prime quoad quassaturas et inflaturas."
"Introductorium juvenum in practicam provectis [?] in theorica proveotis supra primam
Fen quarti canonis Avioennæ, compositum per magistrum Dyernum Alberti decanum venerabilis
studii montis Pessulani magistrum excellentissimum in medicina."
fol. 55.
"Multorum vocibus inclinatus, ut super quartum canonem receptas formarem."
7. Versus medicinales a magistris et doctoribus Salernitanis in Apulia scripti Karolo
Regi Francorum, in quinque partes distincti cum prologo. fol. 76.
Scholam Salernitanam ab Alexandro Croke, equite aurato, anno 1828 editam.
8. Medicinalia quædam de digestione et evacuatione. fol. 110 b.
"Quæritur utrum electuarium debet dari ante cibum vel post."
9. Ricardi [Anglici] regulæ de urinis. fol. 127.
"Circa urinas hæc attenduntur generalia et principalia."
In fine,
"Expliciunt urine Ricardi."
10. Herbarium, sive index herbarum, etc. ordine alphabetico. fol. 134.
"Aaron; a. 150."
Codex chartaceus, in 4to minori, ff. 260,
secc. XV. et XVI.; initio mancus.
1. Præscripta medicinalia; Angl. Lat. fol. 9.
2. Hermetis regis Græcorum Secreta secundum transmutationis naturam. ff. 18 b.— 52
b. 17.
Cf. Bandin. catal. codd. Laurent. Latt. tom. ii. col. 33.
In fine,
"Explicit Ycocedron philosophiæ"
3. Sexta particula Arnaldi de Villa Nova, in qua capitula tredecim. fol. 55.
"Postquam dictum est supra in pleno introductorio."
4. Capitulum de septem planetis. fol. 74.
"Gloriosus Deus in omnibus."
5. Versus viginti duo alchymici, auctore Conrado de Hildenser, nonnullis subjunctis
præscriptis ejusdem natursæ. fol. 98.
6. Joannis de Rupescissa, Ord. Minorum, de quinta essentia libri duo. fol. 100.
Exstant impress, in 8vo. edit. Basil. 1597.
"De virtutibus et operationibus septem herbarum secretarum per ordinem, et quomodo
per eas fiunt mirabilia:"
in English, apparently drawn from the books of Kyranus Kyranides. fol. 133 b.
"Alaxus Affrike disciple of Bobert Claddere of the worthye studio."
At the end,
"Explicit tercius liber de generalibus remediis et de aliis secretis secretorum."
8. Liber, qui dicitur, Alkandrinus, in partes duas distinctus, quarum prior agit de
judiciis, altera de natura stellarum, planetarum et signorum. fol. 145 b.
Incip. 1.
"Cum sint 28 mansiones lune, secimdum 12 signa in firmamento."
Incip. ii.
"Stella, que est in orbe non differt ab orbe."
In fine,
"Expliciunt judicia signorum et planetarum per manus D. R. 1474, cujus anime propicietur
Deus; Amen."
9. De horis signorum et planetarum; fragmentum. fol. 188 b.
"Et nota quod Saturnus Martem metuit."
10. Sonmia Danielis Prophetæ, quæ exposuit Babiloniæ; ordine alphabetico cum introductione
brevi. fol. 193.
Incip. introd.
"Et sciendum est veraciter, quod sonmia fiunt."
"Ayerem videre serenum, lucrum significat."
Cf. Salomonis et Danielis Somnia, Venet. 1516.
11. Treatise on chiromancy, from the Latin of Aurelian, by John Meteham, with prologue,
fol. 202.
"Tales Milesies, the wyche was the fyrste phylosophyr."
At the end,
"Thus endyth mye auctor doctor Aurelian in laten, and thus I ende in englysh, under
the supportacion of my mastres in this science; per Jon. Meteham."
And after this,
"Iste liber constat Thome Moyll, filio Joanni Moyll, armigero."
"The knoyng off dremys by the sayng and probacions of wysse clerkys, by rule of thes
lettres in the sauter in euerye psalme."
fol. 213 b.
"A. Betokyns myᵹt and powere."
13. Liber de physiognomia. fol. 215.
"Elegans est physiognomia nature cognicio."
14. Liber de somniorum interpretatione, ordine alphabetico. fol. 232.
"Apes vel aves videre et oum eis pugnare."
In fine,
"Quod Simon Schyryngham."
15. Joannis Philosophi liber, qui dicitur, Summa Chiromantiæ, cum tabulis, ex codicibus
philosophorum compilatus. fol. 240.
"Quoniam, revelante Domino, in cujus pectore sunt omnes."
In fine,
"Orate pro anima domini Simonis Schyringham; cujus anime Deus propicietur; Amen."
16. Index nominum alphabeticus. fol. 260.
"Adam, i. 7."
17. Treatise on heraldry, fol. 262.
"Afiftyrr thopynion of summe of holde descryveris or blasoners of armys, ther bene
none armys propyrly but if thei haue."
After this occur two or three forms of deeds of no moment.
Codex membranaceus, in forma oblonga, ff. 149,
sec. XIII.; olim Henrici Penworth.
P. Virgilii Maronis opera, scilicet,
Codex membranaceus, in 4to, ff. 173,
sec. XV., nitide exaratus; mutilus.
Lucii Annæi Senecæ, Cordubensis, Tragœdiæ decem.
In fine,
"Expliciunt decem Tragedie Senece."
Evulsit nebulo quidam, literæ gratia illuminatæ, unumquodque folium, quod tragœdiæ
cujusque initium continebat.
Membranaceus, in folio majori, ff. 240,
sec. XIV. exeuntis, binis columnis exaratus; olim Joannis Stokes, coll. Onin. Anim. custodis quinti.
Aristotelis Ethicorum libri decem, Latine versi, cum Joannis Dedecii commentariis
perpetuis, proœmio et capitulorum contentis uniuscujusque libri præmissis.
Incip. proœm.
"Philosophia in duas partes divisa, dice autem in theoricam et practicam."
Incip. comment.
"Consuete Aristotiles universale preordinat in presenti doctrina."
"animabus bonum amantibus et Dei formissimis."
In calce,
"Benedictus sit Jhesus Christus filius Dei vivi. Amen. Amen."
Membranaceus, in 4to majori, ff. 293,
anno 1428 manu Alberti Geldrop, Brabantini duabus columnis exaratus.
1. Joannis Scharpe quæstiones in Aristotelis Physicorum libros octo. fol.
"Questio circa primum physicorum est hec, utrum tria tantum sunt."
In fine,
"Expliciunt quæstiones magistri Joannis Scharpe super libros phisicorum, nacionis
Almanie superioris; scripte per manus Alberti Geldrop, Almanie inferioris."
"Liber de potenciis anime breviter compilatus secundum [Walt.] Burley."
fol. 88.
"Bonorum honorabilium, etc. Ut dicit philosophus secundo de anima."
In fine,
"Explicit hoc totum. de virga da mihi potum."
3. Joannis Scharpe de anima tractatus. fol. 96.
"Utrum anima inte... sit quodammodo."
In fine,
"Detur scriptori pro penna pulchra puella."
4. Tractatulus de divisione entis. fol. 133.
"Attende circa divisionem entis."
5. Tractatulus de longitudine et brevitate vitæ. fol. 134 b.
"De eo autem, quod est esse."
In fine,
"Aelbertus Geldrop me scripsit."
6. Francisci (de Mayronis?) super Aristotelis Ethicis commentarius. fol. 136.
"Auditu auris audivi; etc. Quia vero divina pertinet."
7. Tractatulus de toto et parte, fol. 171.
"Secundum quod pars et totum."
In calce,
"Explicit tractatus de toto et parte, finitus in crastino venerabilis sacramenti."
"Tractatus de duobus principiis, scilicet de materia et forma."
fol. 171b.
"Notandum quod tantum sunt duo rincipia."
"Tractatulus de finito et infinito."
fol. 173.
"Circa finitum et infinitum."
"Tractatulus parvus de morte subtilissimi et erudientissimi summi Philosophi Aristotelis,
qui alio nomine intitulatur, De pomo Aristotelis."
fol. 173 b.
"Cum homo creaturarum."
11. Tractatus de partitionibus entis. fol. 176 b.
"Utrum veritas cum entitate."
In calce,
"Finitus est isto liber anno Domini m.cccc.xxviij. in crastina sancti Barnabe apostoli
anno regis Henrici sexti, per manus Aelberti Geldrop nacione Brabancie, ad laudem
Dei, virginisque Marie, Katherine, Barbare, atque sancti Kenelmi martiris gloriosi."
"Quidquid agas prudenter agas, et respice finem;
Omnibus adde modum, modus est pulcherrima virtus.
Scribere vesani, sed quid melius potui vi,
Hunc scripsi librum, de vino da michi potum."
12. Antonii (Andreæ) in Aristotelis Metaphysicorum libros duodecim conmientarii, cum
tabula capitum posthabita. fol. 185.
Exstant impress. Paris. 1495, et alibi.
In fine,
"Albertus nacione Brabancie istum scripsit anno Domini m.ccccxxvij. in crastino Re.
trium Regum."
"Tabula (alphabetica) quæstionum Antonii super 12 libros metaphysice edita per D.
Thomam Derham, monachum S. Edmundi martiris invictissimi, finita in profesto sancti
Kenelmi, regis et martiris."
Subjecit manus recentior
"Magistri Francisci tractatum de signis nature."
"Primum signum nature."
Codex membranaceus, in folio majori, ff. 256,
sec. XIV., binis columnis exaratus; olim Joannis Stokes, coll. Omn. Anim. custodis quinti.
Gualteri Burlæi in Aristotelis opera varia Expositiones, scilicet,
a. In Physicorum libros octo. fol. 1.
Præmittitur epistola,
"amicis suis et dominis magistris et scolaribus Parisius in philosophia studentibus"
b. In libros duos de generatione et corruptione. fol. 199.
c. In libros duos de somno et vigilia. fol. 212.
d. In libros quatuor de cælo et mundo. fol. 222 b.
In calce,
"Explicit expositio W. Burley super …. libros phisicorum cujus anime propicietur Deus."
Sequitur tabula super libros omnes supradictos ordine alphabetico disposita.
Codex chartaceus, in 4to minori, ff. 286,
sec. XV. exeuntis; per manum J. de D.
anno 1473 plerumque descriptus.
1. Joannis Canonici, Angli, Joannis Scoti discipuli, Ord. Minorum, quæstiones in Aristotelis
Physicorum libros octo, cum tabula posthabita. fol. 1.
"Queritur hie primo, utrum substantia facta in suo conceptu."
In fine,
"Expliciunt questiones Johannis canonici super 8 libros phisicorum, per manum J. de
D., et finiuntur in die sancti Hillarii, anno Domini 1473, Deo gratias."
2. Anonymi cujusdam quæstiones in Aristotelis de anima libros tres, cum tabula, fol.
"Utrum sensus tactus sit unus vel plures."
In calce,
"Et sic finiuntur quæstiones doctoris subtilis super libros de anima cujus anime propicietur
Deus; Amen."
In fine est catalogus nominum custodis et aliquorum e sociis (coll. Omn. Anim. in
anno circiter 1500.)
3. Anonjrmi cujusdam de potentiis animæ secundum Aristotelem. fol. 222.
"Ut dicit Aristoteles secundo de anima."
Membranaceus, in 4to minori, ff. 112,
sec. XV.; olim Walteri Hopton, coll. Omn. Anim. socii.
Quæstiones quinque morales cum expositionibus locupletissimis.
Incip. prima,
"Utrum ad felicitatem sub ratione finis ultimi appetitus rationalis debeat habitualiter
Desin. ult.
"ex virtute operantibus, quod præmium nobis concedat, qui sine fine;"
Codex membranaceus, in folio majori, ff. 293,
sec. XV. ; binis columnis exaratus utrimque mutilus.
Roberti de Eudemodio, monachi Clarævallensis, Cato moralizatus, sive in Catonis moralia
commentarii, Petro de Saluciis, ut patet ex prologo primæ parti prosaicæ præmisso,
generosse indolis adolescentulo, dicati.
Distinctum est opus in partes novem, quarum ordo est,
1. Pars prima proœmialis; mutil. fol. 1.
"proximi summus efficimur."
2. Pars secunda proœmialis. fol. 2.
"... sic generaliter ac."
3. Pars tertia proœmialis. fol. 27.
"Postquam in secunda."
4. Pars quarta proœmialis. fol. 28.
"Sequitur quarta pars prohemialis."
5. Pars prosaica. fol. 28 b.
"Itaque Deo supplica. Expeditis quatuor partibus."
6. Partes metricæ quatuor. fol. 101 b.
Incip. i. a verbis,
"Secundi vocabantur Dii philosophorum."
Sequitur tabula alphabetica, initio mutila, cui succedunt
"Addiciones ad tabulam, ordine alphabetico"
cum præfatione.
Incip. præf.
"Quoniam onmium habere."
In fine,
"Explicit tabula et eciam totum opus Catonis moralizati; Deo gratias."
Chartaceus, in 4to, ff, 100,
sec. XV.; olim,
anno 1457, Joh. Dryelle, coll. Omn. Anim. socii.
Anonymi cujusdam in Boethii libros quinque de Musica commentarii, cum introductione,
hic illic mutili.
Incip. introd.
"In nomine sanctæ et individuæ Trinitatis, etc. Quanquam ad aliquam disciplinam fit
præfacione accedere."
Incip. comment, in proœm,
"In isto prologo tria Boecius specialiter manifestat"
Incip. Comment. in lib. i.
"Expeditie prohemiis primi libri musice Boecii."
Desin. a verbis,
"sed longe secus angusto timpanizante in cena a quodam milite probrose dictum est."
Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 229,
sec. XV. manu J. R. Marchall, ut videtur, binis columnis exaratus; olim Jacobi Goldwell, episcopi Norwicensis et quondam coll. Omn. Anim. socii.
Francisci Petrarchæ, Poetæ Laureati, de remediis utriusque fortunæ libri duo per modum
dialogi, prævio prologo et capitulis posthabitis.
Exstant impress, inter opera, Basil. 1554, tom. i. p. 1.
In fine,
"Explicit liber Francisci Petrarche, poete laureati, de remediis utriusque fortuna.
J. B. Marchall."
In calce codicis, Fragmentum, ex libro quodam juridiciali desumptum, de stipulationibus
et obligationibus, de homicidio, etc.
Membranaceus, in folio, ff. 164,
sec. XIV. exeuntis, duabus columnis exaratus; olim Thomæ Lay.
Ægidii de Colunma, episcopi Bituricensis, de regimine Principum libri tres, prævia
ad Philippum primogenitum et hæredem domini Philippi (IV.), regis Francorum, præfatione.
In fine,
"Explicit liber de regimine Principum editus a fratre Egidio, ordinis fratrum heremitarum
Sequitur Tabula librorum supradictorum alphabetica, auctore Thoma Abyndon.
In fine,
"Explicit tabula de regimine Principum secundum Egidium edita a fratre Thoma Abyndon."
Codex chartaceus, in 4to, ff, 283,
anno 1465, manu Mariani Georgii Benedicti de Magistris scriptus; olim Jacobi Goldwell, episcopi Norwicensis, et antea coll. Omn. Anim. socii : initio mancus.
1. Laurentii Vallæ de elegantia Latinæ linguæ libri sex. fol. 1.
Incipit abrupte in verbis prologi,
"cujus rei quantum conjecturæ."
In fine,
"Detur pro penna scriptori pulchra puella."
"Scripsit Marianus Georgii Benedicti de Magistris, Romanus civis, et finivit anno
millesimo, quadringentesimo sexagesimo quinto, mensis Maii die xxiij. indictione xiij.
Pontif. S. D. N. domini Pauli, divina providentia Papesecundi, pontificatus sui anno
2. Ejusdem
"Liber Septimus de notulis Raudensis ad Jo. Tortellium, papæ Nicolai quinti cubicularium,"
cum prologo; ordine alphabetico. fol. 229.
Præmittuntur codici,
"Emptus Rome anno Domini m.cccclxvij. per Jacobum Goldwell, Legum Doctorem, pro viij.
ducat, papal."
Membranaceus, in 4to, ff. 57,
sec. XV. ineuntis.
Lini Coluccii Pierii Salutati contra maledioum et objurgatorem [Anton. Luscum Vicentinum],
"qui multa pungenter adversus inclitam civitatem Florentie scripsit,"
Invectiva, cum prologo.
Incip. prol.
"Fuit nuper per quosdam insignes et venerabiles."
Incip. invectiv.
"Principio quidem sicut dictis verbis exprimitur."
"quicquid habet, expenderit et dixerit quicquid novit."
In textum inserta est Lusci in Florentines invectiva rubris Uteris descripta.
In fine,
"Colucii ad [Petrum Turcum] epistola; dat Florent. iii. idus Septembris.
"Jussisti vir insignis, filique kariasime, quod objurgatori illo petulantissimo."
Cf. Laurent. Mehus in prolegom. ad Coluccii epiatolas, p. lxxxv.
Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 120,
sec. XIV.; binis columnis exaratus.
Ptolemæi Peluaiensis liber Almagesti, in distinctiones tredecim divisus, ex Arabico
in Latinum versus a magistro [Gerardo Carmonensi], cum prologo et tabulis instructus.
In calce,
"Expleta est dictio tricesima (sic) libri Almagesti, et cum ea completur liber Ptholomei
de disciplinalibua. Laus Deo. Amen."
Cf. cod. Burn. 275, in catal. codd. Mus. Brit. nov. serie, part. ii. p. 776.
Membranaceus, in 4to minori, ff. 41,
sec. XIV.; olim Roberti Henley, coll. Omn. Anim. socii.
1. Anonymi cujusdam de significatione uniucujusque figurse in Planetarum domibua.
fol. 1.
"Cap. primum. Quod in judicio 9 sunt consideranda. Desiderantibua verum et certum
judicium dare secundum gloriosam."
"in quinto decimo bonum finem."
Sequuntur quædam de figurarum temperie, quæ incip.
"Nunc diximua quid significet unumquodque signum."
2. Liber alius de significatione figurarum in Planetarum domibus in capita centum
quinquaginta divisus, cum præfatione, auctore, ut videtur, Catone quodam. fol. 16.
Incip. præf.
"Nonnulli sapientes astronomiæ eruditi de quarundam celestium figurarum significatione."
Incip. liber,
"In prima operia parte intencio nostra est docere 16 esse figuras."
Codex membranaceus, in 4to minori, ff. 172,
sec. XIV. ineuntis; olim magistri Willelmi Griffyth.
1. Julii Solini de situ orbis Terrarum et de singulia mirabilibua, quæ in eo habentur,
prævio proœmio. fol. 1.
In fine,
"Julius Solinus explicit; studio et diligentia dompni Theodosii, invictissimi principis."
2. Henrici [Huntindoniensis, sive Bedæ, sive cujuscumque sit,] Imago Mundi in libros
tres distincta, prævia Henrici [regis?] epistola ad Henricum, auctorem, cum rescripto.
fol. 112.
Exatat impress. inter Anselmi opera, 1630, tom. ii. p. 416.
In fine aubjuncta est oratio ad Deum.
Membranaceus, in folio, ff. 137,
sec. XV.; nitide exaratus.
Johannis Gower, Eboracensis, Poemata, scilicet,
1. Vox clamantia, in libros septem distinctum, præviis capitulis et epistola ad Thomam
Arundell, archiepiscopum Cantuariensem, dedicatoria. fol. 6.
Tanner Bibl. Britan.-Hib. p. 336, et cod. Fairfax, in Bibl. Bodl., 3.
2. Poematis supradicti Continuatio, sive Chronicon Ricardi secundi, libris tribus,
cum argumentis prosaice scriptis et notulis marginalibua. fol. 116.
Incip. proœm.
"Iste tripartita. sequitur que mente perita."
Incip. lib. i.
"Tolle caput mundi C. ter et sex lustra fer lli."
"Carmen, unde magnificus rex noster Henricus prenotatus apud Deum et homines cum omni
benediccione glorificetur."
fol. 126 b.
"Rex celi Deus et Dominus, qui tempera solus."
4. Epistola brevis, unde virtutes reges morales ad sanum regimen ampliori memoria
dirigantur. fol. 127.
"O recolende bone. pie rex Henrice patrone."
5. Carmen super multiplici vitiorum pestilentia, unde tempore Ricardi secundi partes
nostræ specialius inficiebantur, anno Ric. II. 20 scriptum; cum prologo et argmnento.
fol. 127 b.
Incipit prologus,
"Non excusatur. qui verum non fateatur."
Tit. carm. i.
"Contra demonis astuciam in causa Lollardie."
"Quod patet limen. instanti tempore crimen."
6. Traotatus de lucis scrutinio, quam a diu vitiorum tenebræ, proh dolor, suffocarunt,
secundum illud in Evang.
"Qui ambulat in tenebris,"
etc. fol. 131.
"Heu quia per crebras. humus est viciata tenebras."
Deficit in vers.
"Cecos deplango. mea propria viscera tango."
7. Tractatus metricus, [
"selone les auctours pour essampler les amantz marietz, au fin qils la foi de lour
seintes espousailes pourront per fine loialte guarder et al honour de Dieu saluement
]; initio mutilus. fol. 132.
MS. Bodl. Fairfax, 3.
"Perdonetz moi qe jeo de ceo forsuoie
Jeo sui Englois si quier per tiele voie
Estre excuse, mais quoique nulls en die
Lamour perfit en Dieu se justifie."
Sequuntur versus novem heroice, incip.
"Quis sit vel qualis. sacer ordo connubialis."
8. Carmen, quod Johannes Gower super amoris multiplici varietate sub compendio metrice
composuit. fol. 135 b.
"Est amor in glosa. pax bellica, lis preciosa."
9. Notitia de Johannis Grower operibus tribus præcipuis. fol. 135 b.
"Quia unusquisque prout a Deo accepit."
10. Carmen, quod quidam philosophus in memoriam Johannis Gower super consummatione
suorum trium librorum forma subsequenti composuit et eidem gratanter transmisit. fol.
"Eneidos Bucolisque Georgica metra perhennis."
11. Carmen, quod Johannes Gower adhuc vivens super principum regimine ultimo composuit.
fol. 136.
"O Deus immense. sub quo dominantur in ense."
12. Epilogus, cum præfatione. fol. 137.
Incip. præf.
"Hic in fine notandum est, qualiter ab illa cronica."
Incipit epilogus,
"Quicquid homo, scribat finem natura ministrat."
Codex chartaceus, in folio, if. 261,
sec. XVII., e codice ad Robertum Harley pertinente transcriptus; olim Narcissi Luttrell.
Itinerarium Johannis Lelandi, inceptum anno Domini 1538, in partes septem distinctum,
cum indice per virum clarissimum Gulielmum Dugdale posthabito.
Præmisit Narcissus Luttrell notitias quasdam de materiis in opere contentis.
Membranaceus, in 4to, ff. 51,
sec. XV. ; olim Ricardi Smith, postea Narcissi Luttrell.
Statuta Collegii canonicorum, presbyterorum, militum, etc. in capella sancto Georgio
dicata, in castro de Wyndesore.
In fine subjecit manus recentior,
"Expositio dubiorum verborum juris Anglici."
Incip. cum Edwardi III. Carta; dat. anno regni sui 22.
Codex chartaceus, in 4to minori, ff. 117,
sec. XVI.
Statuta oollegii Magdalenensis in universitate Oxoniensi, cum tabula capitulorum posthabita.
On vellum, in small 4to, ff. 28 ,
XVIth Cent; formerly belonging to Narcissus Luttrell.
"The statutis and ordynauncis of ye moaste noble ordre of saynct George, named the
Gartier, refourmed, explaned, declared and renewed by ye most high, moast excellent
and moast puissante Prince Henry the eight, by the grace of God kyng of Englande,
Fraunce and Irelande, defender of the faith, and of ye churche of Englande and also
of Irelande in earthe the supreame head."
Beltz History of the Order of the Garter; edit. 1841, p. lxxxiv.
On vellum, in small 4to, ff. 12,
XV. Cent.
A poem intitled,
"The libelle of Englische polycie, exortyng alle Englande to kepe the see environ,
and namely the narowe see, shewynge whatte profette comythe there off, and alle soo
whate worshupe and saluacioun to Englonde, etc. etc."
Illustrated with marginal notes.
It is imperfect from the line,
"Farewell Wales than Inglond cometh to drede."
Printed in
Hakluyt's Voyages, edit. 1599, vol. i. p. 187.
Paper, in 4to, ff. 150,
XVIII. Cent.
The Magazine of Honour, or a treatise of the several degrees of the nobility of this
kingdom with their rights and privileges, also of knights, esquires, gentlemen and
yeomen, and matters incident to them according to the laws and customs of England,
collected by Mr. Bird, but perused and enlarged by sir John Doderidge, knight, one
of his majestie's judges of the court of King's Bench.
Printed in 8vo., Loudon, 1642,
Prefixed is written,
"Vincent Cranfield, 1638,"
and in the same hand,
"Copied from a MS. bought at the auction of Lord Somers's collection of manuscripts,
1738, and examined by me, R. Salkeld."
At the end is a table of contents.
Paper, in folio, ff. 60,
XVII. Cent.; formerly in the possession of N. Luttrell.
'Chronometria sphærica et arithmetica,'
or the art of Dialling, in two parts, with an introduction and plates, by Edward
Prefixed to the work is a copy of verses in its praise by Richard Turvey 'Philomath.'
Codex chartaceus, in 4to minimo, ff. 43,
sec. XVII.
Propositionum Geometricarum liber, cum figuris illustratus.
"Punctum dicitur, quod est indivisibile."
"Tetraedri I, 632993."
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 79,
XVIII. Cent.;
"ex legatis Radulphi Freman, de Hamels, in com. Hert. et coll. Omn. Anim. quondam socii."
Book of geometrical problems, which are the most necessary for the regular and irregular
fortification; illustrated with figures.
Probl. i. To make a circle on a point given, with the distance of a line given.
Paper, in 4to, ff, 77,
XVII. Cent.
A treatise concerning prayer for the dead, by William Page, D. D., divided into eighteen
chapters, with introduction and conclusion.
Prefixed is the following note,
"This manuscript is bequeathed to All Soules colledge in Oxford, by William Page,
Doctor in Divinitye, and sometime fellowe of that honorable societye."
Ten volumes, on paper, in 4to.
Containing a course of lectures on jurisprudence and civil law, with introduction
and two appendices, by Thomas Bever, LL.D., fellow of All Souls college, and an advocate of the Court of Arches; read
in the Vinerian Law school, commenced on May 10, 1762, and continued annually.
The Introduction was printed at the Clarendon press in 1766. The work is comprised
in thirty-two lectures.
The tenth volume is the commencement of a second transcript of the whole work, begun
Feb. 1, 1769, in consequence, as it is stated in a note by the author, of
"the whole having been frequently improved and enlarged, particularly the historical
Prefixed to the first volume, are extracts from the wills of,
- a. Thomas Bever bequeathing these volumes to Dr. John Loveday, with the condition
that they never should be printed.
- b. John Loveday, directing his executors to present them to the library of All Souls,
on the same conditions.
Two volumes, in 4to, ff. 45 and 287,
XVIII. Cent.
The history of the feudal and the canon Law, in two books; by Thomas Bever, LL.D.
The first book appears to have been left unfinished; it ends with an account of the
Court of Admiralty.
At the beginning of the first volume is a table of the contents of his work upon the
legal polity of the Roman state, which was printed in 1781.
Two volumes, on paper, in small 4to, ff. 138,
XVIII. Cent.; in two columns.
Questions extracted out of Puffendorf's smaller treatise De officio hominis et civis,
with the answers set down upon the opposite column, by Thomas Bever, LL.D.
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 193, written
about the year 1700; formerly belonging to Narcissus Luttrell.
1. A repertory to the records in the Tower of London, in alphabetical order, fol.
2. Records and other authorities upon the nature and duty of the offices of Earl Marshal
and Constable of England, fol. 44.
3. Account of several acts and other papers relating to ecclesiastical affairs, deposited
in the Tower of London, fol. 64.
4. Calendar of the records in the Tower,
"delivered the three and twentieth day of March, in the first year of the reign of
their late majesties, king William and queen Mary, unto William Petyt, of ye Inner
Temple, London, Esq. by Mr. Laurence Halsted, deputy to Dr. Robert Brady, late keeper
of ye said records, in obedience to their said late Majesties order."
fol. 124.
5. Table of such Parliament rolls as are yet remaining in the office of the keeper
of the records in the Tower, from 5 Edw. II. to 22 Edw. IV. fol. 188.
Prefixed is the note following,
"I had this account from Mr. George Holme, who belongs to Mr. Petyt, keeper of the
records of the Tower. N. Luttrell. 1703/4."
6. Memorial of what statute rolls are now extant in the Record Office, fol. 191.
7. Note of the Parliament rolls and Lords Journals
"as in Lord Clarendon's library."
fol. 192.
Paper, in folio, ff. 17,
XVII. Cent.; formerly the property of N. Luttrell.
Instructions given by the king (James I.) to the Lord Edward Zouch, Lord president
of his Council in Wales, for the government of the king's dominions and marches there.
Dat. Salisbury, 26. Aug. 1603.
Instructions to the same from Elizabeth, dated Greenwich 2 July, 1602, are in the
British Museum,
Harl. MS. 7020, art. 26.
Codex chartaceus, in folio, ff. 6,
anno 1531 manu Joannis Exceter monachi descriptus; olim peculium N. Luttrell.
Liber historialis et antiquitatum domus sancti Swithuni, Wintonia,
"Johannis Exceter ejusdem loci commonachi propriis manibus descriptus, anno dominice
incrnationis, millesimo quingentesimo tricesimo primo."
"Tempore quo humane salutis benignissimus operator Jesus, vera pax nostra atque perfecta."
In fine,
"Hec Exceter propria scripsit manu, Finis."
Paper, in large folio, ff. 35,
XVII. Cent.
Account of the commission under the great seal of England, bearing date 27 Sept. 1669,
as it was from time to time executed in France by the rt. hon. Ralph Montagu, Henry
earl of St. Alban, Henry lord Arundel of Wardour, rt. hon. Walter Montague, and sir
Leoline Jenkjms, D.C.L., according to the powers in the said commission and in his
Majesty's instructions therewith given, relating to the funeral, the family, and the
estate of the Queen Mother [Henrietta Maria.]
On the cover is written,
"Inventory of the houshold stuff and goods and furniture of the ueen Mother, that
died in France taken at Colombe, Oct. 1669, by sir L. Jenkins; etc."
Paper, in 4to, ff. 120,
written at the end of the XVIIth Cent.
Collection of political songs and satires upon affairs of state, in the reign of Charles
the Second, apparently by the Earl of Rochester and others.
They are of the same character with those
printed at London in 1702 and afterwards, in four volumes 8vo., under the title of
"Poems on afiairs of state."
On paper, in small 4to, ff. 172,
XVII. Cent.; formerly in the possession of Narcissus Luttrell.
"Catalogue of all such books touching as well the state ecclesiastical as temporal
of the realm of England,"
which were published upon several occasions during the reigns of Henry VII., Henry
VIII., Philip and Mary, Elizabeth, James I. and Charles I. to the year 1631, with
the price of each written on the margin, by Humphrey Dyson.
This curious volume was formerly in the possession of Richard Smith, and is noticed
in his catalogue, ed. 1682, p. 37, art. 115.
See also
Dr. Dibdin's Bibliomania, p. 398.
Paper, in folio, ff. 89,
XVII. Cent.; formerly belonging to Narcissus Luttrell.
Copies of charters of privileges, and other, granted to the city of London by James
the First and the preceding sovereigns of England.
Reversing the volume, is,
An order of Council for the prohibiting new buildings in the suburbs of London, dat.
23, Oct. 1633.
Vellum, in small 4to, ff. 29,
XVII. Cent. ; formerly the property of N. Luttrell.
"Orders conceyued and agreed uppon by the company exercizing the arte of ringing knowne
and called by the name of the Schollers of Cheapesyde in London, begon and so continewed
from the second day of February, anno 1603,"
with a list of names of the Generals and Wardens to the year 1634 inclusive annexed.
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 27,
XVII. Cent.; formerly belonging to Narc. Luttrell.
- 1. A calendar of the affairs of the company of White Bakers collected from the time
of their first incorporation, 1. Henr. VII., at whioh time the white bakers and the
browne bakers were both all one company, etc., together with a remembrance of orders
made by the mayor and aldermen touching the governments and usages of both companies,
"by mee Owen Bett, clerke unto the company of white bakers, anno Domini 1630."
Reversing the volume,
- a. Extracts relating to the assize of bread.
- b. Journal of payments and expenses in the courts of Chancery and the Star chamber
paid by Owen Brett, defendant, in a commission of bankruptcy against Henry Clerke.
The volume is enclosed in a membrane which contains a fragment of a Latin poem of
the fourteenth century upon the life and passion of our Saviour, in elegiac verse.
Vellum, in small 4to., ff. 45,
XV. Cent.; formerly belonging to Narcissus Luttrell.
1. A book of medical receipts for different diseases, fol. 1.
The first is,
"For heued ache,"
and begins,
"Take and sethe veruen"
Prefixed is a preface, in verse.
"That man that wele of lechecraft lere.
Red on this book and he may here."
Printed for the Percy Society, edited by J. O. Halliwell.
2. A kalendar with many astronomical tables, fol. 30.
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 58,
XVI. Cent.; formerly belonging to Nar. Luttrell.
Directions, principally in French, for holding of a court leet, court baron, sheriffs turn and county court and hundred
At the end is
"An exhortation before the charge as well before the lete as the courte baron."
" Masters; The charge that by your othes."
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 28,
XVII. Cent.; formerly belonging to Nar. Luttrell.
Paper, in folio, ff. 51,
XVII. Cent.; formerly belonging to Narcissus Luttrell.
"concerninge the high and honorable court of Chancerie, written by Sir Robert Cotten,
Paper, in 4to, ff. 92,
XVII. Cent., written by various hands; formerly belonging to Narcissus Luttrell.
1. The true report of the estate of Spain, translated out of Spanish by Patrick Mason,
with an introduction by the translator dedicating his work to Mr. William Absalom,
DD., clerk of the Closet and master of the Savoy, fol. 2.
Introd. beg.
"Havinge my mynde free from all worldlie cares, and desirous."
2. Ordinationes et statuta edita per dominos Cancellarios Universitatis Oxoniensis
ad utilitatem et profectum Scholarium Aularum studentiom in eisdem; dat. Jul. 27.
1629. fol. 18.
3. The danger wherein the kingdom now standeth with the remedy, "written by Sir Robert
Cotton, knight and barronett in January, 1627." fol. 31.
At the end,
"Esther Flesher, her booke. Le livre de Mademoiyele Esther Flesher. E. F. P. Killi."
4. A treatise of the seyerall judiciall courts in England, their jurisdiction, officers,
and manner of proceeding therein, fol. 48.
At the end, "Finis Febru. 14, 1593, R. Robinson."
5. "Presidents and forms of pleading in seyerall cases." fol. 59.
6. "A note of the principall Acts of the Parliament held in Scotland June 11, 1640."
fol. 87.
7. Petition of lords and others to the King upon the expedition into Scotland, and
the general state of the country, with the king's answer, fol. 89.
Printed by Rushworth, vol. ii. p. 1260.
8. Proverbial sentences, fol. 91.
"Fearfull jealousyes a disease incident to kings."
Paper, in folio, ff. 41,
XVII. Cent.; formerly the property of N. Luttrell.
Copies of
"the severall charters granted by our kings to ye citty of London from H. I. to Charles
They are ten in number, of the reigns of Henry I. II., Richard I., John, Henry III.,
Edward III., Richard II., Henry VI., Edward IV., and James I.
At the end is a list of
"Bodies buried in the coligiat church of St. Peters at Westminster."
Reversing the volume is a report of the case of John Pulford, gent. against Thomas
Gill; dated Hilary Term. 1652.
Paper, in folio, ff. 77,
XVII. Cent.; in 1687 the property of Narcissus Luttrell.
"Glover's book of visitations of ye arms of ye gentry in Oxfordshire, Barkshire, Wiltshire,
Buckinghamshire, [Bedfordshire], Northamptonshire, Huntingdonshire and Devonshire."
Prefixed is the note following,
"Robert Glover's own writing."
The volume is in an unfinished state, and contains but scanty notices of the families
then residing in the above-named counties.
Paper, in folio, ff. 121,
XVII. Cent.; formerly the property of N. Luttrell.
Observations upon the rise and progress of the late rebellion against king Charles
the first, in so far as it was carried on by a malcontented faction in Scotland under
pretext of reformation, by Henry Guthry, bishop of Dunkel.
Printed in 8vo. London, 1702.
"Memorandum, that this was copied from a manuscript belonging to ye earl of Melfort,
and examined with ye same by myself; and seems to me to be bishop Guthrie's history
of ye civil wars in Scotland ; N. Luttrell."
Paper, in large folio, ff. 36,
XVII. Cent.; formerly belonging to N. Luttrell.
History of the expedition in Holland under the duke of Alva, in 1572 — 73, in eighteen
chapters, with a letter dedicatory to William Cecil, Lord Burleigh, by Walter Morgan.
To each chapter is affixed a very spirited drawing, representing the sieges of the
different towns, Amsterdam, Brill, etc., with the movements of the army.
From the arms of Cecil on the cover, it appears to have been the presentation copy.
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 28,
XVII. Cent.; formerly belonging to N. Luttrell.
A book of Latin and English proverbs, arranged alphabetically.
"Acesei et Heliconis; A proverbe spoken of such... as be cunningly wrought."
At the end,
"Unto these fewe you may annexe more if you will, as your occasion serveth, and reduce
them into an Abecedarye order."
Paper, in 4to, ff. 79,
XVII. Cent.; formerly belonging to N. Luttrell.
The first part of the life and reign of Henry IV. king of England, extending to the
end of the first year of his reign, with a Latin dedication to Robert Bourchier, earl
of Essex, and preface to the reader ; by sir John Hayward.
Printed in 4to, London, 1599.
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 64,
sec. XVII.
Short notes upon several books of the Old and New Testament; h. e. the Canticles and
Psalter, Genesis to Numbers inclusive, SS. Luke and John, and the Acts of the Apostles.
Reversing the volume,
Theological notes, in Latin, entitled,
"Theologiæ doctrina, ex Wolebio."
Codex chartaceus, in 4to minori, ff. 190,
sec. XVII.
Annotationes in Evangelia quatuor, Symbolum Apostolicum, et Judæ epistolam; sub titulo
"Liber sacris dicatus anno Domini 1622; Deus in principio, medio, fine. Indignissimus
servus servorum Jesu Christi Thomas Hassall."
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 142,
XVIII. Cent.
The doctrine of passive obedience debated; whether a nation having an established
religion, laws and privileges, which are subverted by the prince and another religion
endeavoured to be introduced, whether the people of that nation can stand up in the
defence thereof, and oppose their prince in such illegal attempts and depose him,
collected from various printed tracts, sermons, etc. bearing upon the subject, apparently
by Narcissus Luttrell.
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 96,
XVIII. Cent.
- 1. Continuation of the subject contained in the preceding volume, fol. 1.
- 2. Extracts from Mauger's French grammar. fol. 73.
Paper, in folio, ff. 73 and 122,
XVIII. Cent.; divided into two volumes.
Treatise concerning the secondary origination of mankind by propagation, in two parts;
by Sir Matthew Hale.
Burnet's life of Sir M. Hale, p. 190.
At the end of the work is
"A Prayer"
by the same.
On vellum, in folio, ff. 40, written
at the end of the sixteenth century; bequeathed to All Souls college library by Ralph Freman, of Hammels, Esq.
The survey taken the — daye of April in the xxiij. yere of ye raigne of our Sovereigne
Ladye, quene Elizabeth, by Thomas Stutevyle Esq., of the scyte and demeasnes of ye
manner of Westmyll, [co. Herts], and other lands in Westmyll, beynge in ye possessyon
of George Hammonde or his assignees, by force of severall indentures of demyse, and
of one William Churche, by veiwe and not by measure; when ye same was in her Majesties
possession by reason of ye mynorytie of Thomas Howard, commonly called lord Thomas
Howard, second sonne of ye late duke of Norfolk and ye lady Margaret, his wife, daughter
and sole heyre to ye lord Audley, late lorde Chauncellor of England,
On the first leaf are the arms of Thomas, lord Audley of Walden, with those of his
wife Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas, second marquis of Dorset, empaled.
Paper, in folio, ff. 64,
XVIII. Cent.
Account of the proceedings at the courts baron of the several Rectors of Wellwys,
alias Wellwyn, co. Herts., held between the years 1633 and 1701 inclusive.
Prefixed to the volume,
"Georgius Draper, armiger, de interiori templo hoc Ms. custodi et coll. Omn. Anim.
Oxon., rectoriæ de Wellwyn patronis, curiæ seneschallus beneficus olim, semper benevolus,
dono dedit, MDCCXIII."
Paper, in folio, ff. 211, made up of tracts and papers written at different periods,
chiefly in the seventeenth century; formerly belonging to N. Luttrell.
- 1. Abstract of the life and reign of the French kings from the foundation of that
monarchy by Pharamond to Louis XlVth. ' now living.' fol. 1.
- 2. Treatise apologetical for hunting,
"shewing by whom it is properly to be used, and the profytt and pleasure that therof
fol. 80.
3. The offices of the Pope's houshold and of Rome, with the revenues and expences
of the Apostolical see. fol. 93.
At the end,
"In Bologna, Printed by Sebastien Benomi 1621, with licence of the Superior, at the
instaunce of Jerome Mascheroni,"
the work from which the above translation has been probably compiled.
4. Book of the oaths to be taken by the several officers of the city of London; with
an index appended, fol. 107.
At the end,
"Thus farre extends the booke of oathes remayning of record in the court of Aldermen."
"Doctors Conunons treasurers book,"
containing the names of the members, with the dates of their admission, 1560 — 1696.
fol. 129.
At the end,
"Admissions of the advocates, with fac-similes of severall of their names,"
1511 — 1660.
6. List of cases, alphabetically arranged in the Arches, Admiralty and Prerogative
courts, intitled
"Repertorium Delegatorum ab anno 1660 and 1669,"
and 1670 — 1682. fol. 137.
- 7. Cases for counsel's opinion, in French, with the summing up or decisions upon them
in English. fol. 167.
- 8.
"Of the true interests of the princes and states of Chrystendome, wherein bee two
powers, viz. Spayne and France, which are as ye two Poles, from whence descend ye
influences of peace or warre uppon the other states."
fol. 182.
- 9. Register of ecclesiastical livings in the dioceses of York and Canterbury, with
names of the patrons, commonly reputed value, and value in the king's books, in alphabetical
order, fol. 200.
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 31 and 8,
XVII. Cent.; formerly belonged to Nar. Luttrell.
1. Instructions by James, duke of York and Albany.
- a. For the better ordering his Majesty's fleet in sailing, p. 1.
- b. For the better ordering his Majesty's fleet in fighting ; datt. 1664, 1665. p.
- 2. A list of the monthly wages of all officers, seamen, and others serving in his
Majesty's ships at sea. p. 35.
- 3. List of ships in the royal Navy, their names, size, date and place of building,
with the builders' names ; dat. 1664. p. 38.
- 4. Other vessels, not men of war, belonging to the navy. p. 58.
- 5. List of the king's yachts, their size, date and place of building, etc. p. 59.
Reversing the volume,
"A list of the ships, commaunders, etc. under the command of Richard Deane and George
Monck, Generalls, against the Hollanders in the fight on the second and third of June,
- 7. Letters of safe conduct to Jo. and Christ. Harmersten ; Testimonial in favour of
Sampson Bourne; with a few official forms.
- 8.
"Receipt for Staukers."
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 24, written in the
beginning of the eighteenth century by F. L[uttrell?]
- 1. A list of his Majesty's navy royal, with the dimensions of the ships, number of
men and guns, dates and times of building, with the names of the builders, fol. 1
- 2. The wages of the officers and seamen in war and peace; the weight of cordage and
ordnance on board, etc. fol. 10 b.
- 3. Estimate of the ordinary charge of the navy for a year, from June 1660 to June
1661, of the charge in building several ships, etc. fol. 17.
At the end,
"This proceeding manuscript of ye state of ye navy was copied by my son F. L. from
ye manuscript in ye custody of John Anstis, Esq., and examined therewith by him and
me, but I doubt 'tis not correct, having found several mistakes yerein: N[arcissus]
L[uttrell]. 22 April 1710,"
Paper, in large folio, ff. 20,
XVIII. Cent.
"Remembrances for order and decency to be kept in the upper House of Parliament by
the lords when his Majesty is not there, leaving the solemnity of his Majesty's coming
to be marshalled by those lords to whom it more properly appertains,"
with an index prefixed.
Paper, in large folio, ff. 114,
XVIII. Cent.
- 1. Estimate of the charge of the Navy for the year 1685, with the usual rates and
allowances granted to the principal officers, commissioners, clerks, etc. presented
to the House of Commons by Sir Robert Rich on 3 Jan. 1698. fol. 1.
- 2. Accompt of his Majesty's proper rents arising from the Few and Blench duties in
Scotland, with the deductions, alterations, and differences between the present rental
and the former, preceding king James his going into England in 1603; extracted out
of the rolls and registers by Sir William Parves, his Majesty's solicitor, 1681. fol.
- 3. His Majesty's revenue in Scotland since H. M. happy restoration, as at present
payable; also the establishment of the pay of the army in Scotland, in 1684. fol.
"For John Drummond, of Lundin,"
secretary of state for Scotland.
Paper, in folio, ff. 146,
XVII. Cent.; formerly belonging to N. Luttrell.
"The severall arguments and opinions of all the reverend and learned judges of England
concerning the great case of Shipp-moneyes xiij. Carol. Regis, xxvij Januarii 1638."
Rushworth, vol. ii. p. 481, seqq.
Paper, in large folio, ff. 883,
XVII. Cent.; formerly belonging to N. Luttrell.
Reports and entries of cases in the King's Bench, and other courts in the reigns of
Charles II, James II, and William III; with notes by N. Luttrell.
Paper, in folio, ff. 115, written
about the year 1700.
A volume of papers containing the statements respecting the Navy, the lists and stations
of the different ships, the victualling accounts of Admiral Russel, etc., as laid
before the Parliament in 1698; with an index annexed.
Four volumes, in large folio, containing
"A state of the incomes and issues of the public revenue from the fifth of November
1688 to April 1699 by the Commissioners of Accompts; with other papers and matters
relating thereunto."
Paper, in 4to, ff. 362, written at the
end of the seventeenth century.
1. Reports of cases respecting wills heard in the Arches, Consistory, and other courts,
in the years 1693 — 1695.
Reversing the volume,
2. Reports of cases of maritime law before commissioners at the Marshalsea, court
of Admiralty, etc., in the years 1693 — 1695.
Paper, in 4to, ff. 65,
XVII. Cent.
"A briefe discourse of the navy by Mr. Holland;"
"Among the many and manifold bookes extant upon all subjects."
Paper, in 4to, ff. 46,
XVIII. Cent.
The nature of the court of the Commons House of Parliament, with what matters they
may meddle, et e contra, oppositions and proceedings therein and other observations
thereupon, by Lord Chief Justice Hales.
Paper, in 4to, ff. 154,
XVII. Cent.
Six volumes, in 4to, containing copies of papers, reports upon the state of the revenue,
army and navy lists, copies of treaties, addresses, with lists of peers present, etc.,
and other parliamentary papers connected with both Houses, for
the years 1689—1701 inclusive.
Paper, in 4to, ff. 210, written
about 1700.
"A narrative of the whole summers proceedings of the fleet, and concerning the descent
upon France in the year 1692, delivered into the house of Lords by the earl of Nottingham;"
containing instructions to admiral Russell, abstracts from his correspondence with
the earl of Nottingham; etc.
At the end are tables of
"The present disposal of all their Majesties ships and vessels in sea pay;"
from April 1692 to October 1693.
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 138, XVIII. Cent.; formerly belonged to N. Luttrell.
- 1. Account of their Majesties, (William and Mary) guard, garrisons, and land forces,
commencing April 1. 1692. fol. 1. b.
- 2. An abstract of the foregoing establishment. fol. 27. b.
- 3. Regulations with respect to rewards, augmentation of pay, provisions, etc. for
troops on foreign service, Dutch and Danish forces, pensions for the "reformed officers"
and others ; etc. fol. 28. b.
- 4. Establishment of his Majesty's guards, garrisons, and other charges relating therounto,
commencing 26 March 1699. fol. 76.
- 5. List and establishment of half pay for the officers of the several regiments, etc.
disbanded since the 10th of September 1697; with the names of officers and regiments.
fol. 120.
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 412,
XVIIth Cent.; formerly belonging to Narcissus Luttrell.
"A collection of speeches, letters, verses, and other remarkable things, both public
and private,"
with a full alphabetical index subjoined.
The following appear the most remarkable,
- 1.
"The Queene (Elizabeth) to the Speaker at Whitehall, anno 43, set downe by Mr.Phillips."
fol. 1.
- 2.
"Her Majesties speech penned by Mr. Atturney General at thende of the Parliament in
anno 43."
fol. 2 b.
- 3. Sir Francis Bacon's letter to King James I. on his accession, fol. 6.
- 4. Congratulatory address to James I. from the Sherifis of London and Middlesex by
'Mr. Marten,' barrister. Dat. 7 May, 1603. fol. 7.
- 5. Prayer of Elizabeth in behalf of her army. fol. 10.
- 6.
"The order of the kinges rydinge up the causye of Edenbrough the xith of November,
fol. 11 b.
- 7. Mr. Butler's letter to the earl of Ormond. fol. 13 b.
- 8. Letter to the sheriff of Northampton from the Privy Council to attend the king
in his passage through the county. Dat. Whitehall, 10 April, 1603. fol. 13.
- 9. List of the knights made at Cales 27 Jan. 1596. fol. 13 b.
- 10. List of executions from Henr. IV. to 38 Henr.VIIL fol. 14.
- 11.
'Satyr on all things'
'Goe soule the bodyes quest.'
foL 18 b.
- 13. Brief of speeches by the Lords of the Council in the Star chamber, Mich. Term,
1599. fol. 20, 255.
- 18. Pedigree of lord Marmyon and St. Quintin. fol. 43 b.
- 14. Manner of the ceremony used at the coronation, fol. 46 b.
- 15. Speech of Dr. Rudd, bishop of S. Davids, in the Convocation house. May 23, 1614.
fol. 49.
- 16. Notes to be considered of in the recovering the realm of Ireland, fol. 58.
- 17. Declaration of Charles IX. king of France, touching the death of the Admiral and
his adherents in Paris 24. Aug. 1572. fol. 60.
- 18. Letter from the lord keeper Egerton, to the earl of Essex, with the answer.
- 19. Letter of the Judges at Serjeants Inn to the Councell; Dat. 8 Nov. 1604. fol.
70 b.
- 20. The kings welcome, a poem by John Davis, fol. 72.
- 21. Epigrams, verses by Will. Seimour, etc. fol. 73 b.
- 22. Congratulatory addresses to the king and queen from the recorder of London, fol.
- 23. Letters of advice from a friend, J. S., to a young gentleman in Italy, how to
most advantage himself in travel. Dat. 'from your father's house at Easton Mawdit,
27 Feb. 1599.' fol. 77. b.
- 24. Pastoral elegies, etc. fol. 87.
- 25. List of the nobility of Scotland, fol. 92 b.
- 26. Sir Walter Baleigh's letter to his wife from the Tower, fol. 100 b.
- 27. The king's letter for the delivery of the earl of Southampton, fol. 106.
- 28. Letter of sir Francis Bacon on the case of the earl of Essex, fol. 110.
- 29. Contention between a wife, widow, and a maid. fol. 118.
- 30. Three letters from the Council and B. Abbot, archbishop of Canterbury, to the
bishop of S. David upon dissenters ; Dat. 1604. fol. 140 b.
- 31.
"A form of my lord Marques [Northampton] instructions upon going to France about the
of Edward VI. fol. 145 b.
- 32. Translation of the duke of Alva's letter to the Pope; 21 Aug. 1556. fol. 148 b.
- 33. Six letters relating to the conduct of the lord Protector, from Windsor; Dated
1544, 1549. fol. 152 b.
- 34. The king's letter to a bishop (of St. David's) touching dissenters. Dat. 19 Febr.
1604. fol. 174 b.
- 35. Letter from Matthew, archbishop of York, to lord Cranbome, upon the same subject,
with the answer. Datt. Dec. and Feb. 1604. fol. 177 b.
- 36.
"Petition of Roman catholicks to queen Elizabeth in maintenance of their religion;
Cardinal Allen and Father Parsons."
fol. 184.
- 37. Satyre on Lincoln Milites,
"Sampolle of the yle, Begon for to smyle."
fol. 197 b.
- 38.
"French novell of amours between Justinus, son of one mounsieur de Briant, and Spineta,
daughter of mounsieur de Creore, president of S. Quintin's, a city between Flanders
and France."
fol. 199.
- 39.
"Declaration of the true causes of the great troubles presupposed to be intended against
the realm of England, wherein the indifferent reader shall manifestlie perceive by
whom and by what meanes the realme is brought into the pretended perrils;"
by F. B. Dat. Cologne anno 1592. fol. 217.
On the margin,
"Chiefly designed against queen Elizabeth by some papist, and in defence of the Spaniard."
- 40. News from a retired country gentleman to a fresh courtier, fol. 239 b.
- 41. Dialogue between a serving man and a clowne of the state of Oxon,
'Howe, nowe, John a dogg,'
in verse, fol. 242 b.
- 42. Letter from a courtier fallen into disgrace, being a papist, to the king. fol.
248 b.
- 43. Act of Parliament in Scotland concerning commissioners for the union, fol. 264
- 44. Speech of sir Ch. Cornwallis, ambassador in Spain, fol. 266 b.
- 45. Letters respecting the catholics, from J. S. and R. P.; the last dated 26 Aug.
1606. ff. 270, 275.
- 46. The lord Chancellor's speech; 18 Nov. 1606. fol. 277 b.
- 47. Letter of a bishop to queen Elizabeth, concerning her order about plenty of ministers,
and the exercises and conferences of the clergy. Dat 20 Dec. 1578. fol. 284.
- 48. Letter of a son, R. S., to his father, to prepare for death; dat. 22 Oct. 1589.
fol. 295.
- 49. Letter to queen Elizabeth against her marriage with the duke of Anjou. fol. 306.
- 50. Three speeches of H. Yelverton, recorder of Northampton, ff. 314, 346.
- 51. Papers and letters upon concluding a peace with the United Provinces, in 1607,
by the king of Spain, the Emperor, etc. fol. 318.
- 52. Letter of Cardinal Bellarmine to George Blackwell, archbishop of Canterbury; in
Latin. Dat. Rom. 28 Sept. 1607. fol. 327 b.
- 53. List of the names of all lords, knights, squires, and gentlemen in the county
of Norfolk, "certified decimo sexto Henr. 7." 1500. fol. 365.
54. List of the lords, etc. in the county of Northampton, fol. 367 b.
Sixteen leaves appear here to have been torn out.
- 55. Index to the volume, arranged in alphabetical order, fol. 396.
Paper, in folio, ff. 107,
sec. XVII.; olim Ricardi Baker de Bergevenny, co. Monm. Int. Templi socii, postea Narcissi Luttrell.
Collection of
"Reports in Queen Elizabeth's time, made by Bichard Baker and others."
Three volumes, in small 4to, formerly belonging to Nar. Luttrell, being the common-place books, or, as they are entitled,
"The common-place of law,"
of Mr. Sargeant T. Flint, of Grays Inn, in the year
Two volumes, in small thick 4to, containing
"An abstract of the debates, orders, and resolutions in the house of Commons, which
are not printed in their votes, collected by N(arcissus) L(uttrell) during his attendance therein as a member,
beginning Friday, 6th of November, 1691, and ending the 7th of November, 1693;"
with an index annexed to each volume.
Paper, in 4to, ff. 156.
"Parliament collections of a mix't nature, annis 1698 and 1699, by me N(arcissus)
; with an alphabetical index subjoined.
Paper, in 4to, ff. 49,
XVII. Cent.
Journal of parliamentary and other events in London and Paris, from 28 Nov. 1667 to
15 Febr. 1668.
At fol. 26 is a notice of an expedition projected by three Frenchmen for the discovery
of a north-west passage.
Paper, in 4to, ff. 104,
XVII. Cent.
"A perfect account of all the proceedings in both houses of Parliament in the business
concerning priviledge betweene sir Jno. Tagg and Docter Sherley in two severall sessions
of Parliament, the one beginning the 31 of Aprill, 1675, and ending the ninth day
of June following; and the other beginning the 13th of October, 1675, and ending the
22 of November then next following,"
Paper, in 4to, ff. 185.
Extracts from the journals of both houses of Parliament of their proceedings in the
1676 — 1678 inclusive.
Paper, in 4to, ff. 158,
XVII. Cent.; written by different hands; the latter part of the volume formerly belonged to N. Luttrell.
- 1.
"Choyce cases in the Starr chamber,"
with an index prefixed. fol. 1.
2. Collection of speeches of Charles I. and others ; with other matters relating to
the duke of Buckingham, fol. 98.
At the end,
- a. The king's speech in Parliament, 19. Feb. 1623.
- b. The archbishop's speech to the king at Theobald's, 1624.
- c. Letter to the king, charging him with the attempt to set up the doctrine of the
church of Rome.
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 48,
XVII. Cent.; formerly belonging to N. Luttrell.
Remembrances for order and decency to be kept in the house of Lords, when the king
is not present,
"leaveing the solempnities belonging to his Majesties comeing to be marshalled by
those Lords to whom it more properly appertaines;"
with a table prefixed.
At the end is a table of fees payable to the clerk of the Parliament at their Lordships
first coming to Parliament, etc., copied by N. Luttrell, from a Ms.
"of Mr. Brown, who was clerk of the Parliament, and which I had from sir Thomas Cave,
whose mother was daughter and heir of the said Mr. Brown."
Seventeen volumes, in small thick 4to, containing a very interesting journal of state
affairs, intitled,
"Brief historical relation of publick matters from that memorable time of the first
discovery of the Popish plot, September 1678"
to the first of April 1714 inclusive, apparently by Narcissus Luttrell.
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 92, written
at the close of the seventeenth century.
The examinations of several persons relating to the Popish Plot, as follow,
- 1. Mr. Tytus Oates before the Privy Gounoil. fol. 2.
- 2. Mr. Richard Gastrill, of the Grange, Glocestershire, before the bishop of London,
fol. 63 b.
- 3. Mr. William Beddlow, before the Lords, 8 Nov. 1678. fol. 65 b.
- 4.
"The information of Tytus Oates, D.D. before his Majesty in Councell,"
25 Nov. 1678. fol. 71.
- 5. Heads of Stephen Dugdale's information before Thomas Lane and Henry Vernon, Esqrs.,
justices of the peace for the county of Stafford, Nov. 28. 1768.
[sic., presumably 1678] fol. 77.
- 6. Account of the apprehending William Prance, silversmith,
"who, as Mr. Beddlow positively sweares, was immediately concerned in the murder of
sir Edmondbury Godfrey; and also the said Prance his information and confession."
fol. 78.
- 7. Confession and discovery of Elizabeth Oxley and Nicholas Stubbs, reported from
the committee, the 26 April 1679. fol. 83.
"Mr. Oates his impeachment of the queen given upon oath to me Henry Coventry"
24 Nov. 1678. fol. 90.
On the margin,
"A shamm story."
9. Confession of W. Bedlowe before the King of the murder of sir Edmondbury Godfrey,
fol. 90 b.
At the end,
"This relacion is in several parts contrary to ye evidence at Greenbury and Hills
tryalls for ye same murther."
- 10. Account given by Elizabeth Oxley before the Lords, 15 Apr. 1679, charged with
setting her masters house on fire. fol. 91b.
Paper, in 4to, ff. 200, written
about 1700.
Copies of miscellaneous parliamentary and other papers.
- 1. The king's speech at Whitehall to both houses of Parliament; 28 Apr. 1641. fol.
- 2. Protestation taken by several gentlemen of Devon and Cornwall in behalf of his
late Majesty Charles I. fol. 2.
- 2. The articles sworn to by the Lord Protector; Council of State constituted by him,
etc. in 1653. fol. 6.
4. The Alarme; by Andrew Marvell. fol. 10.
On the margin,
"Very scandalous in severall passages."
5. A letter from a true zealous protestant to his worthy freind and patriott C. O.
B. a member of Parliament, fol. 17.
On the margin,
"Very scandalous and seditious."
- 6. Table of monthly wages
"of all officers, seamen, and others serving in the State's ships att sea."
fol. 20.
- 7. The king's speech to the Parliament at their prorogation ; 1673? fol. 22.
- 8. Speech to the Parliament, 8 March 1762. fol. 23.
- 9. Addresses of the house of Conunons to the king, 26 March 1673. fol. 24.
- 10. A note of offices in the king's gift. fol. 27.
- 11. Eight wonders, fol. 28 b.
- 12. List of the Lords for and against the bill of attainder of the earl of Danby.
fol. 29.
- 13. List of the Lords
"for the bill for disabling the duke of York to inherit these kingdoms."
fol. 30.
- 14. Indulgences granted by Pope Clement X. to crowns, rosaries, crosses, medals, blessed
upon the canonization of the holy confessors, SS. Cajetan, Fr. Borgia, Phil. Benicus,
Lewis Bertrand, and S. Rosa, virgin of Perra. fol. 31.
- 15. Copy of the libel for which Fitzharris was found guilty of high treason, fol.
- 16. Arguments against excises, etc. fol. 37.
- 17. Considerations upon our coin and the exportation thereof, etc.; 1692. fol. 40.
- 18. Papers concerning registers of records and deeds, fol. 44.
- 19. Proclamations and other papers respecting the war in Ireland, July 1690— Oct.
1691, fol. 54.
- 20. Papers (laid before the Parliament?) containing a full account of the movements
of the fleet under admiral Killigrew, sir Ralph Delaval, and sir Cloudesly Shovel,
in 1693. fol. 70.
- 21. Treaties
"betwixt the Emperor, Great Britain, and the States General of the United Provinces,"
etc.; May 1689, 1690. fol. 141.
- 22. Treaty with Hanover; 30 June 1692. fol. 189 b.
- 23. Treaty between England and Denmark; 15 Aug. 1689. fol. 194.
- 24. Treaty between England, Holland, the Elector of Brunswick and Hanover, translated
from the French, and presented to the house of Commons; 8 Dec. 1693. fol. 198.
Two volumes, on paper, in 4to, ff. 81,
XVIII. Cent.; formerly belonging to R. Freman, of Hammels, S. T. P.
A particular state of the receipts and issues of the public revenue, taxes, and loans,
from the 5th of November 1688 to Michaelmas 1710.
Paper, in 4to, ff 172,
XVII. Cent.; formerly belonging to N. Luttrell.
"A collection of several affairs of state, both publick and private,"
in the time of James I., Charles I., and Charles II.
It consists chiefly of parliamentary speeches and addresses; but there may also be
found the following,
- 1. Ann Wentworth's prophecy, 1677. p. 233.
- 2. Two letters from the earl of Danby to Mr. Montague, ambassador in France; 1678.
p. 295.
- 3. The Pope's bull for the murder of Charles II., found amongst the papers of Father
Ireland, a Jesuit; entitled, A warrant to kill a buck. fol. 302.
- 4. Copy of a letter found 23 Nov. 1678 by a bookseller on his stall at the Green Dragon
at Paul's churchyard, fol. 306.
- 5. Copy of a letter from Mr. Scudamore of Kent Church to Mr. Arnold about Comb in
Hereford; 24 Dec. 1678. p. 307.
- 6. Copy of a written paper (very scandalous) taken up on the Royal Exchange, Wednesday
15 Jan. 1679. fol. 311.
Paper, in 4to, ff 207,
XVII. Cent.; formerly belonging to Narcissus Luttrell.
Book of arguments on the case of Quo Warranto brought by the king against the city
of London.
Paper, in folio, ff. 126,
XVII. Cent.; formerly belonging to N. Luttrell.
An interesting journal of state and miscellaneous affairs from January 1679 to Feb.
1681 ;
"being a collection of news letters, many of which contain diverse false stories and
scandalls which were then goeing on in those times."
Paper, in 8vo, ff. 42,
XVII. Cent.; imperfect.
Rent-book, or book of receipts for rent, by William Tumor, 1660—1700.
Paper, in 4to, ff. 9,
XVII. Cent.; formerly belonging to N. Luttrell.
Discourse of new invented malt kilns for the dryeing of malt, by Nicholas Halse, with
Paper, in 4to, ff. 89,
XVII. Cent.
Answer to
"Cookes Case or the report of his appeal from the High Court of Justice to all rational
men concerning the King's trial."
Annexed are several poems;
Paper, in folio, ff. 52,
XVII. Cent.; formerly belonging to W. Blackstone.
A treatise upon the jurisdiction of archbishops and bishops, and other matters upon
the ecclesiastical law in England, upon presentations to benefices, the power of parsons,
etc. divided into twenty-seven chapters.
Paper, in folio, ff. 198,
XVII. Cent.; written at different times and by different hands.
Collections from the journals of the houses of Parliament, during the reigns of Charles
I., Charles II., and James II.
Many of the above appear to be in the handwriting of Narcissus Luttrell.
Paper, in folio, ff. 107,
XVII. Cent.; formerly belonging to sir W. Blackstone.
Reports of cases, in the court of Star Chamber, during the three first years of the
reign of Charles the First.
Paper, in folio, ff. 212 and 855,
XVII. Cent., written at different times, by different scribes; formerly belonging to N. Luttrell.
Two volumes, containing treatises and observations upon, and the proceedings of the
court of Star Chamber, in the reign of Henry VII., Charles I., etc., with other papers
relating to the same court, with a table of contents prefixed to each volume.
Four volumes, in large folio, on paper, formerly belonging to Narcissus Luttrell.
"Presidents for all sorts of deeds and other instruments,"
with a table of contents prefixed to each of the three last volumes.
Paper, in folio, ff. 266,
XVII. Cent.; formerly belonging to Narcissus Luttrell.
- 1. Order of making new sergeants, in 13 Henry VIII. and 19 and 20 Eliz. fol. 2.
- 2. Ordinances for the better administration of justice in the court of Chancery, by
Lord Bacon, fol. 18.
- 3. Directions for the king's counsel, collected by lord Chancellor Ellesmere, Sept.
1615, in vindication of the jurisdiction of the court of Chancery, fol. 28.
- 4. Cases wherein is no remedy in Chancery, from the notes of lord Chancellor Ellesmere.
fol. 42.
- 5. Concerning auditors and receivers, and the better collecting the king's revenue,
fol. 50.
- 6. Resolutions of judges of Assize touching parishes; Mich. 1633. fol. 55.
- 7. The etymologic, antiquity, and authority of sheriffs and their deputies, fol. 67.
- 8. Several speeches of sir John Crooke, 1593 — 1603. fol. 95.
- 9. Judge Piatt's instructions to judges, fol. 127.
- 10. Relation of the proceedings touching ambassadors, who misbehave or exceed the
bounds of their commission in acting against the state where they are employed; by
sir Rob. Cotton, 27 Apr. 1624. fol. 131.
- 11. Officers of the customs, with their salaries. fol. 136.
- 12. Lord Treasurer Cranfield's services and plea to James I. fol. 154.
- 13. Journal of a voyage to Constantinople, 1606. fol. 158.
- 14. The Lord Chichester's declaration of the passages in the Palatinate during his
residency there in 1622. fol. 164.
- 15.
"Politique counsell, in which three meanes and waies are described by which the English
may restore the decaied state of Europe, recover the Pallatinate"
etc. fol. 166.
- 16. Interrogatories to the earl of Bristol, fol. 177.
- 17. Oath of every archbishop and bishop to the king when he is elected, fol. 181.
- 18. Fees of dispensations, etc., granted by the archbishop of Canterbury, fol. 183.
- 19.
"The king's letter to the lord Keeper, about archbishop Abbot's killing a man, and
other matters relating to the sees of Canterbury, London, and Lincoln."
fol. 199.
- 20. Revenues, etc. of the bishopric of Lincoln. fol. 201.
- 21.
"Tabula feodorum Ricardi, ep. Lond., vicarii generalis, registrarii, apparitoris et
aliorum ministrorum."
fol. 209.
- 22. Instructions for Thomas Visct. Wentworth, president of the North parts and the
council there; etc. fol. 215.
- 23. Proceeding of the court of Wards and of Tenures; etc. fol. 229.
- 24. Of Livery, relief 'ouster le main,' Travers, etc. fol. 241.
- 25. Case in Chancery of Fry and Porter ; 22 Car. II. fol. 257.
Paper, in folio, ff. 368,
XVII. Cent.
- 1. Speeches of Mr. St. John, sir Edw. Littleton, Mr. Holbome, sir J. Bankes, and Justice
Crooke, in the case of John Hambden, refusing to pay ship money ; 1638. fol. 2.
- 2. The several speeches of the Lords in the Star Chamber at the censure of the lord
bishop of Lincoln (Williams) and Mr. Osbastone ; 1638. foL 116.
- 3. Letter from Newcastle on the state of Scotland, signed J. R.; 24 May 1639. fol.
- 4. Letter from the duke of Argyll and other Scotch Lords to the earl of Essex; Edinburgh,
19 Apr. 1639. fol. 148.
- 5. Letter from Edinburgh
"declaring briefly the manner, order, and proceedings of the assembly houlden there
the 12 of August, 1639."
fol. 130.
- 6. Speech in favour of Mr. Hambden. fol. 154.
- 7. Sermon preached at St. Giles' great church, in Edinburgh, upon the fast day, the
last Sunday in July 1639, by Mr. James Rowe. fol. 166.
- 8. The Scots demands, with the king's declaration and answer, and articles of peace,
fol. 176.
- 9.
"The Parsons lawe, a table or particuler of the chapters conteyned in this treatise."
fol. 183.
- 10. Copy of verses; intitled
"As with great applause it was presented to his Majesty on his most just armes to
suppress the late rebellious practizes in his kingdome of Scottland."
fol. 188.
- 11.
"The generall heads of the 17 Canons lately published and subscribed by the bissops
and the cleargie, with some passages thereuppon."
fol. 190.
- 12. Articles of impeachment against Thomas Wentworth, earl of Strafford, fol. 195.
- 13.
"Aduices and motives for the noblemen, knights and gentlemen, that shall imploy themselves
in the countrie in soliciting catholiques for a contribution to his Majestie, uppon
occasion of his present northerne journey."
fol. 201.
- 14.
"A discourse of corporations and intollerable injuries and dignities, which are offered
to his Majesties subjects in the goverment of theise bodies politique were contrarie
to all pollicie and judgement."
fol. 210.
15. Speeches in the houses of Parliament in the year 1640; by,
- a. Mr. Waller, fol. 234.
- b. The king, and the lord keeper Finch, on the 13th April, fol. 251.
- c. Sergeant Glanvill to the Lords on his election as speaker to the house of Commons,
15th April; with the lord keeper's reply, fol. 255.
- d. Mr. Bigby
"in answere to the lord keeper's last speech, 1640."
fol. 290.
- e. Mr. Prynne's speech upon the state of the kingdom, fol. 295.
- f. Mr. Grimston, on the 7th November. fol. 299.
- g. John lord Digby, in November, fol. 313.
- h. Sir Edward Deering, in November, fol. 321.
- i. Sir John Culpepper, 7th November, fol. 331.
- k. Sir John Holland, fol. 338.
- 1. The lord keeper Finch in the house of Commons 21 Dec. fol. 345.
Codex membranaceus, in 4to, ff. 373,
sec. XV., binis columnis exaratus; olim Joannis Stevens, canon Exon. et rectoris ecclesise de Blackanton, quo mortuo emptus fiiit codex iste
per Willelm Elyott, LL.B., coll. Omn. Anim. socium, et rectorem de Blackanton.
1. Epistolarum formulæ, secundum usum in Anglia habitum, personis uniuscujusque dignitatis
inscriptæ. fol. 1.
In fine,
"Liber Willelmi Elyot, rectoris ecdesie de Blackanton, quem emit de executoribus M.
Johannis Stevenes, nuper canonici Exoniensis et rectoris ecclesiæ de Blackanton."
2. Several forms of petitions; in French, fol. 191.
In fine,
"Liber Willelmi Elyot, clerici, quem emit de executoribus M. Johannis Stevenes, nuper
canonici Exoniensis, manu mea propria."
- 3. A somewhat similar collection of forms of letters with those above mentioned, many
of which are addressed to the bishop of Norwich; in French, fol. 205.
4. Forms of addressing persons in different stations of society in France, with a
letter dedicatory at the end; in French, fol. 305.
"Ci comence la maniere do language que tenseignera bien a droit parler."
Letter beg.
"Montreschier et tres honore Sieur, ore Dieu en soit regraccez jay achevee."
At the end are a few verses upon poverty; begin.
"Sauez vous coment il est,
II est hony qui pouures est."
6. Introduction to the study of the French language by John Burton, in question and
answer; with a preface. fol. 316.
"Pour ceo qe les bones gens du roiaume Dengleterre sont enbrasez."
At the end,
"Un petit livre pour enseigner les enfantz de leur entre parler comun Francois;"
etc. fol. 321 b.
A table of adverbs; in Latin and French. fol. 326 b.
7. Proverbial sentences from different sources, in French verse, fol. 329 b.
"Nest pas, Sire, de son pais,
Que de ses hommes est hais."
8. Verses upon different subjects, designed apparently for students in the French
language, with an English interlinear translation for many words, fol. 331.
"A woman that neghes hire tyme
Femme que aproche son temps
To childe schewys hir witte.
Denfanter monstre ses sens.
"Tractatus ortographie gallicane per M. T. Coyfurelly, canonicum Aurelianensem, doctorem
utriusque juris, de novo editus secundum modum et formam Parisius."
fol. 340.
"Cujuslibet creature auxilio."
- 10. Other epistolary formularies; in French, ff. 344. 373.
11. Declensions of French verbs, with a preface. fol. 361.
"Cy maintenant nous vous baillerons vn exemple coment vous fourmeres."
- 12. Exercises for reading; in French, fol. 372.
On paper, in small 4to, ff. 123,
XVII. Cent. A book of forms of address to be used by the king, (Charles II.) in his letters,
as well to foreign princes and others, as also to different peers of the realm of
An index of names of the persons addressed is prefixed to the volume.
On paper, in 4to, ff. 296, written probably in the
beginning of the seventeenth century.
1. A work intitled,
"Explication de l'Eneide de Virgile,"
being an Essay upon Epic Poetry, divided into four parts; the whole containing fifty-three
chapters, in the first of which the author declares the design of his work, to compare,
namely, Homer, Aristotle and Horace together, and Virgil with the three, p. 3.
The parts are intitled,
- a.
"De la nature du poeme epique."
p. 13.
- b.
"De la matiere du poeme epique."
p. 87.
- c.
"De la forme du poeme epique."
p. 259.
- d.
"Des moeurs dans le poeme epique."
p. 381.
After which,
2. B? Sylvæ poema heroicum de Diluvio, cum versione et notis Gallice. scriptis. fol. 560 b.
"Quam bene compositi quondam sacra fœdera mundi."
3. Anonymi cujusdam Elcloga, in qua pastore
"Indusus Lycidas, quidnam meditaris in antro."
- 4. Psalmus 'Deus Judicium tuum' paraphrastico carmine redditus, auctore anonymo. p.
"Juditium, Deus alme, tuum concedito regi."
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 71,
XVII. Cent.
Treatise upon the nature and essence of the Deity, divided into four chapters, on
his unity, goodness, omnipotence, and truth; French.
Paper, in 4to, ff. 221,
XVII. Cent.
The life of the Marshal de Gassion, in three parts, with a letter dedicatory to the
King, (Louis XIV.,) preface, and table of contents prefixed; by --- du Prat.
It is in the original binding, and appears to have been the presentation copy.
Paper, in 4to, ff. 75,
XVII. Cent.
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 40,
XVII. Cent.
Treatise upon the office, privileges, etc. of ambassadors in foreign courts; in Spanish.
"Las occupaciones politicas hablo de las que se emplean en las cortes estrangeras
de Europa."
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 379,
XVI. Cent.
Book of poems, in Spanish, containing eclogues, sonnets, 'coplas Castellanas,' and songs.
At the beginning is an alphabetical table of the first line of each poem.
Paper, in folio, ff. 56,
XVI. Cent.; formerly belonging to John White, S.T.P., fellow of All Souls.
"A coppie of the last enstructions, which the Emperor Charles the fiueth gaue to his
sone Philippe before his death, translated out of Spanish,"
with a dedication to queen Elizabeth by the translator.
Dedic. beg.
"If the faithful Chananite of whome we reade in holie writte."
Book beg.
"I haue resolved most deare Sonne, to come nowe."
Paper, in 4to, ff. 83,
XVII. Cent.
- 1.
"Il Genesi et l'Esodo del Symeone ridotti in ottava rima secondo il vero et puro antico
teste della biblia;"
illustrated with engravings let in upon every page. fol. 6.
- 2. Explanation of the nativities of Henry II., Catherine de Medicis, and five others
of the royal family of France, intitled,
"VII giuditii reali, et sommarii secondo gl' aspetti de i pianeti."
fol. 72.
On vellum, in small 4to, ff. 104, written in the year
1481 by Mark de Cribellariis.
Chronicle of events, comprising the history of Venice, her wars, political relations
with the different Italian states, etc.; with preface dedicatory; in Italian.
Pref. beg.
"Millesimo quadringesimo septime die, xviii. Maii; Principe illustre el debel mio
Chron. beg.
"Venegia contra la romana corte e suo cita. 696. Sendo Ravena terra di Sancta."
At the end,
"Marcus de Cribellariis quondam Petri Antonii civis Vincentiæ scripsit die prime Septembris
M.cccc lxxxj."
Paper, in 4to, ff. 47,
XVI. Cent.
Letter from Galileo Galilei to the archduchess of Austria, thus described by a somewhat
later hand,
"De S. Scripturæ testimoniis in conclusionibus mere naturalibus temere non usurpandis;"
in Italian.
"Alla serenissima madama la Grand-duchessa Madre Galileo Galilei."
Paper, in folio, ff. 84,
XVII. Cent.
"Relatione della citta e republica di Venetia nella quale sono descritti li principii
di sua edificatione, avanzamenti, acquisti e perdite, fatte, govemo, riti, costumi,
dominio, forze, erario, aderenze, con prencipi, e differenze con gl' elettori dell'
Imperio, per causa di precedenza."
Paper, in 4to, ff. 450,
XVII. Cent.
Collection of relations made [to the Venetian State?] by ambassadors upon their return
from the different places of their legation; in Italian.
They are as follow,
- 1. Relatione della corte di Roma. fol. 2.
- 2. Relatione delle qualita de i Principi della Germania. fol. 136.
- 3. Relatione di Fiandra cio e di quelle provincie che restano sotto 1'obedienza de
ser. arciduchi Alberto e donna Isabella Infanta di Spagna, fatta dal sign. Cardinale
Bentivoglio in tempo della sua legatione appresse i medmi Arciduchi. fol. 154.
- 4. Relatione fatta dal clarissimo sig. Thomaæ Contarini caure et procure ritornate
dalla sua ambassria di Spagna. fol. 214.
- 5. Relatione del clarissimo M. Bernardo Navagiero, stato bailo a Constantinopoli fatta
nell' eccelmo consiglio l'anno 1552. fol. 277.
- 6. Relatione di Savoia del clarmo. M. Gio. Correro stato ambassre. per la serma. republica
di Venetia appresso quell' altezza sermo. principe et sapientissimo senate, fol. 371
Paper, in folio, ff. 106,
XVII. Cent.
Relatione del politico govemo di Venetia, similmente di tutte le vendite, spese, et
forze della republica, one di citta in citta, si da conto particolare delle rendite,
dipoi di officio in officio si da conto particolare anco delle spese di essa republica;
con una descrittione nel fine di tutte le anime, canandone, li buoni atti da spada,
di tutti li presidii di fantaria, et cavallaria d' ogni fortezza, le forze ordinarie
della republica di gente d' arme, delle ordinanze e delli Bombardien; finalmente le
inventioni antiche e modeme per ritrovardanari; fatta l'anno 1620.
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 107,
XV. Cent.
The life of Dante Allighieri, [by Griovanni Boccaccio.]
Printed in the
"Prose di Dante Alighieri e di Messer Gio. Boccacci." p. 219.
Paper, in 4to, ff. 384, written in the
beginning of the XVIIIth Cent.;
"donum reverendi viri magistri Sparrow, rectoris de Monkton Farley, in agro Wiltoniensi, et coll. Omn. Anim. quondam clerici,
"Vita di Papa Innocenzo XII., già detto Antonio Pignatelli, e di tutti i cardinali
viventi nel fine del di lui pontificato, l'anno 1700;" illustrated with engraved portraits
by different artists; published at Rome by Jac. de Rubeis.
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 154,
XVI. Cent.
"La geomantia dell' eccllente filosofo Giovanni Geber, cor un trattato di fisonomia
et chiromatia nuovamente, dal nobilissimo huomo M. Giorgio Piceno, Ascolano. tradotto."
Printed in 8vo. Vineg. 1552.
At the foot of the page,
"Alia Prudenta, con Privilegio, M.D.L."
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 77,
XVI. Cent.
A book of proverbs, in Italian verse, divided into thirty-nine chapters.
The first begins,
"Come il lupo e animal simile al cana
Cosi l'adulator, et il parassito
E simile all'amico et sempre nuoce,
Ira, superbia, crudelta et rabbia."
The fourth and fifth chapters are found at the end of the poem; after which is a dediatory
epistle to Henry Kingsmill, [formerly fellow of All Souls?]; in Italian prose.
"A molto magnifico et valoroso Signore Henrico Kyngesmyllo, gentilluomo Ingilese."
Collection of copies and drafts of state and other papers, connected with the offices
of the Admiralty and Prerogative courts, the Foreign office, especially England's
relations with the United States, made principally, as it appears, by Owen Wynne, D.C.L., whilst secretary to sirLeoline Jenkins, principal Secretary of state, judge of the Admiralty and Prerogative courts, etc.;
comprised in seventy-eight volumes.
Compare the
life of sir L. Jenkins, by W. Wynne, p. lviii., and preface, pp. ix. x.
The following description is intended to convey to the reader a notion of the general
character, rather than a particular and detailed account of the contents of the volumes.
Paper, in folio, ff. 84.
An alphabetical index, as it appears, to the papers of sir Leoline Jenkins deposited
in the State Paper office, arranged as to subjects.
Paper, in folio, ff. 125.
- 1. Decree of the Admiralty court of Scotland, in the case of Andrew Smeaton, master
of the Eupheme frigate, and others, against Derrick Jacobson, skipper of the ship
Oalnear, and others; by sir Charles Bickerstaffe, 4 Oct. 1672. fol. 7.
- 2. Collections from various sources, respecting rules and observances in both houses
of Parliament at different periods, fol. 11.
- 3. Journals of the lords touching appeals from the courts of Equity, etc., 1675. fol.
22 b.
- 4. Judicature of the commons upon the same, 1675, fol. 27.
- 5. Precedents to shew that from the Conquest until Henry III. the barons only made
the parliament or common council of the kingdom; with various papers upon the privileges
of parliament, respecting liberty and property, etc. fol. 30 b.
- 6. The manner of holding parliaments in France, Scotland and Ireland, fol. 46 b.
- 7. Papers upon parliamentary privileges, temp. Car. i. from Coke, Brocton, Camden
and others, fol. 47 b.
- 8. Queen Elizabeth's reasons against the designation of a successor, fol. 74.
- 9. Collections touching the children, legitimate or otherwise, of the kings of England,
from William I. to Henry III. inclusive; from Daniel and Baker, fol. 47 b.
- 10. Letter upon the immutability of the law of nature respecting regal power and subjection,
fol. 82.
- 11. Papers relating to the dignity of the sovereign, the law of succession, etc. fol.
89 b.
- 12. Prerogatives of the queen, fol. 110.
- 13. Note of the persons of the blood royal attainted, fol. 111b.
- 14. The whole story concerning the duke of Clarence, collected out of Trussel's history,
in the reigns of Henry VI. and Edward IV. fol. 117 b.
- 15. Testimonies to prove that the queen's majesty of Scotland is unjustly removed
from her crown, by the bishop of Rosse, 1570. fol. 123.
Paper, in folio, ff. 148.
- 1. Privileges of the princes of the blood in France, fol. 1.
- 2. Extracts from statutes and speeches in which James, duke of York, is mentioned,
fol. 3.
- 3. Notes upon the privileges of the English crown, etc., from Baker's Chronicle, fol.
- 4. Mr. Nicholases answer to the conmissioners concerning the Cinque Ports and other
Admiralty affairs, 14 Jan. 1634. fol. 17.
- 5. Sir H. Marten's discourse upon the ship Black Lion, casually brurned after it was
taken from the Dutch, with Dr. Byrd's opinion, fol. 22.
- 6. Papers relating to the fishing on the coast of Scotland and elsewhere, with sir
H. Marten's opinions upon different cases communicated to him by the lords of the
Admiralty, etc., circ. 1636. fol. 25 b.
- 7. Letter from sir William Godolphin to lord Arlington touching cutting logwood in
Campeche; dated Madrid, May 19/20, 167a. fol. 47 b.
- 8. Papers connected with the Prerogative court of Canterbury, consisting chiefly of
opinions of Mr. Littleton and other doctors in various ecclesiastical cases, fol.
9. Miscellaneous cases, opinions, etc.; such as,
- a. Order of lords of the council for punishing Mason, an apprentice, for publishing
false news, 14 April, 1619. fol. 80.
- b. Forms of original writs; 1639. fol. 80 b.
- c. The lord chief justice Heath's opinion upon the superior judges of the court of
Arches doing justice in the absence of the inferior, 22 Mar. 1643. fol. 82.
- d. The lord chancellor Ellesmere to Mr. Secretary Lake about finding a new sheriff,
on the death of sir R. Rodney; 12 Aug. 1643. fol. 83 b.
- e. The lord keeper Coventry to lord Conway on the unfitness of granting Habeas Corpus
for sir R. Haughton; 28 July, 1627. fol. 84.
- f. Fundamentals for the subsistence of foreign churches within this realm, 1550 —
1630. fol. 87 b.
- g. Lords' reports between Coppinger and Appesly. fol. 95 b.
- h. Notes concerning Poyning's Act, 1641. fol. 102.
- 10. Proceedings of the peers in the cases of the earls of Clarendon, Strafford and
Essex, with excerpts from Daniell and Baker on the lives of John of Gaunt, Stafford,
duke of Buckingham, lord Cobham and Wolsey, etc. fol. 108.
- 11. Notes concerning the case of Don Paul the Portuguese ambassador's brother, 1653.
fol. 125.
- 12. Answer of Spain to the demand that the Gunpowder traitors should be given up;
Valladolid, 19 Apr. 1606. fol. 126 b.
- 13. Letter from the Justices of Assize for Berks to the Lords Commissioners for the
office of earl Marshal concerning the precedency of the aldermen and burgesses of
the town of Reading, 23 Febr. 1618. fol. 128 b.
- 14. Papers on the succession to the crown of Portugal, etc. ff. 129, 147.
- 15. Table of allowances for foreign ministers, 4 Apr. 1669. fol. 129 b.
- 16. Instructions of the earl of Salisbury, lord Treasurer, to his son, shortly before
his death. fol. 132 b.
- 17. Notes touching royal franchise, quo warrantos, and the liberties of London, 1681,
fol. 136 b.
- 18. The policy of the United Provinces, fol. 138.
- 19. The scheme of the emperour's court and ministers drawn by Mr. Skelton, his majesties
envoy there in 1676 — 79. fol. 139 b.
- 20. A short account of Ratisbon. fol. 144 b.
Paper, in folio, ff. 95.
- 1. Papers on matters connected with the islands of Guernsey, Jersey and Man, 1622.
p. 1.
- 2. Concerning recusants and Roman Catholics, p. 9.
- 3. Vote of thanks to the University of Oxford for
'refusing to take the solemn league and covenant'
, 1665. p. 25.
- 4. Sir R. Heath's opinion upon the oath of supremacy taken by aliens; privilege of
corporations, with extracts from Baker, Camden, etc. p. 26.
- 5. On the jurisdiction and authority of the Privy Council, 1625 — 1630. p. 33.
- 6. On Irish affairs, etc. p. 43.
- 7.
'Catalogue of the most remarkable papers relating to ecclesiasticals'
1530 — 1674. p. 57.
- 8. Upon cabals, treasonable words, etc. p. 65.
- 9. De homicidio Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis, [Georgii Abbot], p. 73.
- 10. Letter from Jo. Cooke to lord Middleton upon the profits arising from the Gazettes.
pp.8*, 119.
- 11. Order of the king to sir L. Jenkins and sir R. Southwell to examine the differences
between the English merchants and the ships of war and privateers of Spain in the
Netherlands, 26 May, 1675. p. 83.
- 12. Claims to the crown of Portugal, etc. p. 91*
- 13. The doctor's opinion upon the privileges granted by Hamburgh to the merchant adventurers,
1577. p. 97.
- 14. Sir Ralph Varney's exemption from holding public office, p. 100.
- 15. Secretary Calvert's letter on the pardon offered by the king in behalf of the
Catholics, 1623; letter on the pardon of the earl of D(erby?) etc. p. 101.
- 16. List of Secretaries of state, 1523 — 1684. p. 118.
- 17. Notes touching
between divers princes, p. 120.
- 18. Opinions on various ecclesiastical cases. p.124.
- 19. Reasons against acknowledging the present power in England, by sir W. Macdonnell,
1651. p. 133.
- 20. Disputes upon questions of precedency between ambassadors and others, etc. pp.
140, 146, 154, 169—190.
- 21. Papers upon Irish affairs, pp. 141, 153.
- 22. Upon persons having bills of Impost, 1565, 1594. p. 142.
- 23. The judges letter to the council upon penal laws. p. 143.
- 24.
'Things passed concerning the houses;'
concerning his majesty's prerogative in granting commendams; various opinions, etc.
pp. 143, 155.
Paper, in folio, ff. 88.
- 1. Collection of papers respecting the Treaty Marine, 1669. fol. 1.
- 2. Schedule of books bequeathed by sir M. Hales to Lincoln's Inn. fol. 39.
- 3. De mode convocandi clerum ad parliamentum Edwardi, filii Ethelredi, regis, etc.
fol. 41.
- 4. Return of papists and dissenters in the province of Canterbury, fol. 42.
- 5. Return of the number of conformists, non-conformists and papists in England and
Wales, fol. 42 b.
- 6. Rejection of mons. de Bordeaux, ambassador from the French king, by his majesty,
1660. fol. 45.
- 7. Admiralty papers, fol. 45 b.
- 8. Case of merchants trading to ports in the Levant, 1661. fol. 51.
- 9. Morocco papers, fol. 55 b.
- 10. Sir Walter Cope's apology for the late lord treasurer, sir R. Cecil, earl of Salisbury,
fol. 58.
- 11. Observations upon different means for increasing the revenue, by sir James Shaen
and others, 1680. fol. 64 b.
- 12. Opinions respecting the city charter, 1683. fol. 80.
Paper, in folio, ff. 95.
A volume of Admiralty papers, consisting chiefly of abstracts and copies of decisions
by sir Leoline Jenkins, in the cases of ships taken in the war, etc., 1672 — 1680.
The following exceptions may however be found,
α. The case of Brome Whorewood demanding the return of his wife, once divorced, ad
obsequia jugalia, fol. 10. β. The
"Regulation of a tumult that happened at Dover in the election of a burgess to serve
in parliament."
fol. 11b.
Prefixed to the volume is the note following,
"The original of this delivered to Mr. Bedford by direction of sir L(eoline's) will."
Paper, in folio, ff. 95.
- 1. Compendium recordorum in archivis domini regis Jacobi, etc. repositorum in ordinem
digest, per Arthurum Agard, deputatum Walteri Cope militis unius Cameriorum (sic)
scaccarii dicti domini regis in recepta dicti scaccarii ultimo Decembris, anno 1610.
Variis suis lucubrationibus. fol. 1.
- 2. The thirtieth article of peace between Oliver Cromwell and the States Greneral
of the United Provinces; in a treaty at Westminster, 1 April, 1654. fol. 61.
- 3. Extracts from the journal of the house of Lords, of the proceedings in the case
of trial and condemnation of Mary, queen of Scots, 28, 29 Eliz. fol. 83.
- 4. Reports of sir Richard Lloyd touching the ballastage in Ireland, 1683. fol. 90.
- 5. Address of the lord mayor and aldermen to the king about the city orphans and the
present state of the chamber of London; dat. 22 Feb. 1683/4. fol. 93 b.
- 6. Agreement between the duke of Savoy and the Elector Palatine, about the title
'Altezza reale' and precedence; dat. 1666. fol. 94 b.
Paper, in folio, ff. 100.
Copies of Admiralty papers, and others connected with the court of Arches, amongst
which are,
Paper, in folio, ff. 103.
A volume of miscellaneous papers.
- 1. Project for the cessation of arms delivered to the king of Spain's commissioners,
28 May, 1588. fol. 1.
- 2. Observations on the companies of London, and other corporations, fol. 2.
- 3. Draught of a circular letter against the Spaniards' menacing the English trade,
fol. 3.
- 4. Memorial from the royal burghs of Scotland, fol. 3. b.
- 5. Brief account of the militia of Sweden, fol. 6.
- 6. Report on the sale of Dutch prize goods, 8 Maroh, 1652. fol. 18.
- 7.
"Mr. Skelton's speech at his audiences"
as ambassador to the United States; French. fol. 19.
- 8. Case of le sieur Monro and le chevalier Jean Frederick, English merchants, taken
by the French into Cherbourg; Fr. fol. 20.
- 9. Account of the government of the palace of Mars and royal house of Invalids of
Paris. fol. 25.
- 10. Reports of a few cases, in 1682. fol. 29.
- 11. Copie du memoires de mens. Burchard l'envoyé extraordinaire de Danemarc. A messieurs
les Estatz Generaux d'Ollande. fol. 30.
- 12. Extracts touching the king's supreme authority in administration of justice, etc.
fol. 31.
- 13. Case of Bedford Whiting, English merchant, residing at Lille, fol. 33 b.
- 14. Pleadings against the London Charter, fol. 34 b.
- 15. Political Arithmetic, 1672. fol. 36.
- 16. Account of Anthony, lord Ashley, vice-admiral of the county of Dorset, for the
issues and profits of his office. fol. 58.
- 17. Copies of papers respecting the company of merchants adventurers, etc. fol. 59.
- 18. Ambassador's papers respecting the negotiations of France and Spain with the United
States, in 1683; Fr. fol. 66.
- 19. Memoires de 1671; des moyens de la France pour miner le commerce des Hollandois.
fol. 84 b.
- 20. Proclamations of Frederic William, margrave of Brandenburg, respecting French
emigrants professing the reformed religion. Dat. 26 Oct. 1685; Fr. fol. 88 b.
- 21.
"Concerning the convenience of his majesty's giving 5l. per ton to the building of
all ships above the burden of 200 tunn."
fol. 93.
- 22. Replicatio legatorum reginse, (Elizabethæ,) ad responsionem factam per suæ celsitudinis
pro rege cathol. legates ad postulata diet, legat. serenissimse reginse. fol. 94 b.
- 23. Mr. Justice Jones' speech at the pronouncing judgment in the case of Quo Warranto
against the charter of London, 12 June, 1683. fol. 99.
Paper, in folio, ff. 173.
Pleadings and arguments in the King's Bench, 35, 36 Car. XL, in the case of the East
India Company of Merchants against Sands; with many other papers having reference
to the same company.
Paper, in folio, ff. 89.
A volume of miscellaneous papers.
- 1. The king's attestation for observation of the treaty with Spain, 1604. fol. 1.
- 2. Letters to the govemours of Salley and to Siddi Hemet Laiashi, 12 Oct. 1627. fol.
2 b.
- 3. Conditions and other papers having reference to the intended marriage between prince
Charles and Mary the Infanta of Spain. fol. 4.
- 4. Commission to examine the king^s debts and state of the Treasury, fol. 10.
- 5. Project to raise the king a benefit from the East India trade without impeaching
the merehants. fol. 11.
- 6. Copy of a commission for martial law. fol. 12 b.
- 7. Letter of safe conduct for the king of Spain's ambassador, 1587 ; Lat. fol. 13 b.
- 8. A discourse to move the king of Spain to enterprize some force against England,
1587; Ital. fol 14 b.
- 9. Reasons to move his majesty not to forsake the States nor to treat with the king
of Spain nor the archduke; Fr. fol. 20 b.
- 10. Proclamation, not published, upon the threatened Spanish invasion; Eliz. fol.
26 b.
- 11. Papers on the king's revenue, Cinque ports, etc. fol. 31.
- 12. Commission to treat with the Morocco ambassador, Feb., 1681/2. fol. 36.
- 13. Lord high admiral's commission to the judge of the Admiralty ; Lat. fol. 37.
- 14. Commission to prince Rupert and others to treat with the Dutch ambassadors upon
the East India and African companies, fol. 41.
- 15. Commission from Cromwell of oyer and terminer for piracy causes, co. Dorset. fol.
- 16. Case of the earl of Pembroke's warrant and petition, 1681. fol. 46.
- 17. Admiralty papers, having reference more particularly to the Cinque Ports. fol.
- 18. Papers having reference to the island of Jersey and colonial settlements, etc.
; circ. 1680. fol. 64.
- 19. Order of the court of Aldermen in the case of sir John Shorter, 20 Dec. 1682.
fol. 82.
- 20. Narrative of the arrest of the lord Mayor [Prichard], in 1683; etc. fol. 82 b.
- 21.
"About six ships under Brandenburg colours that came into Ostend roads and took a
ship away with 2 millions of gilders, 1680."
fol. 89.
- 22.
"M. Barillon's memorial prefixing the last of November to accept the king's arbitrage."
fol. 89.
Paper, in folio, ff. 191.
- 1. Papers relating to the Treaty Marine, as in a former volume, no. ccv. fol. 1.
- 2. Abstract of (sir L. Jenkinses) conferences at the Stadt house, Nimeguen, in December,
1678; Fr. fol. 100.
- 3. Instructions to Dodmore Cotton, esq. ambassador to the king of Persia, fol. 144
- 4. A
'good letter'
of Thomas lord Cromwell to the earl of Devonshire, fol. 145 b.
- 5. Mr. secretary Conway's letter to the earls of Carlisle and Holland; 24 Feb. 1624.
fol. 147.
- 6. Instructions for the ambassador to the court of France; 24 July, 1626. fol. 149
- 7. Various papers having reference to questions of precedence between ambassadors
of different courts, etc. fol. 151 b.
- 8. About marriages between protestants and papists; 10 Feb. 1681. fol. 176 b.
- 9. Two letters plenipotentiary from the elector of Brandenburg; 16 Jun. 1676; Lat. fol. 177 b.
- 10. Similar letter from the emperor Leopold; 20 Nov. 1676; Lat. fol. 179.
At the end are draughts of letters from sir L. Jenkins to — Bosius and M. Courtin,
datt. 1674, and of two to the elector from Nimeguen, 1678.
Paper, in folio, ff. 194 and 80; in two volumes.
- 1.
"Lettres et memoires du Cardinal Mazarin contenans tout le secret de la negotiation
de la paix des Pirenées dans les conferences tenues a Saint Jean de Luz en l'année
fol. 1*
- 2. Papers having reference to the connexion of England with France and Spain, (comprising
chiefly the correspondence of lord Preston, whilst ambassador at the French court,)
in the years 1680—1684. passim.
- 3. Letters 'recredential' of Mr. Savile retiring from the French court; March, 1682.
fol. 1.
- 4. Letter of compliment from the queen of France to Charles II. upon her arrival with
the French king at Calais ; 20 July, 1680. fol. 1 b.
- 5. The duchess of Orleans to Charles II. upon the death of her father; 15 Oct. 1680.
fol. 2.
- 6. Louis XIV. to Charles II. upon lord Preston's arrival as ambassador; 2o June, 1682.
fol. 2 b.
- 7. To Charles II. from the Dauphinesse upon the birth of her son, the duc de Bourgogne;
24 Sept. 1682. fol. 3.
- 8. Letter upon the style and title to be used in addressing the king of France; 1653,
1646. fol. 3 b.
- 9. Deduction and other papers respecting the duchess of Hamilton, her pretension to
the duchy of Chastellerault ; Fr. fol. 19.
- 10. Extract of Philip IV. his will, not to alienate the Low Countries; 14 Sept. 1665
; Fr. fol. 40.
- 11.
"Ratification d'une ligue defensiye entre Francis Roi de France et GGuillaume due
de Juliens, 1540."
fol. 46.
- 12. Commission for and ratification of the marriage between Henry VIII. and Anne of
Cleves, 10 Nov. 1539 ; Lat, fol. 47 b.
- 13. Letters respecting the titles of ambassadors, etc. Fr, fol. 49 b.
- 14. Case of M. Oxenstiern touching the arrest laid upon his money, 1679; Lat. and Fr. fol. 54.
- 15.
'Deductions of what relateth to the case of the Spanish envoyé, Don Bernardo de Salinas,
and sir W. Godolphin
; 1677 fol. 56 b.
- 16. The states of Zealand to sir L. Jenkins; dat. Middleburg, 4 Jul. 1680 ; Fr. fol. 74 b.
- 17. The form of words which Messrs. Fagel Singendone and Water used when they disavowed
daving deputed Keif ken the Eschevin to sir L. Jenkins, fol. 75 b.
- 18. Letters on Hungarian affairs, 1682; Lat. fol. 76.
- 19. Copy of the full power given to the emperor by the king of Spain, for concluding
an armistice with the king of France; Madrid, 2 Jul. 1684 ; Fr. fol. 79 b.
Paper, in folio, ff. 156.
- 1. Observations concerning the dominion of the sea. fol. 1.
- 2. Report upon the different customs and usages of the isle of Guernsey and of Normandy,
drawn up by sir Thomas Leyghton and others, acceding to an order of the privy council,
dat. Greenwich, 30 July, 1580. Fr. fol. 55.
- 3. A few notes relating to the isle of Jersey, fol. 80.
- 4. Admiralty papers of various years, consisting chiefly of reports concerning prizes,
wrecks, etc., with sir L. Jenkins's opinion upon similar cases. ff. 81. 140.
- 5. Papers and reports upon the island of St. Christopher, fol. 118.
- 6. Notes from (sir L. Jenkins?) diary on the care of the "night walk" in the University
of Oxford, etc. fol. 126 b.
- 7. Papers upon the practice of the king's ships searching foreigners for the king's
subjects. fol. 130 b.
- 8. Communications to and from the States respecting their arming by sea and land,
1688 ; Fr. fol. 135.
9. Copies of letters,
- a. Frederic, elector of Brandenburg to the regency at Cleves; 14 Sept. 1685 ; Fr. fol. 144 b.
- b. The emperor Leopold to the States General concerning East Friesland, etc.; 9 Dec.
1682; Fr. fol. 145.
- c. Letters upon the case of the count de Bentheim and his children, 1685; Fr. fol. 148.
- d. Frederic, landgrave of Hesse Homburg, to his Majesty upon the late king's (Charles
II.) death ; Fr. fol. 151b.
- 10. Case of the inhabitants of Guernsey concerning a register of certificates, fol.
152 b.
Paper, in folio, ff. 194.
A volume of papers, being opinions, reports of oases, etc., bearing upon the jurisdiction
of the court of Admiralty: of various dates, but chiefly between 1662 — 1688.
At fol. 159 b. is a report of sir L. Jenkins upon the case of the sig. Marevil, secretary
to Don Franc, de Mella, ambassador of Portugal, and the sig. Vignon, upon money lent
to the latter by the ambassador in 1672 ; dat. 2 Apr. 1680.
A second hand has added to the volume,
- a. Reasons to preserve the ancient rank and estimation of knights ambassadors.
- b. Sir Kenelm Digby to Charles II. about the penal laws against papists.
- c. Certain articles of abuses which are desired to be reformed in granting of prohibitions.
Paper, in folio, ff. 103.
1. A few papers on ecclesiastical affairs from the Prerogative Court and Doctors'
Commons; amongst which are,
- a. Marriage licence granted to queen Anne and George, prince of Denmark. fol. 3.
- b. Case of the matrimonial contract made between Thomas Thynne and the countess of
Ogle, in 1681. fol. 5 b.
- 2. Sir Leoline Jenkins' will, with codicils, etc.; dat. 12 June, 1685. ff. 20, 71.
- 3. Statutes of Jesus College, Cambridge. fol. 56.
- 4. Covenant between John Thomas, of Wenvoe, co. Glamorg. and Elizabeth his wife, on
the one part, and Jo. Tilly, Nat. Wade, Tho. Lloyd and Owen Wynne, on the other part,
for the settling, assizing, etc. the castle, manors and lordship of Wenvoe; 1694.
fol. 65.
- 5. Decree of Charles I. in the dispute before him in council between archbishop Laud
and the Universities, affirming the said archbishop's right of visitation over both
Universities, fol. 79.
- 6. Copies of charters of Elizabeth, James I. and George II. to Jesus College, Oxford,
fol. 81.seqq.
- 7. Matters in controversy between the University and city of Oxford discussed at Lambeth,
28 Apr. 1636. fol. 96.
- 8. Report of a few cases in the court of Doctors' Commons, fol. 98.
Paper, in folio, ff. 177.
A volume of collections of a similar character, and containing many duplicates of
papers found in the volume above described, numbered CCVIII.
Paper, in folio, ff. 115.
- 1. Essay upon the king's power to pardon an impeachment by the house of Commons, etc.
fol. 1.
- 2. Reports from the English ambassadors in Spain and Portugal upon Spanish affairs,
etc. Datt. Lisbon, Madrid, and Cadiz, 1680—1684. ff. 9 — 34, 40.
- 3. Relation of the Brandenburg ambassadors of the treatment they had received from
the imperial and Swedish ambassadors at Osnaburgh; 24 Apr. 1645. fol. 34 b.
- 4. Letter of Charles II. to the elector of Brandenburg, touching the treatment to
his second ambassador; 1 June, 1677. fol. 35 b.
- 5. Short relation from Philip Warwick, English envoy, of the entry of the queen of
Sweden into Stockholm, and her coronation the following day; 25 Nov. 1680. fol. 36
- 6. Letters and papers having reference to the treaty of the king of Denmark with the
duke of Holstein, 1666. fol. 54 b.
- 7. Letter from pope Innocent XI., etc., about assisting the emperor against tho Turks;
1683. fol. 58.
- 8. Articles for a treaty of truce agreed upon by the three colleges of the empire;
Lat. fol. 61 b.
- 9. Letters plenipotentiary from Louis XIV. to the comte de Crecy, his envoy at the
diet of Ratisbon; 1684; Fr. fol. 64 b.
- 10. Project concerning malt, etc. fol. 65.
- 11. Letter from the earl of Carlisle and lord Kensington to Mr. secretary Conway,
with answer, Aug. Sept. 1624. fol. 67.
- 12. Sir Henry Martin to lord Dorchester on his sentence given for the French ship,
Virgine de S. Jean de Luz; 22 Jul. 1631. fol. 70.
- 13. Mr. secretary Calvert's letter to Mr. Conway; Aug. 2, 1623. fol. 71.
- 14. A true and perfect way to keepe the money with the kingdom, etc. fol. 72.
- 15. Instructions for the earl of Rutland for the execution of his commission to the
coast of Spain to bring home the prince and the Donna Infanta Maria, fol. 75.
- 16. Miseries of the kingdom, duke of Lennox's speech upon war with Scotland, reasons
concerning the decay of trade, etc. fol. 76 b.
- 17. Sir Henry Martin concerning some dispute about the Admiralty in the western parts,
1619. fol. 84 b.
- 18. An estimate of my lord duke's (Buckingham) estate; 1624. fol. 87 b.
- 19. Sir George Paule concerning the Treasury, July, i6ai. fol. 93 b.
- 20. Letters from sir Henry Wotton and sir Isaac Wake; 1623. fol. 95.
- 21. Copy of Dr. Sanders' letter to Dr. Allen, 1577. fol. 99.
- 22. Balance of his majesty's ordinary receipts and payments, 1635 — 1640. fol. 103.
- 23. Order of the king respecting preachers' periwigs, and preaching without book;
Oct. 8, 1674. fol. 107.
- 24. The lord Treasurer's order to the Post Office about franking letters; June, 1685.
fol. 108.
- 25. Matter of fact about the renegado's quitting the Morocco ambassador, and his returning
afterwards to him. July 1685. fol. 109 b.
- 26. Mr. Lent, the Danish envoyé, his state of the difference between the king of Denmark
and the town of Hamburgh; Fr. 1686. fol. 113.
Paper, in folio, ff. 148.
Compendium recordorum in archivis domini regis Jacobi, etc. repositorum in ordinem
digest, per Arthurum Agard, deputatum Walteri Cope militis, unius Cameriorum Scaccarii
dicti domini regis in recepta dicti Scaccarii ultimo Decembris anno 1610."
Paper, in folio, ff. 139.
- 1. Lord Dartmouth's speech to the inhabitants of Tangier; 4 Octob. 1683. fol. 2.
- 2. Patent of office of vice-admiral lord Bulkely ; 5th Apr. 1685. fol. 9.
- 3. Case of the East India Company versus Tho. Sandys; 31 Jan. 1684. fol. 14.
- 4. Memorial of the Dutch ambassador in the case of the wreck of the Princess Mary
; May. 1686; Fr. fol. 31 b.
- 5. The commissioner's instructions appointed to treat with the duke of Parma; March,
1588. fol. 37.
- 6. Various cases and other papers having reference to the court of Admiralty. fol.
40, and passim.
- 7. Divisions or factions of the English residents in Spain, Rome and France, fol.
41 b.
- 8. Treaty for the suspension of arms in Germany; 21 Apr. 1623; Fr. fol. 47 b.
- 9. Seasons alledged against the peace; Feb. 1587, etc. ; Fr. fol. 49 b.
- 10. Credentials and memorials of different ambassadors; 1680 — 1682 ; Fr. fol. 56 b. — 60, 61 b.
- 11. The states general to his majesty (Charles I.) about the business of the East
Indies, 1624. Fr. fol. 60.
- 12. Sir John Shorter's answer to the mayor and aldermen of the city of London, upon
the charge that he had been found in a conventicle, 1682, etc. fol. 63 b.
- 13. Project for a treaty of alliance with France supposed to be offered the lord St.
Albans in 1662. fol. 66 b.
- 14.
'Advis de Messire Achilles de Harlay concernant le droit de Regale, Janr. 1682,'
with other papers on the same subject; Fr. fol. 73.
- 15. Grant of the dignity of a baronet to Cornelius Martin Tromp, lieutenant-admiral
of Holland, with a particular addition to his coat of arms; Mar. 1674/5; Lat. fol. 97.
- 16. A similar grant to Cornelius Gans, dominus de Nulant. fol. 101 b.
- 17. Examination of the sieur Zas, and Wm. Arton committed to the Tower as a spy; Jan.
1672. fol. 103 b.
- 18. Commission granted to the lord's commissioners for eccleeiastical affairs, 10
July, 1686. fol. 109.
- 19. Precedence between France and Spain upon surrender of the emperor Charles V. disputed.
fol. 113.
- 20. Paper to shew 'if Franche Comté' be part of Belgium, fol. 113 b.
- 21. Of the king's right to seize and dispose of college lands, fol. 116 b.
- 22. Precedents upon the authority of the privy council. fol. 117.
- 23. Tho. Savage's opinion, that a man charged with high treason is not allowed to
answer by recrimination; 2 May, 1626. fol. 121.
- 24. Table of the king's revenue, 1636. fol. 123.
- 25. Case of the Hudson's Bay company in reference to the French; 1682. fol. 129.
- 26. Notes of difference in the Lambeth MS. of R. de Diceto and the edition by Twysden.
fol. 139.
Paper, in folio, ff. 84 and 75.
A repertory to official papers, in the handwriting of Dr. Owen Wynne, with an alphabetical
table prefixed.
Reversing the volume, are two consolatory addresses upon the death of friends, the
latter in French.
Miscellaneous papers, many of them in Dr. Wynne's handwriting, of which are,
- 1. Letter from sir Jo. Williamson upon the style to be used in addressing the king
of Hungary, Dec. 1687. fol. 2.
- 2. Letter from the grand duke of Tuscany to William III., 5th Oct. 1694. fol. 3.
- 3. Extract of the 37 articles exhibited against the bishop of St. Asaph at Lambeth,
9 June, 1698. fol. 5.
- 4. Notes on various subjects by Dr. O. Wynne, fol. 22.
- 5. Articles of abuses desired to be reformed in granting prohibitions, fol. 39.
- 6. The right of primogeniture in succession to the kingdoms of England, Scotland and
Ireland, as declared by the statutes of 23 Edw. III. etc. fol. 49.
- 7. Sentiments de sa Majesty Portugaise sur son mariage; Fr, fol. 61.
- 8. Indenture made between Hugh de Fitzwilliam de Massey and Qilbert de Haydok; dat.
Thursday before the feast of St. Barnabas, 28 Edw. III. ; Fr. fol. 73.
Paper, in folio, ff. 188.
- 1. List of proclamations issued during the reigns of Charles the First, Charles the
Second, Elizabeth, and James the First, fol. 1.
- 2. Relation of Stephen Goncalez and others, Portuguese, who had been 28 years prisoners
in Barbary; Dat. 17 May, 1636. fol. 51.
- 3. Admiralty papers, containing estimates for ships, notes of East India ships, notes
on the fisheries, concerning the making of gunpowder, etc. fol. 53, seqq.
- 4. Letter from the king of Morocco to the king of England, Charles I. fol. 55 b.
- 5. Various projects for relieving the crown from debt; concerning privy seals; for
raising fifty or sixty thousand pounds yearly in Ireland for the maintenance of soldiers,
by an imposition on corn, etc. fol. 57, seqq.
- 6. Instructions for ambassadors to France, and for Mr. Dodmore Cotton to Persia ;
1626. ff.73, 84.
- 7. An observation made about the exportation of money by sir H. Martin, fol. 86 b.
- 8. Letter from lord Carleton, ambassador at Paris; 13 Jan. 1625. fol. 94.
- 9. Relation of devastations from the plague in Barbary ; 10 June, 1598. fol. 98.
- 10. Congratulatory letters from Joseph, king of Hungary and Christian king of Denmark,
and Amalie, the queen mother, upon the birth of the prince, and marriage of the princess
Anne; datt. 1688, 1683; Lat. Fr. ff. 101, 102 b. 105 b.
- 11. Complaints from the Danish envoy; 1684. Fr. ff. 100 b. 104.
- 12. Letter to the king of Denmark against the monopoly of Tobacco; circ. 1680 ; Fr. fol. 107 b.
- 13. Application from Philip, Elector of Saxony, to James II. for six ships to convoy
his daughter, the queen of Portugal, with thanks for the same; 1687 ; Fr. fol. 108.
- 14. Letters from the elector of Saxony, and John, king of Portugal; 1683, 1688; Lat., fol. 109 b.
- 15. Two letters from the envoy extraordinary of the States General about the principality
of Orange; Versailles, 1683. fol. 116.
- 16. Two letters of complaint from the English envoy at the Hague ; 1683 ; Fr. fol. 118 b.
- 17. Letters from col. Ja. Douglas concerning the rank held by the king's troops at
the camp at Mecklen; Nov. 1683. fol. 119 b.
- 18. Letters from B. Skelton, English ambassador at the Hague, respecting the Dort
merchants, etc.; 1685, 1686; Fr. fol. 120b.
- 19. Extracts from the register of the resolutions of the lords of the states general
of the United Provinces, etc. ; 1686 — 1688; Fr. fol. 124 b.
- 20. Admiralty order in the case of the ship Elizabeth struck upon the Goodwin Sands,
etc.; 1687. fol. 134.
- 21. Extracts from the statutes of Jesus College, Oxford, etc., in Dr. Wynne's handwriting,
fol. 136.
Paper, in folio, ff. 110.
- 1. A list of the deputy lieutenants and commission officers of the several counties
of England and Wales, as they were brought into the house of Peers in November, 1680.
fol. 1.
- 2. Justices of the peace in commission. In the several counties of England and Wales.
fol. 46.
Paper, in folio, ff. 821.
Collection of draughts and copies of treaties of commerce and others, between England
and Sweden, Holland and Denmark, the Moors and Portugal, etc., concluded in various
years, from 1651 to 1682 inclusive; with table of contents subjoined.
Reversing the volume, are,
Letters of safe conduct for James O^ryan going abroad ; dat. Whitehall, 24 April,
Paper, in folio, ff. 170.
1. Copies of letters of compliment and on state affairs from Charles the Second to
foreign powers, from 1680 to 1684 inclusive, fol. 1.
Mixed with them are,
- a. Letter to William, earl of Clanricarde, upon making his son, viscount Dunkelly,
a sufficient allowance on being called to the house of Peers; dat. Whitehall, 23 June,
1680. p. 13.
- b. Letter to vice-admiral Herbert about two French vessels detained by him in Tangier
roads ; dat. Whitehall, 14 Feb. 1680. p. 46.
- c. Letter to sir Henry Chichely and others to disband and pay off two foot companies
in Virginia ; dat. 30 Nov. 1681. p. 78.
- d. Letter to the earl of Clanricarde, on discontinuing the yearly allowance of 300/.
to his son, lord Dunkelly; dat. 8 Feb. 1682/3. p. 96.
- 2. Letters from sir J. Williamson to sir. W. Temple concerning English ships trading
from and to enemies' ports with enemies' goods, etc.; datt. 1674. p. 140.
- 3. Recredentials and other letters to foreign ambassadors, etc. p. 145, et passim.
- 4. Letters and papers having reference to England's treaty with the States, 1674,
1675; Lat. Fr. p. 146.
- 5. Letters of condolence to the princesses of Symmeren, Frize and Anhalt on the death
of the princess of Orange, their grandmother; dat. 10 Dec. 1675/6; Fr. fol. 16a.
- 6. Papers having reference to the marriage of the princess Mary with the prince of
Orange, 1677 ; Fr. ff. 166—168 b., 186.
- 7. Appointment and decision of the commission for adjusting differences between James
II and Louis XIV. respecting America, 1686; Lat. fol. 169.
- 8. Defensive treaty with Spain, 1680; Lat. fol. 173-
- 9. Treaty with Charles, king of Sweden; dat. Bredse, Aug. 1667 ; Lat. fol. 182.
- 10. Papers connected with the commission to treat with the Dutch ambassadors; 1678;
Fr. Lat. fol. 193.
- 11. Papers having reference to the treaty with Spain, with Mr. Fanshaw^s instructions,
and other letters having reference to the afiairs of Spain and Portugal, the Canary
Islands, etc. ; 1680 — 1686; Fr. Lat. ff. 196 — 230 b.
- 12. Appointment of Thomas Oughton to be principal registrar of the ecclesiastical
court ; dat. Westm. 6 Nov. 25 Car. II. fol. 231.
- 13. Case of the rectory of Great Hasely wrested by Dr. Saumarez from the dean. Dr.
Hascard, and canons of Windsor; 1689. fol. 233.
- 14. Upon the office of the clerks of the passes. fol. 235 b.
- 15. Congratulatory letter from the Syndics of Geneva to William III. upon his accession.
1689 ; Fr. fol. 239.
- 16. Appointment of Theodore Randu to the office of upper bailiff in Windsor Castle
; temp. Car. II. fol. 239 b.
- 17. Copy of consul Thomas Maynard's patent; dat. Westm. 27 June, 12 Car. II. fol.
- 18. Congratulatory letter from Charles II. king of Spain, to William III. on his accession
; Matrit. 15 Apr. 1689 ; Lat. fol. 244.
- 19. The Spanish ambassador, Don Pedro his credentials; dat. Matrit. 21 May, 1689;
Lat. fol. 244 b.
- 20. Letters congratulatory from the evangelical Cantons in Switzerland, to William
III. on his accession, 20 May, 1689; Lat. fol. 245.
Paper, in folio, ff. 217.
1. Liber de causis, quae in curiis ecclesiasticis tractari solent, auctore Francisco
Clarke, curiae de arcubus procuratore, cum tabula præmissa. fol. 20.
"Procuratorium ac modus postulandi in curiis ac causis ecclesiasticis, auctoritate
reverendissimi in Christo patris ac domini 6. permissione divina Cantuariensis archiepiscopi
etc. celebratis; quæ communiter curiæ de archubus, curiæ prærogativæ et curiæ audientiæ
appellantur, per Franciscum Clarke aliud curiæ de archubus procuratorem collecta et
- 2. Libellus de modo inchoandi sive instituendi actionem in superiore curia admirallitatis
Angliæ, cum indice posthabito. fol. 191.
- 3. Tractatulus de archiepiscopi Cantuariensis jurisdictione. fol. 210.
Paper, in folio, ff. 208.
Collection of charters copied from the parliament, patent, close, and other rolls,
with an alphabetical index subjoined ; temp. Edw. I. — H. VI.
Paper, in folio, ff. 156.
Admiralty papers, being principally letters and papers of the proceedings of the commissioners
for the adjudication of prizes, in the years 1664, 1665.
In the volume are also found,
- 1. Ordinance of Philip IV., king of Spain, concerning the affairs of the Admiralty
established at Bergen S. Winoe, from the copy printed at Brussells, 1624. fol. 61.
- 2. Articles of peace concluded between Charles II. and Charles II., king of Spain,
fol. 119.
- 3. Will of Mary, countess of Buccleuch, with an account of the case arising therefrom
between the executors, the earls of Bothes and Wemyss, and the earl and countess of
Monmouth, fol. 134 b.
- 4. Table of the fees received by the registrar of the court of Admiralty and his clerks,
fol. 149.
Paper, in folio, ff. 165.
- 1. Various papers of the proceedings of the commission upon the union of the kingdom
of Scotland with England, pp. 1 — 130, fol. 143.
- 2. Protest of John Bannister against the governor of Surinam not sufferiag the English
to leave the island, p. 131.
- 3. Letter from the earl of St. Albans and Nic. Oudart, executors of the will of the
princess dowager of Orange, to Creancier, demanding the restoration of a diamond ;
dat. Feb. 1670; Fr. fol. 210.
- 4. Opinion of sir L. Jenkins on the 26th article of the treaty of Breda ; dat. 23
Feb. 1670. fol. 212.
- 6. Report of sir Ed w. Turner and sir Edw. Thurland upon the claim of a wreck made
by lord Howard, as lord of the manor of Aidborough; dat. 25 Mar. 1670. fol. 220.
- 6. Beports made to the committee for grievances upon cases of different prizes, etc.
fol. 224.
- 7. Congratulatory letters from foreign princes to James II. upon the birth of the
prince of Wales; 1688. fol. 247.
- 8. Goniirmation of the East India Company's charter; dat. July, 1683. fol. 254.
- 9. Paperit upon improving the revenues of the kingdom, fol. 258.
- 10. Opening speech of sir Leoline Jenkins against the Exclusion bill. fol. 270.
Paper, in folio, ff. 94.
- 1. Precedents and reports of various cases in the Ecclesiastical and Admiralty courts,
fol. 1.
- 2. Charge at an Admiralty Sessions of the Cinque Ports by sir Leoline Jenkins, fol.
- 3. Lists of rolls and other Admiralty papers, having reference to the Cinque Ports,
fol. 61.
- 4. Three charges addressed to the jury at as many Admiralty Sessions, 1667. fol. 77.
Paper, in folio, ff. 67.
Collection of letters of the different ambassadors engaged in concluding the triple
alliance 1668; Fr.
Paper, in folio, ff. 71.
- 1. Papers and manuscripts of sir Leoline Jenkins, knight,
"digested under diverse heads and into several bundles,"
by Owen Wynne, D. C. L., with an index subjoined, fol. 2.
- 2.
"Index of the right honourable the earl of Middleton's papers, who was secretary of
state in the northern province from 20 Aug. 1684 to 20th Oct. 1688, and in the southern
province from the 20th Oct. to the 22d Dec. 1688."
fol. 69 b.
Paper, in folio, ff. 291 ; in two volumes.
'Office book' of the Secretary of state, containing an inventory of papers, letters,
warrants, etc. in that office, arranged under different heads according to subjects,
with the date affixed to each paper.
Paper, in folio, ff. 155.
Papers of the proceedings of the English and Dutch commissioners appointed in behalf
of England and the States to decide upon the differences existing between the English
and Dutch East India Companies, in reference to the kingdom of Bantam, or Bentam.
Paper, in folio, ff. 180.
Miscellaneous notices of the proceedings of parliament from the journals of the two
houses, for the year 1570, arranged according to subjects, with an alphabetical index
Many of the entries are in the hand-writing of Dr. Wynne.
Paper, in folio, ff. 54.
Observations, rules and orders collected out of different journals of the house of
Gonmions entered in the several reigns of Edw. VI., Mary, Elizabeth, and James I.,
with a declaration of the House concerning their privileges, drawn up by a select
Paper, in folio, ff. 28 and 270.
Register of appointments, warrants, and miscellaneous papers in the office of the
Secretary of state, between the years 1664 — 1688 inclusive, with an alphabetical
index prefixed.
Paper, in large folio, ff. 246.
A large collection of original and other papers ; amongst which are,
- 1. Ecclesiastical papers upon the affidrs of the 'regalia' and the reformed religion
in France, etc. ; Ital. Fr. fol. 1.
- 2. Narrative of Samuel Barton of his treatment whilst preacher to the English factory
at Oporto, fol. 46.
- 3. Copy of the charter of the royal African Company, fol. 53.
- 4. Letters patent to George, archbishop of Canterbury, upon the subject of a committee
appointed to decide differences in the Ecclesiastical courts, 7 Gar. II. fol. 82.
- 5. Prince Maurice of Nassau's epitaph near Cleves; Jul. 1679. fol. 92.
- 6. Mr. Miller's draught about excommunication. fol. 98.
- 7. Extract from the patent roll of 51 Edw. III. respecting the foundation of the priory
of Snape in Essex, fol. 106.
- 8. Papers respecting M. Beauregard's claim to the rank of one of the noblesse of France,
fol. 108.
- 9. Letters patent appointing sir Leoline Jenkins judge of the Admiralty court ; 1
Oct. 1669; Orig, fol. 117.
- 10. Proposals for the marriage of Charles I. with Henrietta Maria ; Fr. fol. 118.
- 11. Neglects and other mal-administration of officers in the county of Middlesex,
city and liberties of Westminster, fol. 132.
- 12. Project of Isaac Drack for destroying enemies' ships in action; 25 Sept. 1682.
fol. 137.
- 13. Will of sir Thomas Coningsby, of Hampton Court, Hereford ; 1617 — 1625. fol. 147.
- 14. Pope Alexander VII his bull to the queen mother, Henrietta Maria, upon the marriage
of the duke of Orleans ; 16 May, au Pontif. xi. fol. 148.
- 15. Reports of cases in Doctors' Commons. ff. 149, 172.
- 16. Draft for the creation of a bishopric in Virginia, fol. 152.
- 17. Letters patent creating Edward, lord Herbert baron Beaufort of Caldecot Castle,
Monm. fol. 164.
- 18. Table of fees paid in the Consistorial court of Canterbury, fol. 177.
- 19.
"Estat de la recepte et dépence des dix huit generalités de France ou se leve la taille,
fol. 178.
- 20. Case of sir Peter Wyche, late resident at Hamburgh, 1678 — 1681. fol. 186.
- 21. Will of Mary, princess of Orange, 24 Deo. 1660. fol. 188.
- 22. Additional charter to the East India Company; 9 Aug. 34 Gar. II. fol. 212.
- 23. Articles and objections against the hospital of St. Thomas Becket, Southwark.
fol. 216.
- 24. Petition with proposals for building an hospital in the Tower Hamlets, drawn up
by Dr. Wynne, fol. 220.
- 25. Some cures for a great part of a national distemper, by Fabian Philipps, etc.
fol. 227.
Paper, in large folio, ff. 671.
Collection of miscellaneous state and other papers, of which the principal appear
to be,
- 1. Communications of letters, etc. respecting the state of the war and the contending
parties in 1676 — 1678, made by the prince Landgrave of Hesse to sir L. Jenkins ;
Fr. fol. 1.
- 2. Prince Rupert's protestation in his business with the prince Elector, 10 Oct. 1670.
Lat. fol. 123.
- 3. Letter from sir L. Jenkins upon a question of precedency between the French and
Spanish ambassador; 25 Jun. 1668. fol. 129.
- 4. State of the English affairs in Turkey at the close of the embassy of sir John
Finch, and the commencement of that of lord Chandos. fol. 131.
- 5. Account of the king's late revenue and debts found in the late archbishop of Canterbury's
study, with the lord treasurer Portland's gains by fruits, etc. ; 1634. fol. 135.
- 6. Letter from sir Jo. Werden to sir L. Jenkins upon the duke of York's resigning
all his places; 20 June, 1673. fol. 140.
- 7. Relation of the 'carriage of the marriages' that should have been made between
the prince (Charles I.) of England and the Infanta major, and also after with the
younger Infanta. fol. 141.
- 8. Proclamation of James I. assuming the title of king of Great Britain; 20 Oct. 1604.
fol. 154.
- 9. The lord Chancellor's (Clarendon) letter to the justices of the peace in England,
fol. 163.
- 10. Col. Warcupp's paper about the action of conspiracy; 28 Feb. 1680. fol. 165.
- 11. Report of the mayor and aldermen about the city orphans and state of the London
chamber; 22 Feb. 1683/4. fol. 171.
- 12. Titles and abstracts of laws enacted at Barbadoes from the 14 March, 1660/1 to
the 29 Jan. 1672. fol. 173.
- 13. Diary of Simon Dolboo, Hans Gibbon, and W. Ramsden on their voyage to Japan ;
1673. fol. 185.
- 14. Articles upon the duke of York's marriage, between the earl of Peterborough [the
duke's proxy] and the duchess of Modena ; ult. Sept. 1673. fol. 196.
- 15. Papers respecting the personal estate of the queen mother, etc. ; Fr. Eng. fol. 215.
- 16. Relation of the religious state of the people of Newfoundland, etc. ; 1671. fol.
- 17. Liberties granted to prisoners in the Tower, 1660—1662. fol. 235.
- 18. Papers touching the will of Maurice, the late prince of Orange; 1670; Fr. Eng. fol. 250.
- 19. Reasons why the Bourgeoise of Henderwyck removed the magistrates, translated by
M. Petit; Fr. 2 Apr. 1674. fol. 260.
- 20. Reports of will and other cases in the Ecclesiastical courts, fol. 266, et passim.
- 21. 'Account of records searched and perused in Hilary vacation, 1681, in the Tower,'
etc. 'in the prosecution of the Quo Warranto brought against the city of London.'
fol. 286.
- 22. List of officers given by admiral Tromp to the prince of Orange, appointed to
com- mand the fleet of the States General ; 14 March, 1683. fol. 294.
- 23. Narrative of the burning four men of war in the port of Tripoli, by admiral sir
John Newburgh; 14 Jan. 1675/6. fol. 296.
- 24. Instructions to captains Dering and Weybum, of the frigates Dover and Happy Return;
Sept. 1681. fol. 297.
- 25. Admiralty papers on various subjects, fol. 303, et passim.
- 26. Title of the city of London to the oonservacy of the Thames from Staines' bridge
to the Medway. fol. 310.
- 27. Form of proceedings at sessions held in counties, fol. 348.
- 28. The lord keeper's summons to sir L. Jenkins to attend the commission for Sept.
1670.; Orig. with papers concerning the Union, fol. 377.
- 29. Report concerning the siege of Vienna; July 21, 1683. fol. 407.
- 30. Letter from lord Anglesey touching the Jews; dat. Drury lane, Aug. 6, 1680. fol.
- 31. Articles of agreement between the gentry of Stafford for easing the expences of
the shrievalty, fol. 425.
- 32. Order of the deputy earl marshal, earl of Ailesbury, upon the irregularities in
painting and carving the coronets and armorial bearings of barons of the realm ; 30
Jun. 1682. Oriff. fol. 430.
- 33. Papers having reference to the East India Company, fol. 436.
- 34. Abstract of H. M. letters patent concerning the hospital to be founded at Chelsea
college, fol. 460.
- 35. Survey of Tangier, 1676. fol. 464.
- 36. Letter from sir W. Temple to sir L. Jenkins on the case of a Dutch Porcelaine
workman of Delft settled in England ; 22 June 1680; Orig. fol. 467.
- 37. Mr. J. Konijeck's astrological predictions for the year 1679 ; Fr. fol. 469.
- 38. Papers about the woollen trade, fol. 481.
- 39. Papers relating to the East India Company. fol. 490.
- 40. Considerations touching the new buildings to be erected in Spring Gardens; 1680/1.
fol. 517.
- 41. Letter from M. de Chastillon to sir L. Jenkins upon ways to convey intelligence
with Jersey ; Oxford, 26 Feb. 1680. fol. 519.
- 42. Papers on the fisheries, fol. 521.
- 43. Papers respecting the statutes and privileges, etc. of the University of Oxford,
fol. 538.
- 44. Lord Pembroke's decision in the case of Mr. Owen Wynne respecting his fellowship
in Jesus coUege; 1 Mar. 1661 ; Orig. with other papers having reference to that college. fol. 567.
Paper, in large folio, ff. 715.
Miscellaneous papers of sir L. Jenkins, principally during the time that he filled
the office of Secretary of state.
- 1. Letters respecting the affairs of Nimeguen ; 1679. ff. 1, 208.
- 2. Narrative of a trial, Oct. 1 , 1680, before the Vizir in the grand divan, fol.
- 3. Papers relating to the case of the English merchants in Spain ; 1681. fol. 12.
- 4.
'Pensées sur le projet de France, qui doit durer jusques au dixiéme May, 1678 ; rec.
2S Apr. de M. le Prince Lantg. de Hesse.'
fol. 46.
- 5. Letters from Paul Bycaut, employed upon a treaty of peace with Algiers, fol. 49.
- 6. Extracts from the parliament rolls in the Tower touching the protection given to
foreign ministers in this kingdom, fol. 57.
- 7. Reasons by sir Peter Wyche why there should be an English resident at Hamburg,
fol. 65.
- 8. The English ambassador's complaint to the king of France upon the aflGsurs in Canada;
Jan. 1683/4. fol. 70.
- 9. Draft of a letter tor the apprehension of three of the murderers of the archbishop
of St. Andrews, escaped into Holland, fol. 83.
- 10. Opinion upon the 16th article of the treaty of Breda, fol. 86.
- 11. Case of the Swedish merchants in the treaty between England and Sweden, fol. 90.
- 12. Papers respecting the treatment of ambassadors, etc. ff. 92, passim.
- 13. Qualifications of the prince of Denmark for the kingdom of Poland, fol. 93.
- 14. Letter from Paris upon the arrival of the duchess of York and Modena, 10 Nov.
1673. fol. 94.
- 15. Opinion of sir B. Wiseman and others on the case of three Scotch privateers under
sentence of death in Denmark, fol. 104.
- 16. Letter from the prince Landgrave of Hesse on the title of Altesse in Germany;
26 Oct. 1676. fol. 108.
- 17. Ordonnance du roy portant la resolution que sa Majeste a prise de faire la guerre
au roy de Danemarc, &c. : 28 Aug. 1676. fol. 118.
- 18. Copia guarantiæ Angliæ in favorem Ducis Holsatiæ; 1678. fol. 121.
- 19. State of the case between count Vecchio and the city of Hamburgh; Oct. 1682. fol.
- 20. Papers connected with the appointment of don Philippe de la Guera, as
'agent of Spain in England;'
1679, 1680. fol. 128.
- 21. Proposals for peace to the States from Maximilian, elector of Bavaria ; 23 Mar.
1684. fol. 140.
- 22. The French king's (Louis XIV.) letter justifying his title to Alsace; 10 Oct.
1680. fol. 144.
- 23. Letter from Stockolm upon the death of Mr. Warwick, the English ambassador; Apr.
4, 1683. fol. 149.
- 24. Papers relating to Brandenburgh and Denmark; 1679, 1682. fol. 156.
- 25. Declaration of war with England, by Louis XIV., published 27 Jan. 1666. fol. 161.
- 26. Instructions for vice-admirals, fol. 163.
- 27. Papers consisting of proposals for treaties of peace, with other letters and representations
of the various ambassadors of France, Geneva, and the States; circ. 1682. fol. 175
- 28. Treaty between England and France; 12 Feb. 1671/2; Fr. fol. 194.
- 29. Project for a treaty of commerce and navigation between England and Denmark, fol.
- 30. Projects for treaties between England and Spain, and England and the States; 1680,
1678. fol. 246.
- 31. Observations upon the project of a new treaty of commerce with Portugal, etc.
fol. 255.
- 32. Articles of the treaty between Turkey and Poland; 1678. fol. 291.
- 33. Treaties of England with the States, and between Tangier and Sally; 1677, 1676.
fol. 298.
- 34. Treatise upon the right of succession. fol. 313.
- 35. Whether a Roman catholic may join in the service of the church of England, being
required no further declaration to the prejudice of his religion, fol. 353.
- 36. Papers to prove that the provostship of Eton college is elective, and a layman
incapable, fol. 367.
- 37. Account of a disturbance in the Temple, in a letter from B. Savage to the attorney-general;
Jan. 21, 1682. fol. 373.
- 38. Cases of prizes, with other papers connected with the Admiralty, ff. 392, 446.
- 39. Narrative of the capture of three regicides at Delft, by sir G[eorge] D[owning]?
in 1662; May 6, 1680. fol. 412.
- 40. Abstract of proclamations, etc. passed in council since Sept., 1678, touching
popish recusants, with other papers respecting papists, fol. 416.
- 41. Three letters from sir Cloudesly Shovel; 1683 ; Orig. fol. 466.
- 42. Declaration of the emperor Leopold ; 20 Aug. 1673. fol: 500.
- 43. Papers relating to Jesus College, Oxford fol. 510.
- 44. Address from the University of Cambridge to Christopher, duke of Albemarle, chancellor
elect, etc. ; 1682. fol. 526.
- 45.
"L'ambassadeur pacifié representé per le discours de l'ambassadeur de France fait
au senat de la republique de Venise, l'an. 1676;"
translated from the Italian printed copy. fol. 538.
- 46. Table of new year's gifts, by Mr. Coventry, in 1679, and secretary Jenkins, in
1680, 1681. fol. 559.
- 47. Sir W. Swan his relation of his journey and residence at Dresden in 1678. fol.
- 48. Relation from Constantinople of the treats ment of the French ambassador there,
by W. Carpenter; 22 July, 1677. fol. 570.
- 49. Recommendation for a dispensation to Robert Schuldham, B. C. L., late fellow of
Grenville and Caius coll. Cambr., to be allowed to adopt the profession of physic,
with an autograph confirmation of the same to the king, by Sancroft, archbishop of
Canterbury; 14 May, 1681. fol. 624.
- 50. Table of expences and monies paid, on extraordinary occasions, etc. by the secretaries
of state Coventry and sir L. Jenkins, fol. 629.
- 51. Papers of state, consisting of conmiunioations with Spain and the Hague, etc.
; 1673, 1674. fol. 685.
Paper, in folio, ff. 450.
Collection of commissions of appointment, warrants, and other letters patent, issued
during the years 1680—1683, but principally in the last, amongst which may be found,
1. Commission of Philip, earl of Chesterfield as colonel of the Holland regiment of
foot; 6 Nov. 1682. fol. 1.
Dr. Wynne has added the note following:
"The E. of Chesterfield surrendered up this commission in some disgust for that the
regiment (being not called of guards) was not to take place as he expected."
- 2. Warrants for the execution of Algernon Sidney, the disposal of his body, etc.;
Dec. 1683. fol. 3.
- 3. Letters of pardon to Geo. Montague, esq., convicted for the murder of Lewis Brien,
a carpenter; 22 Jan. 1683/4. fol. 5.
- 4. Letters of recommendation to the warden and fellows of New college, to elect D.
Phillips a fellow ; 14 Sept. 1683. fol. 21.
- 5. Letters testimonial of the good conduct, etc. of Samuel Pepys, whilst resident
at Eman. coll., attested by Joh. Balderson, master, Jos. Barnes, and others ; 29 Nov.
1680. fol. 33.
- 6. Warrant to sir Tho. Lynch, governor of Jamaica, for the execution of a pirate;
1 July, 1682. fol. 57.
- 7. Order for the grant of the dignity of a baron to sir Francis North, lord keeper,
by the title of baron of Guilford, fol. 92.
- 8. Warrant for the apprehension of William Home, or Hume, brother to the earl of Hume,
guilty of the murder of Joseph Johnston, in the earl's house; 8 Jan. 1683/4. fol.
- 9. Papers and orders relating to the will of Dr. Harvey and to St. Bartholomew's hospital,
in London ; 1682. fol. 107.
- 10. Warrant for the apprehension of Robert Ferguson, writer of seditious and treasonable
libels ; 22 Nov. 1682. fol. 125.
- 11. Papers relating to the earl of Danby, with an orig. letter to sir L. Jenkins from
the same; 28 Feb. 1684. fol. 131.
- 12. Instructions for sir W. Stapleton, governor of the Leeward islands ; 7 May, 1683.
fol. 139.
- 13. Draft of a warrant for the apprehension of the duke of Monmouth; Sept. 1682. fol.
- 14. Order to the sergeant at arms and lieutenant of the Tower for the arrest of the
same; Sept. 1682. fol. 178.
- 15. Proclamation of Elizabeth against the printing libellous pamphlets; 13 Feb. 1588.
fol. 193.
- 16. Patent to Robert Scott for printing the works of Selden in Latin; Feb. 1675/6.
fol. 204.
- 17. Letters of recall to sir L. Jenkins and sir J. Williamson, ambassadors at Cologne
; 27 March, 1674. fol. 216.
- 18. Instructions for sir R. Southwell, ambassador to the elector of Saxony ; 21 May,
1680. fol. 230.
19. Passport for col. H. Sidney and five servants into Holland ; 4 Jan. 1681/2. fol.
Dr. Wynne has noticed,
"N. B. The duke of Monmouth went along under one of these counterfeited names."
- 20. Warrant for the apprehension of Donald Cargill and others, Scotchmen, declared
to be rebels ; 22 Jan. 1680/1. fol. 364.
- 21. Patent to David Loggan, chalcographer, for publishing his engravings on copper
of buildings in Oxford, 17 March; 1672/3. fol. 372.
- 22. Charges of the colours of the King^s and Coldstream regiments, fol. 389.
- 23. Instructions for Charies, earl of Middleton, ambassador to the emperor of Germany;
June, 1680. fol. 442.
- 24. Warrant for the apprehension of Bryan Haynes, charged with high treason; 20 June,
1681. fol. 429.
- 25. Warrant to convey to the Tower Anthony, earl of Shaftesbury ; 2 July, 1681. fol.
- 26. Warrant for the apprehension of William, lord Howard; 22 June, 1682. fol. 434.
- 27. List of books 'desired by sir William Coventry,' with a catalogue of those in
his possession. fol. 449.
Paper, in folio, ff. 623.
Collection of parliamentary papers, containing the proceedings from the journals of
both houses, notices of different bills, addresses to members, petitions, etc. ; amongst
which are found,
- 1. Articles of impeachment against Thomas, earl of Danby. fol. 19.
- 2. Petition from the Commons for the removal of chief justice Jefferies from his situations,
fol. 30.
- 3. Account of the king's (Charles II) entry into Oxford, accompanied by lord Norreys
and the gentlemen of the county, on the 16 March, 1680. ff. 37, 258.
- 4. The case and proceedings against Francis Jenks, of Cornhill ; 1676. ff. 41, 165.
- 5. Questions propounded to the lord Brooke and the lord Saie ; with the oath of the
covenanters, and
"a prophecie found in the abbey of St. Benedict, in Norfolk,"
in verse, fol. 87.
- 6. Proceedings against Edward Fitzharris at the King's Bench bar; 1681. fol. 299.
- 7. Journal of proceedings at the court at Whitehall, in a series of letters from Mr.
Benson to sir (L. Jenkins !) Jan. — Oct. 1676. fol. 458.
- 8. A similar journal in a series of letters from H. Thynne to the same; July, 1678
— July, 1679. fol. 542.
Paper, in large folio, ff. 418.
Paper, in large folio, ff. 552.
Regulations to be observed in the Ecclesiastical courts, with a collection of reports
of cases heard in them, copies of wills, (amongst which is that of archbishop Sheldon,
fol. 229,) and other papers connected with the same ; amongst which the following
have been inserted,
- a. "The union between the grandees and the noblesse of Spayn with D. Juan, to separate
that kingdom from the queen, his mother, executed in January, 1676/7; in Spanish, fol. 290.
- b.
"Letters between the court of Spain and don Juan of Austria; Dec. Jan. 1676/7"
in Spanish. fol. 292.
- c.
"Journal of the navigation of the Spanish galleons from Cadiz to the W. Indies and
1681, 1682; in Spanish, fol. 294.
- d.
"News from Madrid,"
containing a list of the ships of war belonging to Algiers and Tripoli, fol. 301.
- e. Relation from Toulon of the sea fight near Augusta, (in Sicily), 22 Apr. ; 19 May,
1676. Fr. fol. 303.
- f. Letter from the marquess of Buckingham to the lord chancellor, lord Verulam, concerning
wills; dat. Newmarket, 28 Nov. 1620; Orig. fol. 356.
- g. List of the clergy in the archdeaconry of Canterbury; Apr. 14, 1668. fol. 509.
- h. List of the exempt livings in the diocese of Canterbury, with their incumbents,
fol. 517
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 208.
Miscellaneous papers, domestic and foreign, comprising notices upon ecclesiastical
affairs, correspondence respecting the conclusion of alliances between foreign powers,
etc. ; amongst which are,
- 1. Some considerations upon a paper against the act for suppressing conventicles ;
1677. fol. 1.
- 2. Letter from — Jenkins upon the system pursued at Bordeaux with regard to their
wines; dat. Bordeaux, 9 Aug. 1657. fol. 33.
- 3. Reasons for the continuing dignitaries in new cathedrals, and for the bishops retaining
their seats in parliament, fol. 43.
- 4. Form used in consecrating the chapel in the bishop of London's residence ; Lat. fol. 79.
- 5. Conditions for a treaty between the empire and the king of France ; the king of
Denmark and Hamburgh, etc. fol. 97.
- 6.
"Relation du combat naval du port de Palermo,"
2 June, 1676. fol. 114.
- 7.
"Account of the ceremonies at his royal highnesses [James, duke of York, after- wards
James II.] marriage by proxy, 30 Sept. at Modena, 1673."
Ital. fol. 177.
- 8. Letter of Innocent XL to Henry, bishop of Anjou, 7 Apr. 1677; Lat. fol. 189.
- 9.
"Fœdus Sueco-Gallicum Parisiense;"
1672. fol. 190 b.
- 10. Act of the States General that no privateers come within their forts upon pain
of death, 22 Dec. 1677 ; in Dutch, fol. 197 b.
Paper, in folio, ff. 26 and 337.
Copies of appointments and commissions, instructions, letters credential and recredential
to ambassadors, letters of condolence, congratulation, thanks, and. on other matters
of state, from about the year 1662 to 1685; with indices prefixed.
The letters are principally dated in the two last years mentioned, and those to James
II. are upon the subject of the late king's death.
Paper, in folio, ff. 138.
Paper, in folio, ff. 168.
- 1. Copies of instructions, letters of credentials, and other letters of state, in
the years 1680, 1681 ; with a table of contents prefixed, fol. 1.
- 2. A similar collection ; dated 1679, 1680. fol. 124.
- 3. A similar collection; dated in 1675 — 1678. fol. 154 b.
- 4. The marriage contract of prince George of Denmark with the princess Anne, (afterwards
Queen.) fol. 214 b.
Paper, in folio, ff. 123.
"Foreign entries from April, 1684 to October, 1688, consisting of a similar collection
of papers to those contained in the preceding volume.
From fol. 263, however, the principal contents of the volume are commissions, warrants,
etc. issued within the kingdom in the years 1679 — 1685.
Reversing the book are found,
- a. A list of office books.
- b. Instructions to Henry, earl of St. Albans, ambassador to the king of France in
- c. Report of the commissioners from foreign plantations on the business of St. Christopher's,
at a court held at Whitehall, 8 Jan. 1675.
Paper, in folio, ff. 20 and 110.
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 170.
- 1. Copies from
"original papers about the treaty of Nimeguen, 1673."
fol. 1.
- 2. Orders concerning the apparitors of the prerogative court of Canterbury, fol. 118.
- 3. Two letters from — Carlingford, ambassador at Vienna; datt. Vienna, June, August,
1688. fol. 123.
- 4. Oratio Jo. Dolben, decan. Westmonast. ad prsesidem convocationis cleri Anglicani,
25 Nov. 1664. fol. 131 b.
- 5. Letter to the duke of York in Scotland; 8 Dec. 1680. fol. 133.
- 6. Extracts from the register of the resolutions of the lords of the States General
; Jan. 1685. fol. 138.
- 7. Opinions of sir L. Jenkins against resuming the bill touching the succession, the
marriage of minors, etc. fol. 149.
Paper, in small 4to, ff. 257.
A volume of copies of miscellaneous papers ; of which the most worthy notice appear
to be the following :
- 1. Report of the earl of Shaftesbury's case, in the King's Bench, term. Trinit. 29
Car. II. p. 9.
- 2. Schedule of books bequeathed by sir Matthew Hale to Lincoln's Inn, 3 Feb. 1676.
p. 55.
- 3. De modo convocandi clerum Angliæ ad parliamentum regis Eadwardi, filii Ethelredi
regis, p. 63.
- 4. List of papists, conformists, and non-conformists in the province of Canterbury,
p. 68.
- 5. Computations of his Majesty's revenues; Feb. 24, 1674. p. 72.
- 6. Order of council concerning the words 'bona inimicorum' in the lord admiral's patent;
with other papers and letters belonging to the same court, p. 79.
- 7. Copy of mons. de Witt^s letter to mons. Boreel, ambassador in England, concerning
striking the flag, 22 Sept. 1671. p. 112.
- 8. Rejection of M. de Bourdeaux, the French ambassador, 4 June, 1660. p. 131.
- 9. Statutes of Jesus College, Cambridge, p. 135.
- 10. Final sentence passed against count Griffenfyld ; Copenhagen, 26 May, 1676. p.
- 11. Political arithmetic, 2 Nov. 1672. p. 195.
- 12. Reflexions sur la conduite du roy de la grande Bretagne dans les dernieres guerres;
9 Feb. 1682. p. 319.
- 13. Letter from R. Cole to F. Baker, esq., English consul at Tunis; dat. Algiers,
I Feb. 1681. p. 334.
- 14. List of highwaymen, p. 342.
- 15. 'Morocco papers.' p. 349.
- 16. Some orders to be observed in the house of Peers, p. 370.
- 17. Commission for appointing sub-commissioners to inspect dilapidations; with various
other commissions, p. 420.
- 18. License of marriage to the prince and princess of Denmark, 8 Jul. 1683. p. 461.
- 19. Speech of Mr. Cox, British envoy, to the representatives of the Swiss Cantons,
Zurich, 21 Jan. 1690. p. 467.
- 20. Oath of homage, by John Lake, on his translation to the see of Chichester, p.
- 21. Letters of pardon to Henry Smith, of Bristol, convicted of piracy; 3 May, 9 Eliz.
p. 500.
- 22. Letters plenipotentiary to lord Berkely, sir William Temple, and sir Leoline Jenkins,
ambassadors at Nimeguen ; 3 Dec. 1675. Lat. p. 507.
- 23. Letters plenipotentiary to sir Leoline Jenkins, upon the recall of Mr. Hyde and
sir William Temple ; 20 Feb. 1790. p. 513.
Paper, in large folio, ff. 778.
A large collection of copies of documents, comprising ministerial appointments, commissions,
drafts of proclamations, orders of council, and other papers of a similar interest,
passing through the office of the principal Secretary of state, in the years 1675
— 1684.
There are few that appear to require a particular notice if we except the "lord ambassador
Mountague's expences, in 1677, 1678," (fol. 185,) and the king's letter to the vice-chancellor,
Dr. Halton, upon the approaching parliament to be held at Oxford ; dat. 25 Jan. 1681.
(fol. 300.)
Paper, in large folio, ff. 880.
- 1. Instructions and papers of Mr. C. Bertie, ambassador to the court of Denmark ;
1671. fol. 1.
- 2. Examination of the bishop of London for refusing to suspend Dr. Sharp for preaching
against the government; Aug. 1686. fol. 10.
- 3. Miscellaneous papers, being appointments, etc. issued from the Secretary of state
his office principally in the reign of James II. ff. 21 passim.
- 4. Orders for entering a 'nolle prosequi' in the case of Tho. Culpepper, convicted
for an assault upon William, earl of Devonshire, 19 Dec. 1685. fol. 52.
- 5. Paper respecting the claim of the French to the Hudson's bay and river, and to
Port Nelson, ff. 113, 147.
- 6. Orders to expedite the administration of justice in the court of Admiralty, fol.
- 7. Acts passed by the general assembly, James city, Virginia; 1684. fol. 153.
8. Papers of a similar character and formerly bound with those in the preceding volume
; amongst which are,
- a. Letters patent recommending Andrew Sale, D. D., to the first good deanery in Ireland,
fol. 165.
- b. Instructions for William Soame, envoy extraordinary to the duke of Savoy, fol.
- c. Additional instructions for William, earl of Inchiquin, commander-in-chief of the
city of Tangiers. fol. 360.
- d. Virginia papers, fol. 361.
- e. List of different regiments, with the names of officers attached to each, fol.
Paper, in folio, ff. 391.
Copies and drafts of state papers, principally having reference to foreign affairs.
Admiralty cases, etc., in the year 1689 ; amongst which are to be noticed,
- 1. A translate of the general conclusion agreed upon the 14 Feb. 1689, with his imperial
majesty's decree and approbation thereof, fol. 11.
- 2. Letters of William the Third to the Sultan, etc. upon his accession to the throne,
fol. 63.
- 3. 'Mr. Ricault's dispatch for Algiers,' (Charles II.) fol. 98.
- 4. Memorial to his royal highness from the Scotch boroughs concerning their privileges
in France, 1684. fol. 10a.
- 5. Complaint of lady Harvey against a priest in Paris; 4 Apr. 1683. fol. 120.
- 6. Instructions to lord Preston, ambassador to the French king. fol. 129.
- 7. Regulations for the extraordinary allowances of ministers employed abroad; Feb.
1687. fol. 150.
- 8. Letter of compliment to the king from cardinal Mazarin, 18 Oct. 1660. Orig. fol. 167.
- 9. Order of council in favor of French protestants; 1681. fol. 209.
- 10. Papers having reference to the treaty of Elizabeth with the Low Countries, in
1585. fol. 241.
- 11. Appointments of commissioners to act in the Prerogative court of Canterbury, from
the year 1384 to 1625. fol. 258.
- 12. Names of persons whose wills had been proved in the Prerogative court, 1394 —
1505 ; with other papers connected with the same court, fol. 275.
- 13. Letters of state having reference to affairs at home and abroad; 1660—1666. fol.
- 14. Letters recommending Dr. Rich. Drake, chancellor of Salisbury, to the appointment
of canon residentiary, for his exemplary conduct during the plague ; 10 Sept. 1666.
fol. 322.
- 15. Letter to the justices of the peace, in the county of Middlesex, to provide house
room for the sufferers by the fire, 5 Sept. 1666. fol. 326.
- 16. Letter from Wal. Innes to Mr. Wynne, giving an account of the Doge's audience
at Versailles ; May 15, 1685. fol. 339.
- 17. Transactions with the court of Sweden, 1680—1686. ff. 343, 385.
- 18. Letters and papers having reference to the connexion of England with Denmark,
1679 — 1686. fol. 354.
Paper, in folio, ff. 606.
Paper, in 4to, ff. 308.
A volume of miscellaneous papers, comprising copies and drafts of state tracts, petitions,
cases of complaint, appointments ecclesiastical and civil, official letters, etc.,
chiefly from the years 1680—1688.
The most worthy of notice appear to be,
- 1. Collectanea ex institutionibus de lege regia et jure principis. fol. 1.
- 2.
"Memorandums for those that goe into the countrey to dispose the corporations to a
good election for a member of parliament."
fol. 17.
- 3. Letters about receiving memorials at the Hague, 17 Sept. 1686 ; in Dutch. fol. 24.
- 4. Memoires de 1671 des moyens pour miner le commerce des Hollandois. fol. 30.
- 5. State of the revenue, containing a view of the produce of the two quarters ended
at Michaelmas, 1686, 1687. fol. 37.
- 6. Letter from lord Arlington to sir L. Jenkins, dissuading him from receiving a present
at the hands of the French minister, M. Colbert; 15 Jul. 1679. Orig. fol. 48.
- 7. The king^s letter to the bishop of London, in behalf of the French protestants;
22 Jul. 1681. fol. 58.
- 8. Warrant to sir Christ. Musgrave to take into custody a box of fire-arms seized
'during the late conspiracy.'
fol. 110.
- 9. Letter recommending to the consul at Tunis
'two gentlemen'
sent over to procure Barbary stallions; 10 May, 1683. fol. 123.
- 10. Warrant to the governor of New York for the apprehension of Col. Bacon or any
concerned in the rebellion in Virginia. fol. 129.
- 11. Draft of a letter from the king to the duke of Newburgh. Fr. fol. 165.
- 12. Instructions to admiral Herbert in the Mediterranean, with papers relating to
the peace concluded by him with the Algerines; 1682. fol. 169.
- 13. Notes of the bishop of Oxford touching the merits of the University against popery,
30 Sept. 1679. fol. 177.
- 14. Narrative of the king of Sweden's marriage; 30 Jun. 1680; Fr. fol. 183.
- 15. View of the state and interest of Sweden, from Samuel Puffendorfs introduction,
1686. fol. 191.
- 16. Abstract of the revenue in Ireland, 1685. fol. 199.
- 17. Letter from sir Jo. Williamson concerning the treatment of the Savoy minister,
28 Dec. 1681. fol. 201.
- 18. The case of H. R. H. regiment and the Scotch regiment stated as to precedency.
fol. 211.
- 19. Fees due to the lieutenant of the tower and other officers there, fol. 213.
- 20. State of parties in Germany, in an extract from a letter, fol. 219.
- 21. List of payments to be made for civil affairs, to begin from 25 March, 1676. fol.
- 22. Letters of pardon to James and Benj. Bevesham, scholars of St. Catherine's Hall,
Cambridge, convicted for taking six pounds from a butcher on the king's highway; dat.
Ch. Ch. Oxford, 15 March, 1680. fol. 242.
- 23. Letters recommending Dr. Francis Bernard for the office of physician to Bartholomew's
hospital ; 1678. fol. 246.
- 24. Warrant for the arrest of the seneschal of Hainault, coming over for the purpose
of fighting a duel with the duke of Norfolk, fol. 264.
- 25. Form of a letter to the archbishop of Canterbury to be circulated throughout that
province in behalf of Chelsea Hospital; 3 Oct. 1684. fol. 273.
- 26. Number of freeholders in England; conformists, non-conformists, and papists ;
1688. fol. 279.
- 27. Order of council forbidding communication with the duke of Monmouth ; 23 May,
1682. fol. 284.
- 28. Proclamation of the lords of the States General prohibiting the inhabitants of
the United Provinces from trading to the ports of France and Great Britain; 14 Apr.
1672. fol. 290.
Paper, in folio, ff. 84.
1. Nine proclamations issued in the years 1630 — 1643; as follow,
- a. Concerning the new buildings in the city of London; 16 July, 1630. fol. 1.
- b. For preventing the dearth of corn ; 28 Sept. 1630. fol. 17.
- c. For the better ordering of fishing; 24 May, 1631. fol. 19 b.
- d. Concerning flags for the navy, etc. ; 5 May, 1634, fol. 22 b.
- e. For the prevention of abuses in the case of informers, etc. ; 6 Sept. 1635; fol.
23 b.
- f. For the restraint of fishing without licence; 10 May, 1636. fol. 34.
- g. For the due execution of the office of clerk of the market; 9 Jul. 1636. fol. 33
- h. Concerning malsters and brewers; 9 Jul. 1637. fol. 48.
- i. To restrain all trade with the city of London and other towns now in rebellion;
7 Oct. 1643. fol. 52 b.
- 2. Of the jurisdiction of the Star Chamber, etc. fol. 57.
- 3. Proclamation for the regulation of weights and measures in the market ; 2 Feb.
1640. fol. 68.
- 4. Report of the privy council upon the revenue act relating to Jamaica; 26 Jul. 1723.
fol. 71 b.
- 5. Grant of Pennsylvania to Mr. Penn; 4 Mar. 1680. fol. 77 b.
Paper, in folio, ff. 96.
Paper, in folio, ff. 139.
Proclamations concerning weights and measures, and coin and bullion issued in the
reigns of Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I.
At the end are,
- a. Proclamation for the ease of the subjects in making their compositions for not
receiving the order of knighthood; 6 Jul. 1630. fol. 120 b.
- b. Proclamations concerning new buildings in and about the city of London. fol. 121
- c. Proclamations respecting the current money, in 1661. fol. 123.
- d. Declaration to preserve inviolable the securities given by the king for monies,
etc.; 18 June, 1667. fol. 137.
- e. Proclamation for the prosecution of all issuing brass money with private stamps;
5 Deo. 1674. fol. 138.
Paper, in folio, ff. 88, 261, 70.
Three volumes containing warrants, orders of the court of Exchequer, appointments,
expenses, lists of moneyers, and other papers concerning the mint, with a table of
contents affixed to each volume.
In the last volume, at fol. 1 16, is the appointment of Owen Wynne, esq. to the office
of warden of the Mint.
Paper, in folio, ff. 65.
"Black book," containing an account of all persons apprehended on the charge of clipping
and coining, etc. in the years 1686—1689, with their sentences attached ; and an alphabetical
list of names prefixed.
Reversing the volume, is, Mr. Wynne's account of expences (travelling and others)
in apprehending and convicting the above.
Paper, in folio, ff. 858.
"Mint papers," a collection of papers, letters, etc. connected with the Mint, principally
for the years 1686 — 1689, with a table of contents prefixed.
Paper, in folio, ff. 408.
Copies of state papers, foreign and domestic, comprising dispatches, letters of foreign
powers, reports of Admiralty and other cases, projects of treaties, etc., principally
in the years 1680—1688 ; amongst which are,
- 1. Report of the case of lord Devonshire and col. Culpepper, in the King's Bench,
fol. 5.
- 2. Short account of the English plantations in America, fol. 55.
- 3. Draft of James II.'s letter on his accession to foreign princes, fol. 63.
- 4. Copy of an address to the king sent down by the bishop of Oxford to be subscribed
by the clergy of his diocese, fol. 98.
- 6. Narrative of Howell, the king's messenger, sent to apprehend Edward Whitaker; 8
Jul. 1681. fol. 106.
- 6. Probable amount of the king's revenue for the year ending Christmas, 1687. fol.
- 7. The answer of the Vice-Chancellor and senate of Cambridge to the question why they
did not admit Alban Francis to the degree of M. A. according to the king's letters
mandatory, fol. 110.
- 8. List of the vice-admiralties in England and Wales, with the names of the vice-admirals,
fol. 119.
- 9. Report of the case of Jesus College, Oxford, against Thomas Bedford, executor of
the will of sir L. Jenkins and others, defendants; 3 Jac. II. fol. 132.
- 10. Warrant to Dr. N. Johnston for searching records, state papers, etc. in the Tower
and other offices; 15 Feb. 1687. fol. 165.
- 11. Letters from Bristol concerning Mr. Phillipps' patent for mooring vessels by chains;
1687. fol. 187.
- 12. Copies of letters from Louis XIV. to Charles II. and the duke of York upon their
restoration ; 18 Oct. 1660. fol. 205.
- 13. Particular names of some lord wardens of the Cinque Ports, and governors of Dover
Castle, fol. 211.
- 14. Papers relating to the English trade in Sweden, fol. 212.
- 15. Papers respecting the possession of Canada and Hudson's Bay, etc. ; Fr. fol. 229.
- 16. Breviat against foreign earthenwares, etc. fol. 272.
- 17. Copy of a letter from the duke of Savoy to his resident at Batisbon concerning
the marriage of the prince of Carignan ; 2 Dec. 1684; Spanish. fol. 305.
- 18. List of the king of Sweden's council; I Jan. 1688. fol. 340.
- 19. List of the earl of Macclesfield's papers, fol. 356.
- 20. Instructions, etc. for Thomas Coxe, esq., appointed envoy to the confederate states
of the Swiss Cantons, in 1689. fol. 394.
Paper, in folio, ff. 270.
A journal or narrative of the proceedings between the commissioners of England and
the States, pursuant to the treaty of peace made at Westminster, 9/19 Feb. 1673/4,
concerning a Treaty Marine to be observed throughout all the world, and also an article
particularly relating to the English and'Dutch East India Companies, concluded in
the year 1674.
Paper, in folio, ff. 38 and 118.
An abstract of our laws of Oléron, and of the laws in the Black book of the Admiralty,
and of our maritime laws amongst the acts of parliament, etc. ; comprised in an alphabetical
table, with translations of the said laws of Oléron, and those in the Black book most
humbly dedicated to the Rt. Hon. Sir Leoline Jenkins, Bt., etc., by Tho. Bedford.
Prefixed is an alphabetical index to Admiralty papers.
Paper, in folio, ff. 96.
Reports of cases and other papers in the high court of Admiralty, and in the court
of Appeals, concerning prize business, with tables of contents prefixed and subjoined.
Paper, in folio, ff. 104.
- 1. Notes (by sir L. Jenkins!) upon a work on civil and canon law, in three volumes,
p. 1*.
- 2. Lectiones (ejusdem!) dejudiciiset processu judiciario. p. 5.
- 3. Rules to be observed by the proctor of the Arches' court of Canterbury, signed
by the judge advocate and the proctors; Term. Michael.; 1684. p. 99.
- 4. Extracts out of the Arches' book of muniments, beginning in February, 1662, and
ending in February, 1688/9. p. 115.
- 5. Proceedings of the commissioners appointed to inspect all ecclesiastical afiairs,
persons. etc. against the lord bishop of London; 1686. p. 149.
- Reversing the volume are a few notes upon different Will cases.
Paper, in folio, ff. 116.
Copies of letters of form and compliments, recommendatory of ambassadors, etc. from
Charles the Second to foreign princes, from May, 1680, to April, 1684.
Reversing the volume are,
Copies of letters congratulatory, and others of foreign princes to Charles II., from
July, 1680, to March, 1684.
Paper, in folio, ff. 24 and 821.
Register of papers and records contained in the preceding volumes, with an alphabetical
index prefixed.
Paper, in folio, ff. 128.
Register of bills, etc. passed in the houses of parliament in the years 1571, 1572,
1575, 1580, 1603 — 1606, arranged under subjects with an alphabetical table prefixed.
Paper, in 4to, ff. 27.
Collection of passes or passports granted to and by English ambassadors at Cologne
in 1673, and Nimeguen, 1676 — 1678.
Paper, in folio, ff. 152.
- 1. Various papers respecting the dispute between the English and Dutch East India
Companies concerning Bantam, 168s — 1686. fol. 1.
- 2. Notes of different cases carried on in the court of Doctors' Commons, especially
referring to that of the bishop of St. Davids; 1699. fol. 37.
Reversing the Volume,
- 3. An account of the proceedings of the commissioners, lords Halifax, Nottingham,
and Oodolphin, appointed to treat with the prince of Orange, containing the instructions
from the king, and the passes granted by either party, 1-10 December, 1688.
Paper, in large folio, ff. 106.
Index to the contents of ten 'council books,' beginning with Henry the Eighth's Will,
and ending June 26, 1582.
Paper, in large folio, ff. 98.
Catalogue of books, tracts, parliamentary papers, speeches, etc., (deposited in the
State Paper office!) arranged according to their subject matter with the press, shelf
or book mark to each volume annexed, chiefly in the handwriting of Dr. O. Wynne.
Paper, in folio, ff. 132 ; written by different hands.
- 1.
"A book of the oaths of the several officers public and private,"
with an index, fol. 1.
- 2. Charter of the Grammar School of Abergavenny, Co. Monmouth ; dat. 34 H. VIII Lat. fol. 42.
- 3.
"The begynninge and oyer in Leet and in Court Baron."
fol. 49.
- 4. A list of the patent officers of the customs in the port of London, and the several
out ports in England and Wales, with their yearly salaries, fol. 56.
- 5. A schedule of the names of such persons as voluntarily took the oaths of fidelity
and allegiance in pursuance of an act of Parlia- ment made in 3 Will, and Mary,
"entituled an act for raiseing money by a poll, payable quarterly for one yeare, for
carrying on a vigorous warr against France."
fol. 58.
- 6. Reports of various cases in the Star Chamber, temp. Eliz. and James I. fol. 75.
- 7. The most humble declaration of Nicholas Murford, gent, concerning the making Salt
here in England, fol. 101.
- 8.
"The port of London ; Quarter Sallaries at Christmas, 1688."
fol. 108.
Paper, in 4to, ff. 110; containing several tracts written by different hands.
- 1.
"Placita coronæ, or Crimina læsæ majestatis."
fol. 1.
- 2.
Præfectus serarii ; a collection out of the office of his Majesties papers for busines of state of
diverse especiall matters conceminge the office of the Lord Threasurer and all offices
in the Exchequer under him."
fol, 24.
- 3. A list of persons filling
"diverse offices in the citty of London."
fol. 53.
- 4. Articles preferred and charged by [George Digby], earl of Bristol against the duke
of Buckingham. fol. 65.
- 5.
"The earl of Shaftsbury's case on Habeas Corpus; 1677."
fol. 69.
- 6.
"Charge against Lionell, lord Cranfeild. lord Middlesex and lord high Treasurer, about
18 yer of king James, anno Domini 1620, and his answears in the upper house of Parliament."
fol. 80.
Deputation from [Camden] Clarencieux king of arms to John Newman, to visit the churches
in the counties of Northampton, Huntingdon, Cambridge, Suffolk and Norfolk, and see
the arms of the queen duly painted. Dat. 1 Feb. 40 Eliz.
Deputation from William Camden, Clarencieux king of arms, to Samuel Tompson, Windsor
herald, and Augustine Vincent, Rouge-croix, to visit in his stead the counties of
Surrey and Sussex, the city of Chichester, and the borough of Southwark. Dat. 15 Feb.
With seal.
Deputation from sir John Borough, garter, and sir Richard St. George, clarencieux,
kings of arms, to George Owen Yorke, herald of arms, and Henry Lyly, Rouge rose, poursuivant
of arms, to visit in the counties of Worcester and Hereford. Dat. 1 Feb. 1634.
With seal.
Commission of Charles the Second to Christopher, duke of Albemarle, and John, duke
of Lauderdale, knights of the order of the garter, to instal Henry, duke of Newcastle,
and Thomas, earl of Danby, knights companions of the said order. Dated 9 April, 1677.
With seal of the order.
Letters patent of Charles II. empowering sir Henry Dethick, Clarencieux king of arms,
to visit in the south, east and west parts of the realm, from the river Trent southwards.
Dat. 24 June, 1680.
With seal.
An inspeximus of the enrolment of the patent of the commission of visitation granted
to Henry St. George, knight, Clarencieux king of arms exemplified at the request of
the said Henry St. George, knight. Dated 28 June, 1681.
With seal.
Commission to sir Henry St. Greorge, knight, Clarencieux king of arms, to visit the
south and west of England ; dated 13 May 1686 ; the writing nearly obliterated.
With great seal of James II.
Deputation from sir Henry St. George, Clarencieux king of arms, of the south, east,
and west parts of the realm of England, south of the river Trent, to Henry Dethick,
Rich- mond herald, and Gregory King, Rouge-dragon, appointing them to visit in his
name the counties of Leicester, Warwick, Glocester, Worcester, Hereford and Monmouth.
Dat. 16 April, 1683.
With seal.
A parchment roll containing,
"The genealogie, descent and armes"
of the family of Freeman, of Ebrighton, co. Gloucest., etc., from the time of Henry
the Sixth to Charles the Second,
"trulie transcribed out of the Visitation bookes of London and Worcestershire, made
in the yeares 1633 and 1634, and examyned and compared with diuers originall deedes
belonginge to this familie, nowe in the custodie of York herald."
Signed by Hen. St. George, Norroy kinge of armes; Geo. Owen, Yorke herald ; Hen.
Lilly, Rouge-rose.
An Arabic manuscript in folio, containing 106 leaves, in the handwriting of William Guise, A. M., formerly fellow of All Souls.
The volume is thus described,
"Canon seu rectificatio Terrarum regis fortis principis
γῆς Hamath; est scilicet geographia, auctore Abul Pheda Ismaele filii
γοῦ Almelec Al Naser."
After which occurs the note following,
"Geographia Abulfedæ, principis Hanæ in Syria, celebratissimæ apud Orientales famæ,
propria D. Gulielmi Guisii, A. M. et splendidissimi collegii Omnium Animarum, Oxon.,
non ita pridem Socii, manu ex manuscriptis codicibus simul collatis accurate descripta:
quam Latina versione doctisque commentariis elucidandam, ni mors acerba intervenisset,
prelo destinavit. Ut memoria mariti sui in omne ævum derivaretur, egregium hoc illius
ingenii, eruditionis et industriæ monimentum, cum id reverendo D. custodi clarissimisque
sociis non ingratum fore intellexerit, in ejusdem collegii archivis reponi, proprio
erga defunctum affectu, summa cum animi promptitudine impense voluit Francisca Guisia."
A Persian manuscript, on glazed paper, in folio, ff. 487, illustrated with many rich
illuminations; formerly belonging to W. Lushington.
Shah Naméh, or an abridged history of the kings of Persia, in verse, by Ferdoussi.
Prefixed to the volume is the note following,
"This curious MS. is entitled Shah Naméh, or the book of kings, by Ferdoussi, usually
called the Persian Homer. It was purchased for one hundred guineas at Muxadabad, by
William Lushington, esq. of the East India Company, and given by him to his brother,
Stephen Lushington, esq., one of the proctors of the Court of Arches; who thinking
it well deserving of a place in some public and learned collection, presented it to
All Souls' College to be deposited in the Codrington Library, April ii, 1776.
Tho. Bever.
For a further account of this work v. Bibliot. Oriental. de Herbelot, under the words
Ferdoussi and Shah Naméh."
There is a date on the last page of the 988th year of the Hegira, [1588].
A Persian manuscript, in large folio, ff. 206, illustrated with many highly colored
illuminations; formerly belonging to Reginald Heber, bishop of Calcutta.
The Shah Naméh by Ferdoussi.
Prefixed is the note following,
"This copy of the Shah Naméh of Firdusi was given by his highness the Maha-rajah,
Sya-Jee, Gui-cowan, rajah of Bacoda and Cattywâr, etc. etc., to Reginald Calcutta,
March 24, 1825."
A Persian manuscript, on glazed paper, divided into two volumes, ff. 277 and 262.
"The life of Timour, (improperly called Tamerlane,) from the seventh to the seventy-fourth
year of his age, written by himself. A Persian MS. translated from the Mogul."
"Of this work only one more copy is known to exist in Europe, which is in the possession
of the Rev. J. White, professor of Arabic. See a full account of the life of Timour,
written by himself, in Mr. Davy's letter prefixed to the institutes, political and
military, of Timour, etc., printed in 4to at the Clarendon in 1783; p. xxii."
A Persian manuscript, in small 4to, ff. 87.
- 1. Rubáy át. Miscellaneous stanzas, by Amr Khayám and other poets.
- 2. Reply to critical objections to the first volume of Shah Kama, (printed in Calcutta,)
in a dialogue between Maulavi Rashid and Maulavi Allah-dad.
A Persian manuscript, on paper, in 4to, ff. 150; formerly belonging to F. R. Davidson.
Kissa-i-Chuhar Durvesh: Tales of the four Dervises.
A Persian manuscript, on differently colored paper, in small folio, ff. 157.
A collection of tales; intitled, Tooti Namah; Tales of a Parrot.
A manuscript in the Tenugu or Telugu character, written upon one hundred and forty,
three palm leaves.
A Roll of vellum, containing, The Alcoran; in Arabic.
A Roll made, as it appears, from the bark of a tree; containing, The Markañdéya Purana,
a system of Hindu mythology; in Sanscrit.